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Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

when i say crumpets are like bath sponges, I don't mean scottish crumpets which are more like very thin pancakes.    I like them.. fruit one are lovely.  The little holey things Warburtons do in packets are just ... nothing...

You have to be selective in your crumpet purchasing, I agree Wharburtons are rubbish as is all their bread.

whose crumpets are good then.. tell me and I'll slow toast them on a fork at the fire and if they're still rubbish I'll seek you out.


I only ever buy Warburtons if I'm buying presliced bread.   I love their multiseed loaf and their processed to within an inch of its life white.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Bet the Crumpet haters are not toasting them right.....they must be slow toasted under a grill, or on a toasting fork in front of the fire....never in a pop up toaster 


I recommend Rennies for that ailment of yours Kaff

I can't help it.. I had a crumpet..

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

They only sell square Pikelets down here on the south coast.

Never seen a round one.

My life is not fulfilled

I am in the South East and I'm not square 


(Go to M&S they sell them , nice for breckie with maple syrup)

*Reminds self to go to the bread section in M&S*


I mean, it's not like I'm in there once a week anyway........

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

 Pssst! Ever tried this? 


Once you've tried barmbrack you never go back

Yes, My OH loves it (He is Irish), had it in Ireland about 20 years ago for the first time at Easter, it had little plastic gifts in it (Bit like the sixpence in a Christmas pudding).


We buy the "Paul Rankin" one over here now from most Supermarkets (No plastic gifts in it tho).

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

 Pssst! Ever tried this? 


Once you've tried barmbrack you never go back

Yes, My OH loves it (He is Irish), had it in Ireland about 20 years ago for the first time at Easter, it had little plastic gifts in it (Bit like the sixpence in a Christmas pudding).


We buy the "Paul Rankin" one over here now from most Supermarkets (No plastic gifts in it tho).

Its lovely - never tasted the Rankin version though. When I come off Atkins I will try it.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

crumpets don't taste of anything, and if you put anything on them to make them taste of some thing, other  than  their inherent non  crumpet  taste, it falls thru the  holes and dribbles onto the plate , leaving your crumpet as tastless as it started. 


your plate tatses better.

The 'holes aren't supposed to be all the way through though.



To me that is not a crumpet....and actually looks rather revolting. (IMO)



That's what I know as a crumpet (the large folded over one, the small one is a pancake). Personally I prefer a plain one  with butter.

Many years ago I worked in Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and there was a bakers just up the road and they used to cook crumpets on demand and even butter them for you while still hot. It could be a bit messy with all that melted butter dribbling about, but the taste was divine,


*drools just thinking about them*

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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