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This ^^^     she does it ALL the time.    Stop staring like a lunatic and shut your gob for a minute (that might also reduce the volume to an acceptable level.)   Everytime she does that wide eyed innocent surprised look I want to poke her in one of those eyes.


I've just started watching last night's show, so she may be a nice person - her face makes me want to throw things though.

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Originally Posted by Supes:

Ha Ha, she is somewhat OTT Kaffs, but I think I may grow to like her once she calms down a bit, at least she seems q 'real,' what you see seems to be what you get and she is unlikely to get in with the 'pretty boys'/ 'in crowd' /have a showmance.

I just hope she does, supes.    Like i say, apart from being loud she's not done anything not to like, I just want to stick a fork in her eye when I see that face.    It's just so.... am/dram 'Dorothy lands in Oz' overdone 'surprise'    Maybe I'm just grumpy cos it's Monday morning though. 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Ha Ha, she is somewhat OTT Kaffs, but I think I may grow to like her once she calms down a bit, at least she seems q 'real,' what you see seems to be what you get and she is unlikely to get in with the 'pretty boys'/ 'in crowd' /have a showmance.

I just hope she does, supes.    Like i say, apart from being loud she's not done anything not to like, I just want to stick a fork in her eye when I see that face.    It's just so.... am/dram 'Dorothy lands in Oz' overdone 'surprise'    Maybe I'm just grumpy cos it's Monday morning though. 

I agree with you, Kaffy - and I'm not grumpy this morning.

If she could stop all the stupid faces and quieten down, she might become bearable.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Ha Ha, she is somewhat OTT Kaffs, but I think I may grow to like her once she calms down a bit, at least she seems q 'real,' what you see seems to be what you get and she is unlikely to get in with the 'pretty boys'/ 'in crowd' /have a showmance.

I just hope she does, supes.    Like i say, apart from being loud she's not done anything not to like, I just want to stick a fork in her eye when I see that face.    It's just so.... am/dram 'Dorothy lands in Oz' overdone 'surprise'    Maybe I'm just grumpy cos it's Monday morning though. 

I agree with you, Kaffy - and I'm not grumpy this morning.

If she could stop all the stupid faces and quieten down, she might become bearable.

Sadly, I'm not sure I can see it happening, Yogi.  


*sharpens fork*


then we won't see her in the HL show...we won't see anyone who behaves normally. . we won't see any of their normal moments.. only positive is that after a couple of weeks they settle down cos they can't keep the madness up for ever. .


Am really hating the edited stuff now.. can't understand how anybody could  follow this show for so many years only watching the HL shows   without actually getting to know the people properly. .i.e. listening [or reading about it on forums from those with LF]  to their daily convo's about mundane stuff, see who helps out and who doesn't. and stuff like that . it  gives a more rounded insight. . and some interesting stuff always came out in general chit chat that never made HL shows..


I watch enough Towie like things as it is, BB was meant to be different. .they don't need to live in the house, it's pointless from a viewers point of view..  :disapp

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

then we won't see her in the HL show...we won't see anyone who behaves normally. . we won't see any of their normal moments.. only positive is that after a couple of weeks they settle down cos they can't keep the madness up for ever. .


Am really hating the edited stuff now.. can't understand how anybody could  follow this show for so many years only watching the HL shows   without actually getting to know the people properly. .i.e. listening [or reading about it on forums from those with LF]  to their daily convo's about mundane stuff, see who helps out and who doesn't. and stuff like that . it  gives a more rounded insight. . and some interesting stuff always came out in general chit chat that never made HL shows..


I watch enough Towie like things as it is, BB was meant to be different. .they don't need to live in the house, it's pointless from a viewers point of view..  :disapp

so true 


Monday nom cams - who does the shopping list - who prepares and cooks- what they cook - how they eat i.e slobbing or sitting together round the table - even washing the clothes 


I really want to make my own mind up not rely on the very small limited info ch5 provides us ..........  they really dont understand the need true die hard BB fans have for every scrap of info


take us back to live feed and the LUT threads hey Olly   



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