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Any good feelings I had for Benedict have just about left the building


His ex-girlfriend was spot on when she said he was condescending.

That is exactly how I would descibe him. I watched him last night as others spoke to him.


Condescending / patronising / arrogant ... yup that just about sums him up. Good looks or no good looks ... I couldnt care less now


I've turned my attentions to Luke S although he's way too young for me .... but who cares

Originally Posted by Angel:

Any good feelings I had for Benedict have just about left the building


His ex-girlfriend was spot on when she said he was condescending.

That is exactly how I would descibe him. I watched him last night as others spoke to him.


Condescending / patronising / arrogant ... yup that just about sums him up. Good looks or no good looks ... I couldnt care less now


I've turned my attentions to Luke S although he's way too young for me .... but who cares


I actually am warming to Luke S  and havnt written Conor off yet either 


you can see I am still 100% undecided on anyone yet cant you   

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Sorry I'm a bit late but can I join his bawdiness????? 

yes Pengy just jump in - no numbers here 


I realise he is a controversial character so any support in here is welcome   and not tying any one down to not being able to change their mind 


That's two of you then!

Originally Posted by maggiep:

A long way to go yet,sticking with Benny at the moment,but if he does anything unforgivable Connor will be the one for me,sick of hearing/reading he is like Jay,he is nothing like him,took being up for eviction well and i don't think he has made me cringe once.


Still, don't think you'll be needing an abacus any time soon Mrs H!



bumping from the celler 


still flying way too low but I think he will while there are so many youngsters and silliness going on IMHO 


from last nights tweets I gather he isnt popular with some of the younger ones as I think this is the teacher in him coming out but read my OP and it isnt surprising from what he said 


any way - really popped in to post these what I found floating on my FB travels 









Originally Posted by MrsH:


bumping from the celler 


still flying way too low but I think he will while there are so many youngsters and silliness going on IMHO 


from last nights tweets I gather he isnt popular with some of the younger ones as I think this is the teacher in him coming out but read my OP and it isnt surprising from what he said 


any way - really popped in to post these what I found floating on my FB travels 









Really like the bottom one Mrs H,




he might just make tomorrow;s highlights 


lunchtime today 


Day 12: Benedict gets gossiped about




Ooft! Scott, Becky and Deana got their gossip on even though they're still shaking off their sleepy heads.

Gossip is an integral part of life in the Big Brother House. It's no surprise that with the second eviction over and two weeks in, that everyone is starting to identify (and moan about) each other's character flaws.  Right, let's get to it. Deana is annoyed with Benedict because when she said that she wanted to "marry a man with a good job", he twisted her words and made her sound like a gold digger. The lads started making gold-digger jokes. Poor Deana. That would make for a forgettable version of Kanye's song: "She ain't nothing but a (*deep breath*) girl-who-wants-to-marry-a-man-with-a-good-job.." Deana doesn't feel she has bonded with him, but that could equally be her fault, she wasn't exactly a social butterfly when she started out in the House, was she?

Twisting the already deep knife Deana said, "he preaches too much and uses his knowledge to feel superior". Yowzers!  Scott admits that Benedict makes him feel uncomfortable. Last night Scott said he witnessed Benedict lose his composure, getting visibly angry ("how can anyone be so angry all the time, he doesn't seem real to me at all"), so Scott just walked off.

This is typical. You would think Benedict would be gutted to hear this. Then again, maybe he wouldn't give a monkeys? What do you think of Benedict? Are Deana, Scott and Becky being too harsh?





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