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 i really don't know what to say to her anymore, i was round her house one night in January and she was complaining of stomach ache, the next night i saw an ambulance pull up at her house, it turned out to be her appendix, she was left so long in AE that it burst and she had a lengthy operation to sort it out, she was recovering well (after being treated badly while in hospital) and then she got an infection in the wound and ended back in hospital


The hospital has made out her appendix never burst (she works as a cleaner for a doctor at the hospital) and she checked her records and said yes they had burst, so she has started legal proceedings against them


So 2 weeks ago she had to go back for her final check from the hospital that the wound had healed (it's a right mess) and they said to her *well we need to let you recover abit more before we can operate again* she had no idea what they was on about, it turns out they had found a tumour in her bowels when they took her appendix out and never told her  


she is so scared and i hope the hospital get everything they get for the way they have treated her, she goes in on Thursday and won't know her outcome until they have opened her up 

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She has only just got over the mess they made of her the last time  her stomach is a right mess and now they have to open her up again, if i told you the whole story of what she went through while in there it would make your hair curl 


They eventually took out her burst appendix after 3 cancelled operations and tried to discharge her 3 hrs later 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

She has only just got over the mess they made of her the last time  her stomach is a right mess and now they have to open her up again, if i told you the whole story of what she went through while in there it would make your hair curl 


They eventually took out her burst appendix after 3 cancelled operations and tried to discharge her 3 hrs later 

Good grief


I have no idea if she could have gone to another hospital but seeing as they know she has already logged a complaint against them she is hoping she will be treated better this time


Her brother has also written to them as well, he was with her when they took her down to remove her appendix and was told to go home and they would ring him when she was back on the ward, he never got the call so he rang them only to find they had brought her back again as they didn't have enough staff to do the operation and that she had been left in a room on her own for the last few hours 


They are even trying to say that she didn't arrive at the hospital until the day after the appendix burst even though she arrived by ambulance 


Your friend has every right to go to another hospital..   its called Patient Choice (she needs to quote those two words to her GP).    Her GP will then tap on their pooter and give her at least one other hospital she can choose to go to.


In the meantime, I suggest she gets in touch with the PALS officers at the hospital (Patient Advocacy & Liason Services) so at least she has someone on her side, in front of her, fighting for the best treatment for her, when she goes back (though personally... I wouldn't go back to that hospital).


I refuse to go to my local hospital..    I wouldn't put my cat in my local hospital..   I always exercise my right to choose & go to the hospital in the neighbouring county.    (which is fab)l


OMG in addition to the physical problems this has caused, this will also have traumatised her mentally.


I agree that she should insist on being treated at another hospital. Don't let the hospital fob her off - this is a tried and tested trick by them in the hope that the matter will be allowed to drop - even though she is poorly now, she must not let her bad treatment go unpunished.


I hope she gets better treatment soon 


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