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I am boring, because no I haven't Carnelian.  


However, I have sent an email and realised it's got a stupid typo in it that renders the sentence not making sense.  And I have sent a text to someone in error, but it was just for my boyfriend and it said, 'put the pies in the oven, I'll be home in 20 minutes.'  


Do you wanna share with us what happened to you?


Oooh yes, recently infact!  I was emailing my friend in Scotland at her work as I do lots of days, we usually have a few back and fro's about daily crap and just natter away so I sent an email telling her about whatever random nonsense was in my head but I also divulged that I had wanted to walk to town that morning but (in these very words) 'my ass took sick' so I decided against it.  Now, I know that's a crude thing to write in an email but that's just kind of banter we'd have


Sent it off and was surprised to get such an instant reply but when I opened it I was horrified to read that she wasn't in the office on that day and all her mail would be auto-forwarded to a colleague   I was so mortified that I fired off another email just saying 'Oh great, Susan's not even in the office and now her colleagues get to read my insane email.  FML' coz I had met one or two of her colleagues when I had visited so thought I had better make light of it.


Thing is....when her colleague did open the first email she saw the first line, realised it was a personal email and just closed it again.  However when she got the second email she just had to go back and read the first


Sadly nothing salacious, not a spreadsheet of the hottest female co-workers or any thing like that.


Sent some confidential information out to another company - luckily not in the same line of business.  Not a major security breach but still not something I'd mention, even in jest, to a boss.


So not really an hilarious consequence, unless the thought of me getting my arse kicked for the six months that followed is hilarious!

Last edited by Carnelian

I've not sent an e-mail in error but I have received one. It was from my (now ex)fella, fairly explicit in nature (which I will leave to your imagination), which was extremely flattering but it just didn't seem 'right'. Upon reading it a second time, I realised that it hadn't been intended for me but for the 'lady' he was cheating on me with 


I also received a text from a married work colleague going on about how I 'ignited his flames of passion' . I had to text him back and explain that  he had sent me the text by mistake and that I hoped his intended recipient  reciprocated his feelings . He couldn't look me in the eye again after that one 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've never sent or received an email by mistake but I did receive a text message in error. The sender sent me a pic of herself topless - it wasn't anyone I knew.



I've never boobed. 

I'm sure you haven't, Blizzie.


Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've never sent or received an email by mistake but I did receive a text message in error. The sender sent me a pic of herself topless - it wasn't anyone I knew.

Oooh I got a much nicer one sent to me in error.


It was a big massive  and I replied by saying 'nice , now who are you?'  

I didn't reply to mine but I might have done if I'd received one like yours.

No I haven't, but I did send a rather awful text about a former colleague to her! I thought I'd sent it to my boyfriend I was extremely lucky that I'd added in a moving smiley, which her phone couldn't receive and she never got the message! Pheeeewwwww!!!!!!!! Lesson learned, never slate people in texts, e mails, anything that can be read!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
No I haven't, but I did send a rather awful text about a former colleague to her! I thought I'd sent it to my boyfriend I was extremely lucky that I'd added in a moving smiley, which her phone couldn't receive and she never got the message! Pheeeewwwww!!!!!!!! Lesson learned, never slate people in texts, e mails, anything that can be read!

 Lucky escape there Sweet. I've sent a couple of texts to the wrong people before now.... but they were fairly innocuous, so...


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