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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I too have a list.










Charley Uchea (she made me stop watching that year)


Charlie Drummond


Dave Vaughan









Michelle Bass


John James

Mickey Hughes

Mario and Lisa

Kate Lawler



That's just off the top of my head. There are more.

everyone on this list except Kate Lawler - I kinda like her 

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

NIORIN - i utterly hated her !!!!

Amma - absolutely nothing to like

Leah - fake tan, bleach blonde, carrot gobbler. Horrid 


Maxwell and Rex - total knobs

I think Amma was the one that made me so mad that I came in search of a place to rant and found this place, horrible person, made a corkscrew look straight.


Aside from obvious ones like Alexandra and Dennis I would go for 


Charley -show ruiningly awful


Luke - so snidey and a whinger!


Dale- not too bad on the show, but his booing of Rachel during the reunion show made me


Nikki- strange one this, as I found her entertaining for a week or two, but then found her selfish ways intolerable. After the show I found out more about her and became more sympathetic towards her. By the time of UBB, I quite liked her as she had grown up a little. 


Maxwell and Saskia-horrible pair who deserved one another.


Craig Coates- just plain creepy. Entertaining though!


John James- always tended to pick fights with the women of the house and one of the bitchiest men ever on the programme. His nightly bitch-fests with Keeva, made me fume!


That idiot off of Towie (the male one)- dumped his girlfriend in the hope of a headline grabbing house-romance and  was awful towards Georgia.


Lisa (BB7) potty-mouthed, and too loud. Her aggressive defence of the indefensible (Grace) and her statement on BBLB that she would punch Ash if she got back into the house definitely raise my blood-boilingometer!



Niki Grahame


John James was a 1st class p***k


Josie was an utterly boring idiot housemate who thought she was the centre of the universe.  A self righteous housemate who promoted her calculated showmance with knuckle-dragging Shirley from EastEnders moron JJ at every given opportunity to monopolise attention and airtime.  She was a housemate that went from being my favourite to me hating everything she said.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:


John James was a 1st class p***k


 Oh yes, indeed he was

I am amazed that there is still a thread dragging on on DS about JJ and Josie can you believe it?

No I can't Squiggle. I can't imagine what they are posting about them...or maybe I can!

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:


John James was a 1st class p***k


 Oh yes, indeed he was

I am amazed that there is still a thread dragging on on DS about JJ and Josie can you believe it?

Their appreciation threads are the most active over there as well. The JJJ 'phenomenon' did seem to draw people in who had never had much interest in BB before, so they obviously connected with people. Not with me though!


Most of the HMs who made me seethe have already been mentioned, although TBF there were quite a few who simply shouldn't have been in the house in the first place. 

Of those who don't deserve the benefit of the doubt (IMO), here are a few stand-outs (in no particular order):


Charley (BB8) - Like quite a few FMs, I found that Charley literally made the show unwatchable. I genuinely switched over several times when she went into her "verbal diarrhea" routine. Also the way she would tell lies to turn the rest of the group against a HM could get really nasty at times.


Maxwell/Saskia - I can never think of these two as individuals. Horrible combination.


Luke - Staggering to think that he was one of the top 3 favourites to win for much of BB9. 


Kenneth Tong - Probably the only HM I loathed even more after he left the house. I was never a fan of Karly, but the public release of nude pictures of her by Ken was unforgivable. One of the very few people from any walk of life I'd happily punch - bodyguards or not...


Grace - I know some found it amusing in hindsight, but the water-throwing incident was pretty horrible at the time - one of the few BB moments that had me literally shouting at the telly. The vendetta she maintained against Susie outside the house (repeatedly calling her a prostitute in public until forced to stop by legal threats) was also just plain nasty.


Jay McKray - A difficult one this, but I think he warrants an entry. A lot of people (quite rightly) considered Maxwell's "scabgate" incident nauseous, but Jay's scatological obsession took "nausea-inducing" to a whole new level. Almost certainly the most disgusting HM ever.  

Eugene's Lair

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