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I haven't got any, won't ever get any, and hope that my children never have any.


Mind you - I think it's an age thing. I won't ever see 50 again, and tattoos for me are equated with builders/sailors etc


Nowadays of course, so many people have them and I am in the minority. In fact ... I have seen a picture on the internet of my daughter who seems to be sporting one of a balloon on her back. I tell myself that it was one of those fake ones, and I wait to see whether she wears any strappy tops when she is home this summer


I have 8...well, 9 if you include the first one I had which has since been covered with the last one!! They all tie in together, more by accident than design to begin with!! I am desperate for a new one and my back is screaming to be just trying to decide what with...then I have to save as it will not be cheap and I have much higher priorities in life than ink! Mine are all easily hidden because, whilst I love them, I appreciate that others, especially prospective employers, may not!! I have one for MrB, one for each of the boys and one in memory of my Grandma...BUT I have no writing/names/dates....the tribute is personal and not for show if that makes sense? Mine are all quite feminine without being girly....such as a piece I designed that is an orchid on a tribal background...and they are all purple!


I love them and only regret the first one which has since been covered by something gorgeous....still, if I hadn't had the first one then maybe the others wouldn't have followed...

Originally Posted by Rexi:



 I have seen a picture on the internet of my daughter who seems to be sporting one of a balloon on her back. I tell myself that it was one of those fake ones, and I wait to see whether she wears any strappy tops when she is home this summer

oh... hahahahaha...   I shouldn't laugh but...  


you are sooo not gonna be able to keep quiet about it til the summer!


tis like when I saw a pic of Ickle tagged on FB with a fag in her hand 


I lasted about 20 mins before I called her over & pointed to the incriminating photo on my laptop & said "What is this?" 


i has

1-right wrist,a tibetan chant

2-inside right arm, a tribal thingy

3-inside left arm, OH's name in hindu

4-top right arm, tribal swirly thing

5-top right arm,OH's name in chinese

6- right arm, mom in chinese

7 -left arm top,ex's name, chinese

8-left arm top, smile, in chinese

9-left arm, step daughters name, chinese

10-right leg, huge tribal thingy

11- left arm, dad in chinese

12-2 chinese symbols for truth/honesty

13-star on right hand


tattoo No2 was done by a pissed up/speeding hells angel late one night when we was both downing vodka..moral of that tale is, never have a tattoo done by a pissed up hells angel who's on speed

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Rexi:



 I have seen a picture on the internet of my daughter who seems to be sporting one of a balloon on her back. I tell myself that it was one of those fake ones, and I wait to see whether she wears any strappy tops when she is home this summer

oh... hahahahaha...   I shouldn't laugh but...  


you are sooo not gonna be able to keep quiet about it til the summer!


tis like when I saw a pic of Ickle tagged on FB with a fag in her hand 


I lasted about 20 mins before I called her over & pointed to the incriminating photo on my laptop & said "What is this?" 

I managed to keep quiet about it all over Easter - although I confess I did jump on her in bed once ... but still didn't see anything!


Poor thing - she got the shock of her life

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I haven't got any, won't ever get any, and hope that my children never have any.


Mind you - I think it's an age thing. I won't ever see 50 again, and tattoos for me are equated with builders/sailors etc


Nowadays of course, so many people have them and I am in the minority. In fact ... I have seen a picture on the internet of my daughter who seems to be sporting one of a balloon on her back. I tell myself that it was one of those fake ones, and I wait to see whether she wears any strappy tops when she is home this summer

! I got one when I was in my teens ( back in the builders/ sailors day!) , a celtic knot on my shoulderblade. My mum was horrified when she saw it , and said " for God's sake don't let your dad see that! " .. was well into my 30s before he noticed it at a family party. He asked what that was on my shoulder , and my mum went pale, and whispered " it's a tattoo, Jim" in a shock/ horror kind of voice.. he went " oh, I like that!" and pointed it out to all and sundry - he was quite proud !  For my 40th, he and mum got me a silver bracelet made to match my triquetra tattoo  


I had a temporary tatoo applied when I visted a fair, it lasted for several weeks but I wouldn't have a real one. There's an online US tv show and the main woman tatooist is a really beautiful lady at the age she is now and she's extremely artistic, and covered in tatoos. Every time I see her when  flicking through channels I wonder if when she's much older and her beauty fades if she'll regret the decisions she took when young and beautiful. Maybe, maybe not.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Dry Clean Only.


Back of neck. 

I recently saw someone with a barcode tattooed on the back of their neck. 

THATS what I want, not at the back of my neck though, right at the bottom of my spine. I have toyed with a couple of ideas that i might like, it was between that or a cupcake on my bum. But have decided to go with a rainbow coloured barcode right at the base of my spine, (so you cant see it when i dance). And maybe it will say made in Scotland under it.


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