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fabrice muambi

i might have made the spelling of his name up

i was watching the match

bloody awful when he dropped


dont you think that all this t-shirt wearing-prayers by random vicars in random churches-a sending down of a silly pissed up student knob where the judge proclaimed *literally the WHOLE WORLD IS PRAYING* for said footballer

its all a bit effing stooopid

over the top


im glad he's recovering

but FFS

a bloke i knew when we was teens-fit handsome bloke,dropped on the pitch and died

we was gutted and afterwards

we didnt wear t-shirts with his name on 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by nuts:

It's awful for anyone that this happens to Pirate, but I suppose it's the thing of who's in the public eye 


It's Muamba, but not a problem 


well you knew who i meant

but he's not a household name

he is now

its all a bit embarrassing i think


what would churchill say?

the primeminister

not the doggy from the advert


Thought I was the only one thinking like this.  I am glad that this guy is OK, but the outpouring of public grief, and people acting like he was a close family member or close personal friend, I found frankly, quite astonishing.  

I had never heard of this guy before his heart attack and neither had most people I know.  

If you look on the internet, many people think and feel the same.  Why do the British have this obsession with mourning someone we don't know?  Maybe, just MAYBE, if it's someone you're a fan of or have grown up with like a big celeb you may be a fan of... but even then, people go over the top.  You can feel a bit sad for a day yes: I did with Michael Jackson TBH, but I didn't cry for weeks and lose sleep thinking about him.  

I liked his music and he was a big star from my childhood, but I didn't KNOW him.  At least I had HEARD of him though:  how many people had heard of Muamba?  And why the heck did SO MANY PEOPLE jump on the bandwagon?  I found it quite ludicrous tbh.

Here's a link to someone who thinks the same as me and a few people I know, and a few people on here I think!

Originally Posted by sparkles:

Thought I was the only one thinking like this.  I am glad that this guy is OK, but the outpouring of public grief, and people acting like he was a close family member or close personal friend, I found frankly, quite astonishing.  

I had never heard of this guy before his heart attack and neither had most people I know.  

If you look on the internet, many people think and feel the same.  Why do the British have this obsession with mourning someone we don't know?  Maybe, just MAYBE, if it's someone you're a fan of or have grown up with like a big celeb you may be a fan of... but even then, people go over the top.  You can feel a bit sad for a day yes: I did with Michael Jackson TBH, but I didn't cry for weeks and lose sleep thinking about him.  I liked is music and he was a big star from my childhood, but I didn't KNOW him.  And at least I had HEARD of him.  How many people had heard of Muamba?  And why the heck did SO MANY PEOPLE jump on the bandwagon?  I found it quite ludicrous tbh.

Here's a link to someone who thinks the same as me and a few people I know, and a few people on here I think!

well there you go

its not just me lol


Originally Posted by nuts:

Like you say might not know him or what he has done.....he is a big person in many a footballer's followers life though. And it's still not nice to learn of anything like this that happens to anyone 

bloody awful thing to happen to a young bloke (or anyone, you have to say the right thing)

it was the OTT reaction that was pissing people off

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Like you say might not know him or what he has done.....he is a big person in many a footballer's followers life though. And it's still not nice to learn of anything like this that happens to anyone 

bloody awful thing to happen to a young bloke (or anyone, you have to say the right thing)

it was the OTT reaction that was pissing people off

Who says it's OTT? If it gets just one person to take notice and look after theirself then it's a good thing isn't it? 

Originally Posted by nuts:

Like you say might not know him or what he has done.....he is a big person in many a footballer's followers life though. And it's still not nice to learn of anything like this that happens to anyone 

That's probably the main reason for the interest.  Plus it was a live match so lots of people saw it as it happened. 


Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Like you say might not know him or what he has done.....he is a big person in many a footballer's followers life though. And it's still not nice to learn of anything like this that happens to anyone 

That's probably the main reason for the interest.  Plus it was a live match so lots of people saw it as it happened. 


and he was very young - 23 - no age

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Like you say might not know him or what he has done.....he is a big person in many a footballer's followers life though. And it's still not nice to learn of anything like this that happens to anyone 

That's probably the main reason for the interest.  Plus it was a live match so lots of people saw it as it happened. 


and he was very young - 23 - no age

Yes, that too, Ros



I had never heard of him before this happened, but I thought it was wonderful that so many people were sending out messages of support. He is, by all accounts, a lovely bloke and I'm sure his friends and family found a lot of strength from seeing such support.


What is it with all these OTT reactions to people showing empathy? 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I had never heard of him before this happened, but I thought it was wonderful that so many people were sending out messages of support. He is, by all accounts, a lovely bloke and I'm sure his friends and family found a lot of strength from seeing such support.


What is it with all these OTT reactions to people showing empathy? 

That was what struck me about the whole thing Blizz, the empathy. I found that pretty moving, the sheer amount of people willing him on. I think that's quite different to mourning someone you don't know,( and I get what you're saying about that, sparkles ) - this was like a wave of goodwill rather than any kind of wallowing . Was nice to see. 

Originally Posted by sparkles:
  You can feel a bit sad for a day yes: I did with Michael Jackson TBH, but I didn't cry for weeks and lose sleep thinking about him.  

I liked his music and he was a big star from my childhood, but I didn't KNOW him.  At least I had HEARD of him though:

Micheal Jacksons death annoyed me like mad, he died a couple of days before my mum (could have been after) and to see people physically shaking and sobbing over him when they didnt even know him really pissed me off as i was grieving for one of if not the most important person in my life and these twits were behaving like loonies.


So where ?Muamba is concerned, i felt sorry for him and his family (and the way it happened live on TV) But i felt just as sorry for those people who's loved one had fallen ill around the same time and not survived. They hurt just as much

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

ta for replies

nice to have a bit of input without a row!


now we've got petrov to worry about

Poor Stan   really hoping he recovers 

you a villan?

yep - don't go these days much as I can't afford it but I'm a villan - can stick my head out of my bedroom window and if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see Villa Park 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I had never heard of him before this happened, but I thought it was wonderful that so many people were sending out messages of support. He is, by all accounts, a lovely bloke and I'm sure his friends and family found a lot of strength from seeing such support.


What is it with all these OTT reactions to people showing empathy? 

That was what struck me about the whole thing Blizz, the empathy. I found that pretty moving, the sheer amount of people willing him on. I think that's quite different to mourning someone you don't know,( and I get what you're saying about that, sparkles ) - this was like a wave of goodwill rather than any kind of wallowing . Was nice to see. 

After reading the posts from you two, and the others including Jenstar; above ^^^  I think I am inclined to be leaning towards changing my views ...  yes I think you do have a few points folks.  And particularly after seeing Muamba's face on the thread someone posted with his twitter message.  What a lovely face and a lovely smile!  As Pirate said, it was nice for people to debate and disagree on here without a row.  And for people to disagree without any bad feeling towards anyone.    

Muamba's face here makes me smile.


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I had never heard of him before this happened, but I thought it was wonderful that so many people were sending out messages of support. He is, by all accounts, a lovely bloke and I'm sure his friends and family found a lot of strength from seeing such support.


What is it with all these OTT reactions to people showing empathy? 

That was what struck me about the whole thing Blizz, the empathy. I found that pretty moving, the sheer amount of people willing him on. I think that's quite different to mourning someone you don't know,( and I get what you're saying about that, sparkles ) - this was like a wave of goodwill rather than any kind of wallowing . Was nice to see. 

I agree


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