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hiya all. It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since she came home. The surgery went well and they said they got all the tumor. The procedure was called a Whipple ( for those of you who want to know the details). Times have been very rough since she came home, sickness after eating- she has to take a tablet after every meal to help to digest it. Monday i had to call 999 as she said she could not get her breath- turned out to be a panic attack but i was worried sick. Like i said times are rough at the moment both for her and me. Am doing all the washing cleaning hanging washing out folding it when dry and making meals for her -- something new for me but i will do anything for her to ensure she makes a full recovery. I love her so much and to see her like this really gets me down. I will cope though and we will come through this stronger.

Sorry for the long post but needed to get it off my chest.

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Thanks all for the replies. She has to see the oncologist about chemo in July -assuming she is well enough to attend. This has to be the worst thing we have ever had to go through but according to to the surgeon and her GP it is not terminal. Thank god for that and i just hope for better times to come as it is taking its toll on all the family. Thanks again for the replies and hope you dont mind me keeping you all up to date as it is a great help to be able to get support from friends on this forum.

going to bed now- am knackered tonight.


Hilary I wish your partner a speedy and full recovery, sending positive thoughts to her and you....Is she on Creon?,if so at next appointment with her surgeon if she feels they're not working well tell him and they may tell her to take 2 with meals and prescribe an anti emetic also.They may also send her to see a dietician as there will be some foods she will have to limit,dairy but especially cheese being one,It is a terrible time for her yes but if it's not terminal she WILL make a full recovery from her surgery ,honestly she will get there.


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