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There is a woman on This Morning who is being interviewed because she is claiming its ok to have a sugar daddy. This man is married with kids yet she is getting him to pay for her to live in a flat and buys her designer handbags. Shes claiming that its perfectly alright and she is not ashamed.

What are your thoughts on this. This woman also claims that "your husband could be next".


I fink shes a trollop. But I do love this mornings interviews, first Samantha Beautiful-Brick and now this

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good luck to her on my husband being next...    he'd rather chew off his right hand than pay for a kept woman.     Its killing him that I won't take over the monthly payments for my mobile phone!  



I think she's a bitch as well...    what goes around comes around...   one day she'll end up with one of these men as her partner, and then realise he's got a younger bit on the side 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

She says that she has no contact with her parents, maybe she looks at him as literally a sugar 'daddy'.  I find it a bit sad too, Cagney.

Iv'e read about women/young girls substituting a father figure for a sugar daddy. Just wrong and obviously these girls have never had a PROPER father figure. For that I feel sorry for them. It doesn't excuse the men though. Family men who have young daughters who use young women as toys. People praise Hugh Heffner all the time. For what? It's glorified prostitution IMO

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I missed the beginning, but was she saying that the relationship was not sexual?


It sounded like he was just paying to keep her as a 'friend'!   

Yes, I dont believe that. What sort of friend do you pay for, (never mind why would he need to, if hes that rich hes probably got girl 'friends' round him like a moth round  a flame *coughgolddiggers*) , and if she was just a friend why would she be a secret from his wife.


He's as guilty as she is tbh but yes I do think she's no better than a hooker.

If you are paid for being an available sexual release for someone whether they are buying you presents and paying your rent or just leaving the money on the table on the way out then what you are is a hooker.


And no amount of window dressing changes that


I have to question the intelligence of the girls too. Looking at tv nowadays though it doesn't surprise me that some want nothing more than to be "accessories". As long as it's being paid for they'll have it. 


Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I get a HUGE buzz from buying things with money I've earned. I love it when my kids ask for something and I tell them they have to save for it....and the look on their faces when they hand over their own money in the shop. Pride....that's the word I'm looking for 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I missed the beginning, but was she saying that the relationship was not sexual?


It sounded like he was just paying to keep her as a 'friend'!   

Yes, I dont believe that. What sort of friend do you pay for, (never mind why would he need to, if hes that rich hes probably got girl 'friends' round him like a moth round  a flame *coughgolddiggers*) , and if she was just a friend why would she be a secret from his wife.

Oh, I don't know, she sounded pretty genuine about that. In fact, I think that is how she justifies it to herself.


I suppose it's similar to the days when rich folk paid for companions, or men who regularly visit the same prostitute, just for a chat and nothing else. 


Don't think his wife would understand, or approve though! 


Sign of the times as women find themselves increasingly out of work, in lower paid work, poorer with kids dumped on them.  Role models being vapid morons from Towie, KP and Coleen Rooney. Parents who cover their little girls in pink crap and Playboy branded shite.  Not surprising some grow up to have no aspiration but to hang off the arm of a rich man.  It's also becoming more common for younger men to seek out wealthy older women to be their meal tickets.  Nothing new of course but seems more acceptable these days.   


Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Sign of the times as women find themselves increasingly out of work, in lower paid work, poorer with kids dumped on them.  Role models being vapid morons from Towie, KP and Coleen Rooney. Parents who cover their little girls in pink crap and Playboy branded shite.  Not surprising some grow up to have no aspiration but to hang off the arm of a rich man.  It's also becoming more common for younger men to seek out wealthy older women to be their meal tickets.  Nothing new of course but seems more acceptable these days.   


I find this post really quite depressing Carnelian, but amazingly true and accurate.  Well said.  

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Sign of the times as women find themselves increasingly out of work, in lower paid work, poorer with kids dumped on them.  Role models being vapid morons from Towie, KP and Coleen Rooney. Parents who cover their little girls in pink crap and Playboy branded shite.  Not surprising some grow up to have no aspiration but to hang off the arm of a rich man.  It's also becoming more common for younger men to seek out wealthy older women to be their meal tickets.  Nothing new of course but seems more acceptable these days.   


I find this post really quite depressing Carnelian, but amazingly true and accurate.  Well said.  

Sorry for being a bit depressing.  I'm sure such a post could have cherry picked other things any time in the last 50 years to make the same point so maybe things aren't that bad, but it does sadly seem that things have been going backward for some time


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