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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Jackson, this is not going make one iota of difference to the lowest paid...fact 

people that earn less than 10k?, i do think if thats the case then they'll be driven onto benefits,  so not a good outcome.  


but it will make a big difference to say pensioners on  moderate pensions of  say ÂĢ130 - ÂĢ140  aweek.

Yeah Jackson but the the pensioners who've worked all their lives, have saved and bought always get SFA.


They'd have been better living off the dole all their lives and renting a council house.


Merit's not rewarded

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Jackson, this is not going make one iota of difference to the lowest paid...fact 

people that earn less than 10k?, i do think if thats the case then they'll be driven onto benefits,  so not a good outcome.  


but it will make a big difference to say pensioners on  moderate pensions of  say ÂĢ130 - ÂĢ140  aweek.


the highlighted bit says it all for me's not fair,right and decent in anyone's book ...and I won't even go into the debate about the NHS...I'm moving in with Velvet 


I find it shocking that a party that didn't even win the election is governing the country as if it had a majority of 100.  All with the complicity of the duplicitous Lib Dems.  Watching Clegg, Laws and that ginger rodent lose their seats will be as entertaining as when Portillo and David Mellor lost theirs.


You have to hand it to the Coalition, while Labour sat on massive majorities terrified into doing sod all out of fear of offending Rupert Murdoch and Paul Dacre of the Daily Mail, the Coalition's self serving millionaires have ruled with the arrogance of a party within a single party state.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Jackson, this is not going make one iota of difference to the lowest paid...fact 

people that earn less than 10k?, i do think if thats the case then they'll be driven onto benefits,  so not a good outcome.  


but it will make a big difference to say pensioners on  moderate pensions of  say ÂĢ130 - ÂĢ140  aweek.


the highlighted bit says it all for me's not fair,right and decent in anyone's book ...and I won't even go into the debate about the NHS...I'm moving in with Velvet 

but but but..... he's got 250 acres and a mansion... don't do it dame!!!


(all pensioners can claim pension credit to bring their pensions to a level of ÂĢ137 a week, prior to the tax threshold changes  their pensions would have then attracted tax- now they don't , was the only point i was trying to make)


To be exact....


Current tax threshold is ÂĢ7475 - which is approx. ÂĢ143 a week.

2012/13 threshold will be just over ÂĢ8000 (8105) - thus a little over ÂĢ153 (155.47) a week.

2013/14 threshold to be ÂĢ9200 approx (9205) - so that'll be around ÂĢ176 (176.53) a week.


The big issue about taxation of people over 65 is that their threshold is currently ÂĢ9940, due to go up to ÂĢ10500 in 12/13 and would have been expected to rise again in 13/14 but it won't, it'll be held at ÂĢ9940 or ÂĢ10500 (not too clear if it's being frozen from this April or next. Also not sure of what's happening regarding the over 75's threshold, but I presume that's being frozen too, under the same premise) until the basic threshold catches up with it. Thus some people over 65, who might be near the threshold, but currently under it, might soon find themselves starting to pay tax as pensions will still increase each year. This should only affect those who have additional income, as those on state pension only are currently under the standard threshold.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Fluffy, the age allowance for those born between 6 April 1938 and 5 April 2048 will be held at ÂĢ10,500 in 2013/14 and for those born before 6 April 1938 at ÂĢ10,660. In following years these will stay unchanged until the personal allowance for the rest of us catches up.


Everybody who was born after 5 April 2048 will get ÂĢ9,205 in 2013/14.

El Loro

Who'd have thought the Tory press would turn on the golden boy of regurgitated failed Thatcherism.  It seems Gideon has hit the relatively affluent old who regard themselves as virtuous, untouchable and read the Tory press.  They must be asking themselves why the Tories have clobbered them when the usual suspects should forever be taking the hits. 


So the relatively affluent old have to pay for the give-away to millionaires. 


This must come as a bit of a shock to them as normally the Tories only screw over public sector workers, the North, low earners - especially women and the unemployed. 



Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Oh I have had the  heavy Local Labour bumph! posted in the door!

however i still vavour Labour...sigh they just don't have a good leader.! God rest John Smith ,now that was a man the Tories were scared of.A great orator and he wasn't scared of the Tory twats.He was brilliant,sadly cut short,he was brilliant!

Actually I thought Ed Milliband made a pretty good witty fist out of his response. The Tories, including the ones in his own party, are scared of him.


Roll on the next election, I can't wait! It's always an easier campaign against a Tory incumbent. Naturally we will also be canvassing in that other constituency too, although going against the Liberal Democrats (sic) will be as easy as falling off a log. 

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Oh I have had the  heavy Local Labour bumph! posted in the door!

however i still vavour Labour...sigh they just don't have a good leader.! God rest John Smith ,now that was a man the Tories were scared of.A great orator and he wasn't scared of the Tory twats.He was brilliant,sadly cut short,he was brilliant!

Actually I thought Ed Milliband made a pretty good witty fist out of his response. The Tories, including the ones in his own party, are scared of him.


Roll on the next election, I can't wait! It's always an easier campaign against a Tory incumbent. Naturally we will also be canvassing in that other constituency too, although going against the Liberal Democrats (sic) will be as easy as falling off a log. 

I get rather annoyed when I hear Labour types soaking up the Tory/right wing press narrative about Ed not doing a good job and being ineffective.  Ironically, he's pushed debates on Murdoch, taxation and has Cameron running scared. IMO, he can only improve.  He'll never be a polished media performer like public school boys Blair, Clegg and Cameron, but IMO he's more of a thinker than a spinner.  He's taking the party in the right direction after years when it would have had its founding fathers spinning in their graves.


I think you're right that the Blairites want him to fail so they can appoint their messiah David M.  Chuka Umunna seemed to be hedging his bets this week with his Mandelson style Tory speak. 


If only the Blairites would just piss off and join the Lib Dems.  I'm sure they'd get on well with self serving ***** like Clegg.


I don't know about you Garage Joe, but although I'm staunch Labour, I can't help thinking they were hijacked by plutocrat scumbags like Blair, Mandelson, David Milliband and Brown.  Brown rediscovered his 'moral compass' in the end but it took a long time coming.


Overall, Ed's impressed me but I think he's ahead of public opinion and it will take the Tories to spectacularly mess up again before his views become the mainstream. 


Ed's worst decision was originally appointing Alan Johnson over Ed Balls as shadow chancellor.  I know it was a sop to the Blairites but Alan Johnson was more clueless than George Osborne!


Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:



But do ya wanna follow that team all your life.


Or maybe see them for what they were.


A bunch of lying arseholes.


And before ye start I'm out for me.


A floating voter 

Hi Velvet,


I can't think of another 'team' that's going to do better job.


Labour screwed over the working class big time in government but they still did a lot of good things that benefited millions. 


Blair was a 'wrong un' just like Clegg.


I know a lot of people have little time for Ed Miliband but I do think he's a fresh start after Labour's drift to the right.  They have a mountain to climb because they let down so many who voted for them. 


Personally, I find it difficult to disparage the coalition when Labour were such right wing scumbags when they were in office.  In a way I'm glad they lost the election, because they became arrogant self serving right wing arseholes in office.  I recall some Labour MP suggesting council back office services be off-shored. 


The Labour Party lost its guiding principles in government and imagined itself as a perpetual centre right government.  In truth, they deserved to be booted out of office.  It's just a shame that what we now have is so much worse!


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