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Interesting point Joe - and I utterly agree with the fear of what governments can get up to.


My own view is that a person's sex life is private, as long as it doesn't involve animals or kids and is 100% consensual. We all have opinions about people's sexuality, fidelity and other stuff but, unless we are involved with one of the people concerned, it is not really our business.


However, I loathe hypocrits so if, for example, some religious types like the radical muslims, Westboro baptists type Christians or anyone who spends their time abusing gay people in the name of religion, was in the closet then I wouldn't be impressed.


I wouldn't personally out them but I wouldn't blame anyone who did


I thought this would be a thread about belly buttons

As it's not, my view is that people should be out, but some might have valid reasons for remaining in the closet. A friend of mine came out as gay to a few close friends years after he knew that he was. Even after that, it took a threat from a former partner to persuade him to come clean with his parents.


I think that people should be out, and in an ideal world they should feel comfortable in doing so. It would save a whole lot of heartache for everyone, like my cousin who i recently met with his new husband, last time i saw him he was married (to a woman) with two children, although he knew he was gay he said it was not acceptable when he was in the navy.  And my friend who has just found out her husband of 20 year, has had an affair with a man.


Sexuality, I believe, is a lot more fluid than people like to think, lots of people are straight..until they are not, then they are gay...until they are not. (i stole that quote btw).

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:


 Sexuality, I believe, is a lot more fluid than people like to think, lots of people are straight..until they are not, then they are gay...until they are not. (i stole that quote btw).

Couldn't agree with you more Gyps. We live in very different times and, most liberal thinking people accept that ^^^. Unfortunately, lots don't and it's judgement city, even amongst those who claim to have accepted same sex relationships, but have a proviso in place that it's only okay if they were somehow 'born like that' 


Personally I have no time for bigotry of any kind, unfortunately however homophobia (as well as other forms of intolerance) does exist in wider society, to imagine otherwise would be naive to say the least.


Other than societal attitudes one must consider the possible consequences closer to home i.e. family and friends... the worst case scenario has to be considered and living openly can come at cost.


in an ideal world it really shouldn't be an issue but sadly we live in a world far from ideal.  

Comrade Ogilvy

Super, Your right about that, but then you have to ask why those people act like that, i think there is something lacking in their own lives that they have to take cheap pops at others.  Homophobia, is homophobia nomatter how its dressed up, ive not time for those sorts, and nor should anyone else, only then will it change.


I really do not understand homophobia. What is it that makes people so scared that they have to hate it, maybe they fear looking at their own sexuality? Because to me its as silly as hating someone for the type of music they listen too, I don't have to listen to it if i don't want to, and so what if they wear a t-shirt with their favourite band on it, how is it hurting me.


Very simplistic, but its how I see it.


I wouldn't want anyone 'forced' out, unless we are talking hypocritical, hatemonger politicians/preachers, as Veggie mentioned.


Until we live in a world where LGBT people feel free to express themselves with no fear and 'coming out' is no longer even an issue, then I have to respect personal choices. If kids can grow up knowing that their family and friends, as well as society, won't have a problem with their sexuality/gender identities, then so much heartache will be avoided. Unfortunately, this is still a long way off, even in this country.


Did anyone watch Long Lost Family, last night? A woman in her fifties was searching for her brother, who had told their parents that he was gay, when he was 21. He had been banished from the family and she, as a 14 year old, was told never to mention his name again. She didn't find out why, until her parents died. She thought he'd done something terrible, like murder. So, for 40 years, she had missed out on a relationship with her favourite brother, and he had had no relationship with his family, just because he was gay. 


Unfortunately, I have a horrible feeling that we are going backwards. I've had a few gay friends and nobody bothered them in the 70s or 80s. Now it seems that any perceived minority group is game to pursuit again. I find it really worrying that the human feeling of empathy seems to have diminished, fed by, let's face it, mammon.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:



Did anyone watch Long Lost Family, last night? A woman in her fifties was searching for her brother, who had told their parents that he was gay, when he was 21. He had been banished from the family and she, as a 14 year old, was told never to mention his name again. She didn't find out why, until her parents died. She thought he'd done something terrible, like murder. So, for 40 years, she had missed out on a relationship with her favourite brother, and he had had no relationship with his family, just because he was gay. 

Sadly, things like this are still happening today. One of my sons knew a young man who came out to his parents and was told to pack his bags and not return home. The lad was heartbroken.


No one should feel obliged to make a proclamation of their sexuality but then on the other hand, living a lie must be self destructive when sexuality is essential to who we are as people.  To be self repressed into potentially missing opportunities in life whether they be sexual or partnership is not living life to its potential and could well store up regrets in later life. 


As far as governments are concerned, while a repressive government is always a possibility, it would be wrong to pre-empt a repressive government by not taking up freedoms while they still exist.


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