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Actress who won Bafta for portrayal of young offender drunkenly assaulted and racially abused taxi driver


A Bafta-winning actress lauded for her portrayal of a young offender was herself sentenced to community service yesterday for a drunken racial assault on an Asian taxi driver.

Lauren Socha, 21, who played foul-mouthed Kelly Bailey in the Channel 4 show Misfits, admitted she hit Sarkander Iqbal in the face while screaming racist abuse after a nine-hour wine and lager binge in October.

She was handed a four-month suspended jail sentence and will have to do 80 hours’ unpaid work – a similar sentence to the one her character faced in Misfits.  

After yesterday’s hearing, Mr Iqbal described the attack in which Socha called him a ‘Paki’ and threatened: ‘You don’t know who I am.’


I liked her in Misfits but felt the last series was much poorer than the first two.  Ironic that her Misfits 'youth offending chav' character is far more likeable than the real life person.


Can't imagine this will go down very well at C4/E4, with one of the actresses in their top critically acclaimed multicultural youth dramas is a foul mouthed, scummy racist.

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I gave up on Misfits after the Nazi one, which was pathetic compared to how well written the previous series were.  I don't know if it improved but the Nazi one was just so bad.  I think I've still got the recordings so it might have improved.  Apparently she left by mutual agreement after the last series but I can't see her getting much work now.


Series 3 was a bit duff, although the final couple of episodes were an improvement.


I'll remain open minded about the new cast, although Kelly was my favourite character. If Being Human can do it, then hopefully MisFits can too.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Series 3 was a bit duff, although the final couple of episodes were an improvement.


I'll remain open minded about the new cast, although Kelly was my favourite character. If Being Human can do it, then hopefully MisFits can too.

I agree on Being Human.  A series that loses all its main characters (except Annie) but is still just as good is quite an achievement. The new 'Annie' character (can't recall her name) seems like a good replacement for Annie as well.


Kelly was a good character and it's strange that how I would imagine the actress as a refined, middle class version of her character while in reality, the actress seems to be a much scummier version of her character.  I suppose most of us all have our obnoxious 'moments' when we've had a skinful, but  you wouldn't come out with racist abuse like that unless you (secretly) held those views.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've never watched any of Misfits, but a nine hour binge on wine And lager, I'm impressed, I can manage about 2 hours of drinking wine these days.



To be fair, she didn't exactly come out of it with her dignity intact.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've never watched any of Misfits, but a nine hour binge on wine And lager, I'm impressed, I can manage about 2 hours of drinking wine these days.



To be fair, she didn't exactly come out of it with her dignity intact.

I don't either after the 2 hours 


It's my age I know. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've never watched any of Misfits, but a nine hour binge on wine And lager, I'm impressed, I can manage about 2 hours of drinking wine these days.



Misfits was very good in its first two series.  Hopefully it will return to form in the next series.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I gave up on Misfits after the Nazi one, which was pathetic compared to how well written the previous series were.  I don't know if it improved but the Nazi one was just so bad.  I think I've still got the recordings so it might have improved.  Apparently she left by mutual agreement after the last series but I can't see her getting much work now.

Oh i totally agree! I stuck with it though.


Lol @ the OP, so she's not a good actress she just played herself then?


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