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Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
It's all surreal to me. I'm sure that Swift was sussing it out a few centuries ago.

That's what I find fascinating, that people are still prepared to die because of "Stories" written by man.

Written and changed by man over the centuries to suit their needs. I have to feel that the first people to write these first scripts did it for their own good and not for the people. It was the earliest form of crowd control for those in power. 

Originally Posted by Tori:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
It's all surreal to me. I'm sure that Swift was sussing it out a few centuries ago.

That's what I find fascinating, that people are still prepared to die because of "Stories" written by man.

Written and changed by man over the centuries to suit their needs. I have to feel that the first people to write these first scripts did it for their own good and not for the people. It was the earliest form of crowd control for those in power. 

And as humans we have always needed "Answers" to the unknown, so we made them up to make sense of the world.

Originally Posted by Tori:

It's great to see a thread that folk are interested in instead of the mundane stuff. This type of thread has implications on all of our lives and should be replied to by everyone on here. I see this is not the case though? Are they just not interested or can't be bothered?

Blimey, you're sounding a bit dogmatic yourself there, Tori! 

Originally Posted by Tori:

What this planet needs is a group similar to the UN but for religious groups to get together and hammer out the laws once and for all. UR--- United Religion Just a thought on my part.

that would be an ecumenical matter  


Yeh, good thinking! It happens on a small scale within some communities , ( well, not hammering out laws, but you know what I mean! ) 

Originally Posted by Tori:

It's great to see a thread that folk are interested in instead of the mundane stuff. This type of thread has implications on all of our lives and should be replied to by everyone on here. I see this is not the case though? Are they just not interested or can't be bothered?

  Was that a decree?


Not sure why this thread should be replied to by everyone here ?

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Tori:

It's great to see a thread that folk are interested in instead of the mundane stuff. This type of thread has implications on all of our lives and should be replied to by everyone on here. I see this is not the case though? Are they just not interested or can't be bothered?

  Was that a decree?


Not sure why this thread should be replied to by everyone here ?

It shouldn't 


As someone who was brought up as a Catholic and remained a 'believer' into her thirties, until I saw the light, I can see it from both sides.


As a believer, I saw divides between different faiths and different denominations of the same faith, as totally man-made problems, which the God I believed in would see just as a parent sees stupid arguments between stupid siblings.



As the atheist which I now am, I see religion as coming from explaining the unknown, as Syd says above. Just picture a 'caveman' viewing a thunderstorm and imagine how that caveman would explain what was happening. Punishment from a higher power, maybe?


The similarities between different religions, throughout the ages, is remarkable. The arguments remain the same, mostly based on stupid rules, stupid allegiances, or stupid tribal issues, sometimes based on real problems, such as discrimination. Terrible crimes perpetrated on behalf of one side, either of the same religion, or another, cause untold grief for centuries to come.


Humans tend to over-react, whether we are political party supporters, football fans, religious believers, or Big Brother fans. When the state is involved, things can get very ugly indeed.



Well my family were never really religious, I was brought up protestant which meant... hardly doing anything religious, ever! 


I honestly believe religion is a man made method of control. With our own J.C rising to fame after being crowned the winner of ye ancient version of 'Prophet the X Factor'.


Bunch of shit IMO.  I have my own religion, its called morals.


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