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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Yep erin, was about to say that 

*edited to say* .. like Scotty says, it all feels a bit gossipy - I realise that's not the intent, but maybe PMs are the way to go if people have issues they want to address.

Hmm I get your point Slinki but pms only add to the gossiping imo and VD started this thread so might have expected a reaction.

From the title I thought he was referring to a comment he made a few nights ago to an fm who either wasn't here at the time or chose to ignore it (the former I think). The comment was unwarranted and disgusting and although deleted some 5 or 10 minutes later was still posted in the first place.

Gossiping would have been to pm the fm who the target and report what had been said which I didn't do.


I'm not convinced that allowing us unlimited time to edit a post is necessarily a good thing. It allows people to post the most offensive stuff and then delete it 10 minutes later if they so wish

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Drink is quite a factor. After years of saying that I have never reported anyone, banned anyone, and have avoided the keyboard after having a tincture or two........... I very recently fell out of friends with someone on FB after a bup.  I regret that now.

These things happen Joe. I've lost count of the times I've gone AWOL from my brain with drink. My friends have always been there though and whether it's them giving me a good telling off or if I get totally out of hand...a good back hand across the face...I appreciate what they do for me. It's a shitty position to put a friend in. 

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Yep erin, was about to say that 

*edited to say* .. like Scotty says, it all feels a bit gossipy - I realise that's not the intent, but maybe PMs are the way to go if people have issues they want to address.

Hmm I get your point Slinki but pms only add to the gossiping imo and VD started this thread so might have expected a reaction.

From the title I thought he was referring to a comment he made a few nights ago to an fm who either wasn't here at the time or chose to ignore it (the former I think). The comment was unwarranted and disgusting and although deleted some 5 or 10 minutes later was still posted in the first place.

Gossiping would have been to pm the fm who the target and report what had been said which I didn't do.


I'm not convinced that allowing us unlimited time to edit a post is necessarily a good thing. It allows people to post the most offensive stuff and then delete it 10 minutes later if they so wish

Yeh, I know what you mean on the edit time, I recall ages ago a poster used to make use of that on a regular basis! Not good. That said, there probably are times when we all think " maybe I shouldn't have said that " .. duno what the answer is there .


By " gossipy" I'm meaning more that the thread's talking about someone who's not here.. there was a similar thread awhile ago, a different FM was the topic of conversation that time, but it just felt wrong then as it does now . I would hope that if someone had an issue with me  they would address it directly with me via PM, rather than come onto the forum to find a thread about it  ( I know this one started as an apology , but it's become something else entirely now)  

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Well isn`t this just great.


velvet makes an apology thread to Blizzie, Blizzie says her piece, and rightly so, and then it starts...harking back and taking the moral high ground. It`s all a bit gossipy. 


For such a small forum the community spirit on here is sadly lacking. 






Edited: I really can't be bothered to argue about this.  I made my point and stand by what I said.  End of.  


I have no beef with you Scotty, but like a few other who have posted here, I think there is only so much people can tolerate.  Like I said, I can imagine the furore if it were me who posted in this manner.  

He`s made a few slip up when he`s been on the sherry trifle. He`s regretted it and apologised. Yes, it`s been a few times recently but underneath all that is a very nice, kind, funny man who adds a lot to this forum and is very well liked by many on here.   


velvet is my close friend but I don`t defend him blindly. I see the mistakes he makes and get miffed with him too.


He`s been stupid. He`s not the first and he won`t be the last.


This place is like a nursery compared to what went on on CH4. How did we ever cope. 


Anyway, no beef with me either Cupcake.   


That pig ^^^ is truly....unsettling. 


I understand how you would want to make an apology public after the original post was public. Maybe an apology should be directly addressed to the apologee (apparently that's not a word, but it is now! ), and the rest of us should kindly avert our eyes.


Seems there's been stuff going on whilst I'm home sleeping. Drunk posting that results in nastiness is going to lead to an eventual banning. Please keep that in mind.

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Well isn`t this just great.


velvet makes an apology thread to Blizzie, Blizzie says her piece, and rightly so, and then it starts...harking back and taking the moral high ground. It`s all a bit gossipy. 


For such a small forum the community spirit on here is sadly lacking. 






Edited: I really can't be bothered to argue about this.  I made my point and stand by what I said.  End of.  


I have no beef with you Scotty, but like a few other who have posted here, I think there is only so much people can tolerate.  Like I said, I can imagine the furore if it were me who posted in this manner.  

He`s made a few slip up when he`s been on the sherry trifle. He`s regretted it and apologised. Yes, it`s been a few times recently but underneath all that is a very nice, kind, funny man who adds a lot to this forum and is very well liked by many on here.   


velvet is my close friend but I don`t defend him blindly. I see the mistakes he makes and get miffed with him too.


He`s been stupid. He`s not the first and he won`t be the last.


This place is like a nursery compared to what went on on CH4. How did we ever cope. 


Anyway, no beef with me either Cupcake.   

It's not a few slips ups though is it Scotty? It's all the time and it's you who keeps coming along and wiping up his shite. He's not a baby so treating him like one. He's got an alcohol problem and if you were a friend you wouldn't encourage him or apologise for him. He gets drunk...he gets nasty...end of. 

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Well isn`t this just great.


velvet makes an apology thread to Blizzie, Blizzie says her piece, and rightly so, and then it starts...harking back and taking the moral high ground. It`s all a bit gossipy. 


For such a small forum the community spirit on here is sadly lacking. 






I understand your loyalty Scotty but I've seen him turn on you too. How many times does it have to happen before you tell your friend that he drinks too much? If you have in private then great but he's still making cryptic threads with undertones, turning on people who have stuck up for him (including you) and STILL thinks it's ok as long as he apologies the next day....and the next day....and the next day. 


I'm no angel. I used to drink too much and took it out on people here when I had a bad day but that wasn't every day. Humour is fine but there's nothing funny about what he posts. All I see is someone drinking themselves silly every night, making an arse of himself, apologising the next day and nobody wanting to upset him by telling him he's drinking too much. 


Cruel to be kind and the kindest thing is to stop humouring him 

I don`t agree with them all but I get some of your points Cags. 


I would reply in full but after reading Slinki`s post, I agree that it`s not right to talk about velvet when he`s not here. I`m not feeling comfortable about it.  


Had this thread not got as personal as it has, I would carry on with the "debate" but it has so I`ll bow out on that part of it. 


Thanks for your input though Cags.


And congratulations Mummy!   

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Well isn`t this just great.


velvet makes an apology thread to Blizzie, Blizzie says her piece, and rightly so, and then it starts...harking back and taking the moral high ground. It`s all a bit gossipy. 


For such a small forum the community spirit on here is sadly lacking. 






Edited: I really can't be bothered to argue about this.  I made my point and stand by what I said.  End of.  


I have no beef with you Scotty, but like a few other who have posted here, I think there is only so much people can tolerate.  Like I said, I can imagine the furore if it were me who posted in this manner.  

He`s made a few slip up when he`s been on the sherry trifle. He`s regretted it and apologised. Yes, it`s been a few times recently but underneath all that is a very nice, kind, funny man who adds a lot to this forum and is very well liked by many on here.   


velvet is my close friend but I don`t defend him blindly. I see the mistakes he makes and get miffed with him too.


He`s been stupid. He`s not the first and he won`t be the last.


This place is like a nursery compared to what went on on CH4. How did we ever cope. 


Anyway, no beef with me either Cupcake.   

It's not a few slips ups though is it Scotty? It's all the time and it's you who keeps coming along and wiping up his shite. He's not a baby so treating him like one. He's got an alcohol problem and if you were a friend you wouldn't encourage him or apologise for him. He gets drunk...he gets nasty...end of. 

I think you should hold your horses right there Cags. 


That`s bang out of order.


And on that note. I`m off.  



Please everyone.


I made a public comment and thought a public apology was the way to go.


Do I like Blizzie - hell yeah.


I drink too much yes.


I've been poor recently.


And all comments are warranted on this thread.


Don't want to get banned and lose this though so I'll go away for a while and sort myself out.

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