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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Whilst I agree that the big time fraudsters get away with stuff, I still get p'd off with people cheating the benefits system.   and the Two wrongs don't make a right people with fake bad backs etc are the reason that people like the woman Dame's talking about have to jump through hoops (oh, if only) to get the help they genuinely need.

That's more or less what I was going to say

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Whilst I agree that the big time fraudsters get away with stuff, I still get p'd off with people cheating the benefits system.   and the Two wrongs don't make a right people with fake bad backs etc are the reason that people like the woman Dame's talking about have to jump through hoops (oh, if only) to get the help they genuinely need.

That's more or less what I was going to say

That's about right - I wanted to say something similar but couldn't find the right way to say it.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Can't quote, but sparkles.. people who stay on I.B. when they could work because they've got used to it?  sorry.. but they are lazy scroungers, and I don't see how you can dress that up any other way.

I'm not saying that it's right that they do stay on I.B. if they can do *some* kind of job Kaffy.  I'm just saying that people who have worked 25 to 30 years have already proved that they are not lazy dole scroungers.  What I am saying is that they get used to being on it and find it hard to get off it, as they get used to being at home, and getting paid as much as they would at home.  So I do stick by what I say there.  JMO of course.  I'm not dressing anything up, just saying not everyone on I.B is a lazy dole scrounger.  They get caught in a benefit trap, like many on the dole do.

Absolutely agreed but, this woman was pretending her kids were disabled Wonders what exactly they had to do in order to go along with that


I've only just read the link .......................she invented ten kids!!! Dis i read that right? There is a difference between somebody who has a bit of a dodgy back and dragging it out a bit and a woman who invents 10 children and claims that the two real children she has are disabled. That is fraudulent and greedy and i have no sympathy.


Fraud goes on in all levels of life ....................the scale doesn't really matter IMO.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I've only just read the link .......................she invented ten kids!!! Dis i read that right? There is a difference between somebody who has a bit of a dodgy back and dragging it out a bit and a woman who invents 10 children and claims that the two real children she has are disabled. That is fraudulent and greedy and i have no sympathy.


Fraud goes on in all levels of life ....................the scale doesn't really matter IMO.

And, pretending her two real children are disabled particularly angers me, poor things


I think what I'm trying to say is that the introduction of The welfare state and benefit system was a revolution and changed/saved lives - a wonderful thing for those in need. For many reasons it has been stretched to breaking point over the last 20 years or so .....................IMO it is wrong to abuse the system - ultimately it's the most needy that'll suffer in the long term.


I don't like seeing stories of triumph plastered over the newspapers when cheats are caught (and they do need to be caught) - there are cheats in every layer of society ..............the scale is sort of irrelevant IMO. Cheating the system is wrong .....................excusing the poor who do it whilst poking the finger at the rich who get away with it doesn't wash with me. As someone up there said ....................two wrongs don't make a right!


People who cheat the benefit system make it far more difficult for those who do have a genuine case IMO.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

Cheats and fraudsters are the same in every layer of society and the whole lot of them should be brought to book

It's just never going to happen.

I return to Kaffy's wise words: two wrongs don't make a right

Still ain't happening.


Originally Posted by lal:

Followed your link Dame!!!....started reading about that poor guy with the parasite in his face..feel a little bit sick now!!...



Sorry lal, the link still takes me to Cameron's dad stashing away is money 


Speaking of DLA, watching Prime Minister's questions at lunchtime, Davy boy was questioned on taking a child's DLA from her with numerous complaints, including she can barely walk (sorry I can't remember exactly) and his reply shocked me. He said he was making the system fairer and easier , but maybe it's just me but his next statement left me totally gobsmacked  he said he knew how difficult it was filling in the forms for DLA because he used to fill them in for his son.... now maybe some would say the Cameron's deserved the 100 and quid a week or whatever it is, but with 30 million sitting in your bank account would you think of claiming it....


Never hated a PM as much since Thatcher 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by lal:

Followed your link Dame!!!....started reading about that poor guy with the parasite in his face..feel a little bit sick now!!...



Sorry lal, the link still takes me to Cameron's dad stashing away is money 


Speaking of DLA, watching Prime Minister's questions at lunchtime, Davy boy was questioned on taking a child's DLA from her with numerous complaints, including she can barely walk (sorry I can't remember exactly) and his reply shocked me. He said he was making the system fairer and easier , but maybe it's just me but his next statement left me totally gobsmacked  he said he knew how difficult it was filling in the forms for DLA because he used to fill them in for his son.... now maybe some would say the Cameron's deserved the 100 and quid a week or whatever it is, but with 30 million sitting in your bank account would you think of claiming it....


Never hated a PM as much since Thatcher 

She was a witch.


But how many innocents did she kill compared to Blair?

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Agreed Dame 


But from Labour it was a shocker.


And I voted them in the 97.


didn't matter a jot Velvet...all sides would have followed whatever the USA said, we were in it whatever our feelings were. The first attack was the most shocking thing I have ever seen and likely to see in my life (I hope) 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

But we didnae follow..Blair couldn't get there quick enuff.


Cynical bastard that he is.



not sure that we led Velvet, but I'm sure as the Pope prays we would have still been in there whichever party held power 



I still hate what Cameron is doing to the most in need, the greedy smug git....RIP (as we knew it) the National Health Service too  


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