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Originally Posted by nuts:

Maybe Aims doc will be able to help first though Slinks? 

They've not been to helpful over the years tbh Nuts, i've had it since i was little and looking back it does seem to be wheat that upsets me, it can't hurt to cut things out and see if things improve, that's probably what the docs would say anyway 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Maybe Aims doc will be able to help first though Slinks? 

They've not been to helpful over the years tbh Nuts, i've had it since i was little and looking back it does seem to be wheat that upsets me, it can't hurt to cut things out and see if things improve, that's probably what the docs would say anyway 

nuts is right, probably best have another chat with the doc about it - have they prescribed anything for it? 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Maybe Aims doc will be able to help first though Slinks? 

They've not been to helpful over the years tbh Nuts, i've had it since i was little and looking back it does seem to be wheat that upsets me, it can't hurt to cut things out and see if things improve, that's probably what the docs would say anyway 

No you're right, but get some advice as well  


I tried cutting out gluten for a while Aims, but it seems to be mainly bread that affects me. I always used to have wraps instead of sarnies, but salad/soup is always my lunch staple now  I do still have wraps occasionally but have recently found out wholemeal bread doesn't affect me as much as white, so I can have a sarnie now and then - once a week maybe? I do still eat white bread though now and then cos I lubs it but not as much anymore, and I really do feel better! 


oh oh, and I have just switched over to wholemeal pasta too from white in the last couple of months and feel so much better for it Don't feel all bloated after dinner now and it seems more filling so I can eat less, which is always a bonus

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

My bessie mate has had to cut bread/wheat out of her diet...   she manages ok food wise (she has salad & ryvita for lunch)..  


she has to buy special flour, which she moans about costing a fortune...   and I know she misses pasta a lot.


However, health wise she says its all worth it

I like Ryvita but that has wheat in it, i mainly live on salads, fresh veg and meat so it's not to bad

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

yeah... I thought Ryvita contained wheat... 


still...  she does eat ryvita & her system can cope with that.


I was watching the snooker the other day and one of the players was talking about suffering with chron's (sp) and he had cut out wheat and he said it's a nightmare but he's never felt better, so maybe it would be hard to adjust but the benefits out way it


Originally Posted by El Loro:

I don't know what they are like but Warburtons now have a range of gluten free bread.


You can type in your postcode to see local stockists and which of the range they stock. Nowhere near as cheap as ordinary bread, Asda sell both white and brown 400 g loaves at ÂĢ2-48.


Thanks for that  i've good some crisp breads to replace the ryvitas but haven't tried them yet, it was bread i was looking for as i have toast for breakfast and if i can't eat bread i'd be stuck as i don't eat cereal, milk, eggs etc. so i'll check your link


I just need to find gluten free pizzas, pies....... 


Aimee I can't eat bread as I'm on Atkins. I make my own bread [mostly tortillas in the pan] using soya flour, which is wheat and gluten free. You could try using that. I haven't tried soya flour in the breadmaker yet. Apparently you have to mix in a little normal flour to get a good result.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I suffer really bad with IBS and have been reading up on things to try to make it more bearable, one of the thing's i've noticed is people saying to cut out wheat and gluten, i'm thinking of trying it but i know i will probably starve to death as there's not much i eat as it is


Anyone tried it?

Just a general tip re IBS; eat raw veg and Brazil nuts.


My husband suffers/suffered with IBS and one of the problems is getting the gut to stop being inflamed - it's so easy to get into a vicious circle with this condition.


His consultant recommended that he snacked on raw cauliflower, broccoli and carrots and also some Brazils.  Over a period of weeks (it's not instant but improvement is noticeable within days) your gut will calm down and be less susceptible to flaring up so easily.


Sorry to say this but you need to check that your colon isn't torn too..!

Lesions from severe bouts of IBS can do this and mean that your diet won't make much difference until you get it sorted.



Haven't read any replies but a friend's hubby had to be on a wheat/gluten free diet because he had coeliac disease..which isn't the same as IBS. If you like bread and cakes etc and like baking buy Spelt flour which is for those who are intolerant of wheat. Don't buy brown bread as it also contains white flour (which has over 20 additives) whereas wholemeal flour doesn't. Treating IBS can be a minefield as even docs don't understand all of the causes. Maybe there's an IBS Forum where peeps can help with what they've learnt helps them.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I suffer really bad with IBS and have been reading up on things to try to make it more bearable, one of the thing's i've noticed is people saying to cut out wheat and gluten, i'm thinking of trying it but i know i will probably starve to death as there's not much i eat as it is


Anyone tried it?

Just a general tip re IBS; eat raw veg and Brazil nuts.


My husband suffers/suffered with IBS and one of the problems is getting the gut to stop being inflamed - it's so easy to get into a vicious circle with this condition.


His consultant recommended that he snacked on raw cauliflower, broccoli and carrots and also some Brazils.  Over a period of weeks (it's not instant but improvement is noticeable within days) your gut will calm down and be less susceptible to flaring up so easily.


Sorry to say this but you need to check that your colon isn't torn too..!

Lesions from severe bouts of IBS can do this and mean that your diet won't make much difference until you get it sorted.


Thanks for this i'm going to try it, the bloating is one of the things that really get's me down, i am going to go back to the doctors as the flare ups are getting worse

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Haven't read any replies but a friend's hubby had to be on a wheat/gluten free diet because he had coeliac disease..which isn't the same as IBS. If you like bread and cakes etc and like baking buy Spelt flour which is for those who are intolerant of wheat. Don't buy brown bread as it also contains white flour (which has over 20 additives) whereas wholemeal flour doesn't. Treating IBS can be a minefield as even docs don't understand all of the causes. Maybe there's an IBS Forum where peeps can help with what they've learnt helps them.

Never thought of that i will have a look 


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