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Where does the time go? That was such a horrific accident. Shocking - the bow doors were left open. 193 people died - I remember being so upset (we had very recently done a Channel Crossing with three small children. I remember thinking - OMG what would we have done in those circumstances. It seems like this disaster was just one of many  disasters around that time. - fire on a plane at Manchester airport, the Fire at Sheffield football ground, Liverpool crush, Kings Cross Fire.

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Originally Posted by nuts:

25 years ago to the day that I moved into this house then. I remember sitting on the chair (knees up) and shouting for mam to come from the kitchen and see it on the telly 

Isn't it funny how those things resonate - we moved into a new house the day before Charles and Di's wedding - my Mil had come down to help us  whoopee do! I remember being perfectly happy to sit on a packing case and watch it from beginning to end on the telly (I was seven months pregnant) she had other ideas!


It's weird when something momentous happens when you've got a big event going on in your own life! Incidentally - I loved that house - I've a much bigger, 'better' house now but ............i loved that house!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I can't believe it's been that long   I still remember the faces of the people who had to walk up and down rows of the dead to try and identify their loved ones 

There was a woman on 'This Morning' who was sixteen at the time .......she lost her mum, step dad and step brother and had to identify them. OMG - how lives can change in just a few seconds. Terrible!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Rexi you say gosh in RL?



I do, and blimey, and crikey!


Where I say Gosh other people say Sh**. I know which I prefer

Do you know what i say? ................I say blimey - such a silly and inadequate word ..............gosh is so much better but it has never been part of my vocab!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
gosh is so much better but it has never been part of my vocab!

Hell sooz ... we'll both soon be drinking lashings and lashings of ginger beer!!!


I love old fashioned words ... how about a challenge; first one to get a Gazooks on the forum wins

I'm up for it  I'll be looking out ........................I'm fairly certain where i may find the opportunity (taps nose) we should have a tapping nose smiley!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
gosh is so much better but it has never been part of my vocab!

Hell sooz ... we'll both soon be drinking lashings and lashings of ginger beer!!!


I love old fashioned words ... how about a challenge; first one to get a Gazooks on the forum wins

I think it's GADzooks Rexi.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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