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Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sorry for being a bit offensive against FM's last night but it riles me when i see all these cuts against the poor and disabled of this country in order to save money. My feelings are generated by by the amount of money being spent on wars abroad which amounts to billions- they are not working and costing thousands of lives on both sides for no reasonable outcome. Bring all our troops home and stop siding with the yanks on every whim they have on who to bomb next.

Totally agree!


What a success the legitimate war in Afghanistan against the oppressive Taliban has been when after years of British money and lives have been lost, president Karzai backs a law to make women practical prisoners in their homes and second class citizens.  The Taliban, for all their fatal flaws, managed to massively reduce opium production, Something our meddling has never managed to keep a lid on.

The Russians invade years ago and got their asses kicked back home. The landscape is littered with Russian tanks etc; No war can be won against terrorists. It's about time the powers that be learned this lesson.


no one has ever invaded afghanistan, and it's  been invaded rather a lot, and come out of it  looking good or victorious.


the afghans seem to sigh and let the powers that invade get on with it and sort of ignore them till they go away again, till the next lot come along , to impose whatever the flavour of the day is, politics wise, upon them.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Hmmm, Clegg, a nasty little careerist, hypocritical, elitist and opportunist suit with no moral nor political backbone.  A glorified toast master.  The most venal politician in Parliament, and that's quite an achievement.  I read daily of Clegg not being happy about [Conservative] this or suggesting [Lib Dem] that, only for it to amount to a big fat nothing.


It doesn't surprise me that Clegg kept silent after grandstanding in opposition.  He's good at that when it suits him.


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