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Big Brother round up from day 17


Housemates are gathered on the sofas and Big Brother announces that after 3hrs 48mins the new rule that housemates must not discuss nominations was broken.

Big Brother recounts an incident from the previous night in which Caroline remarks about Becky: ‘She’s so annoying’ and Conor adds: ‘She’ll be up (for eviction) so many times.’

As a result of the rule-break, Housemates will have no hot water with immediate effect.

Caroline and Conor apologise to the Housemates, but Benedict isn’t happy and firmly tells Caroline: ‘No you’re not (sorry) because you bitch about people all the time, you’ve been incredibly nasty.’

Caroline tells Becky: ‘I am really sorry.’

A hurt Becky replies: ‘Maybe you should have said to me that ‘I’m irritated by you’…it’s two-faced and I just don’t find it very nice.’

Ashleigh doesn’t like the way Benedict has just reacted and says to him: ‘You need to shut up once in a while and keep your opinions to yourself.’



Sara is consoling Becky in the bathroom.

An upset Becky says: ‘I feel really shit…I’d rather her not be so nasty.’

Lauren is in the Diary Room and talks to Big Brother about how two-faced Caroline is. She says: ‘I’m really glad you played it, at least now people can see through it…you’ve caused a right stir.’

Caroline goes to make peace with Benedict and says to him: ‘I’ve taken it into consideration and think you’re completely right…I think I’ve come across as if I’m so ungrateful for everything my parents have done and I’m not. I respect you so much for saying that to my face.’



Caroline tries to make amends with Becky and offers to give her her alcohol.

Becky turns down the offer and replies: ‘I’m not your mate for another hour or so’ and walks off.

Later, Big brother calls Benedict and Lauren to the Diary Room.

As both Housemates are facing eviction this week, Big Brother wants to give them the opportunity to ensure that they leave (if evicted) a legacy in the Big Brother House.

Lauren, as a world class Karate champion, will be holding a martial arts master class in the garden for the three Housemates of her choice.

Benedict, as a teacher and porn actor, will be giving a sex education lecture in the living area for three Housemates of his choice.

They will both choose three people that they feel will benefit most from their lessons.

Lauren chooses Arron, Becky and Deana to mentor, whilst Benedict picks Scott, Caroline and Sara as his three students.

After their lectures, Big Brother will call them both back to the Diary Room. If Big Brother feels that they have performed well, by doing a good job of mentoring their chosen three housemates, then they will be rewarded with drinks.

As she starts her class, Lauren says to her students: ‘Karate is about respect, discipline and control.’

Benedict starts his class and says that by the end of it he wants his students to be able to ‘talk frankly and openly about sex.’



The premium shopping has arrived and Luke S is in charge of putting it away.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Shievonne and Ashleigh are discussing Adam’s proposal.

Shievonne says: ‘I don’t know why I’m so jarred…he’s nice, too nice for me, well not too nice…I think he might feel a bit embarrassed.’

Ashleigh tells her: ‘I think you’re attracted to him, you’re in denial, there’s something there.’



Luke S won some protein powder after successfully completing his shopping task, but last night Benedict decided to spice things up by secretly adding some curry powder to the tub of protein.

Luke S is not best pleased and says: ‘I swear to god, if I saw anyone doing this I’d kick their f****** face in.’



Conor and Luke S are discussing the curry powder scandal, and Conor says to Luke S: ‘I think it was Benedict.’

Luke S says it feels as if all his cleaning up around the house is totally unappreciated.

This is relayed to Benedict who is out in the pool: ‘What’s he done more than anyone else?’



Benedict and Luke A are still talking about the hot topic of the day and Benedict is not letting on it was him

Luke A says: ‘It’s bloody genius.’

Out in the smoking area, Luke S says it’s ‘twisted’ that somebody would have done that.

Scott thinks that maybe it was ‘someone who was jealous’ that Luke S had the protein powder.

Caroline has her own suspicions and thinks it was Deana: ‘She’s a dark horse, it’s definitely Deana…no-one else in this house who would have done it. I’m 100% certain.’



Lydia has cooked Spaghetti Bolognese and all the Housemates, apart from Lauren, are sat at the table eating.

Deana leans across Adam to reach the salt, which he thinks is rude, and Deana announces: ‘Adam was acting like he was on his period today.’

Lydia thinks that kind of talk is disrespectful at the dinner table, especially as she’s cooked the food.

Deana gets wound up by Lydia and says: ‘Lydia, you’re so over sensitive, bloody hell.’

Luke A escapes to the Diary Room to get away from the tension: ‘It’s horrible out there.’

In the bedroom, Lydia and Deana are talking.

Deana says to Lydia: ‘We’re supposed to be friends.’

Lydia is clearly still wound up and says: ‘You can’t play mind games with me.’

Deana is flabbergasted: ‘You’re so harsh, Lydia, you haven’t you got a heart.’

Lydia disagrees: ‘Ask people in here, they’d say I’m very caring.’



In the living area, Sara and Arron are talking about how they didn’t get on in the first couple of weeks but now they do like each other.

Sara says to him: ‘I genuinely really like you.’

Arron replies: ‘I think you’re a cool girl…honest, open. I find it comforting.’

Their bonding continues and the models take to the ‘catwalk’, down the middle of the living area.

Luke S decides he wants to take to the runway as well.

Luke A continues to find himself wound up by Luke S and says: I’m not even going to f****** watch.’

           THE END

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by erinp:

Not surprised he is out ,he is not what BB want .Challenging the HMS and calling people out .BB want showmance.I will be watching Lauren and Aron now, I think thats the next showmance .

What do you know .The HMs are saying there is a new romance in the house .Lauren/Arron !


Big Brother Live@BBUKLive

          1.12am: Is there a new romance brewing between Arron and Lauren? The HMs seem to think so...


I found 5 on demand channel on my bedroom TV last night so was having a peek at some I missed (fell asleep so didn't get to see much), Mr L had his back to the tv,could hear but couldn't see,he piped up that sounds like a line up from The Muppet Show,tbf he's not far wrong.

Originally Posted by erinp:



Lydia has cooked Spaghetti Bolognese and all the Housemates, apart from Lauren, are sat at the table eating.

Deana leans across Adam to reach the salt, which he thinks is rude, and Deana announces: ‘Adam was acting like he was on his period today.’

Lydia thinks that kind of talk is disrespectful at the dinner table, especially as she’s cooked the food.

Adam is right. Good table manners dictate that you ask for something to be passed to you, if it is out of your immediate reach. You do not stretch across people or other items on the table to get what you want.


Deana's remark was a bit stupid, IMO.


Lydia's was even more so. What's who cooked the food got to do with whether the type of talk was disrespectful or not?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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