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Did anyone watch this programme last night ? ..... My goodness, these girls aren't stupid are they?


It raised all kinds of moral questions for me.


Who in thier right mind would encourage their young daughter to do this sort of thing? .... It beggared belief imo. How could a girl feel empowered by using he looks / body, to gain "gifts" from generous benefactors ?


Danica was the only one who I thought got it right. Only internet chatting. Nothing sexual. Never meets the guy. She was an absolute stunner I thought but I suppose even that doesn't make it right. There must be some right sad sap fellas out there with more money than sense

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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
I watched a bit of it. I just wonder how those blokes all feel, after watching it! 

bloody foolish I reckon. What's that saying? .... oh yeah, "a fool and his money are soon parted" .... certainly true in this case. What was the betting that the guy Janette met in New York was married. I notice he didn't want his identity revealed, I wonder why ?


....if I'm correct. There's a guy I was/am friends with, (house shared with at Uni, back in the day,) from a v wealthy/ successful family, but, tbh, he was not attractive to look at by anyones standards. However, he had loaddssa money, drove a v flash car, had a public school education blah, blah, blah. He was/is a really nice bloke but OMG, he never got real about women who would be attracted to him: totally taken in by 'looks' and a sitting target for gold-diggers.  There is/was a bit of me that always wanted to say "take a bloody look at yourself, as if she would be interested in you, she's obviously only interested in your wallet"  but one really can't be that cruel. Three marriages later and with  hindsight, maybe I should have been cruel to be kind


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