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I don't want to clog up the footie thread, but it contained the makings of a heated debate. Our socialist/trade unionist household is quite united in the thought that the Queen has been a permanence in our lives and has never put a foot wrong. She doesn't have the same amount of power that the evil Murdoch, MacDonalds, or Coca Cola practice and they aren't even British! TBF though Bog knows what will happen to the monarchy when she goes.
Gotta go now. Long drive. I'll leave that with you.

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I read about a lot about the queen last week and she actually has been a very good monarch, I'm rather fond of our royal family and would love to see her when she tours the country this summer. I'm not sure how Charles & Camilla will fair as king & queen, I personally have nothing against them but the general public still blame them for Diana's unhappiness so I doubt they'll be popular. William & Kate however, I'm very excited for, I believe they will be a marvellous king & queen and I wish them both a very long and happy reign
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm utterly against the monarchy as an institution. It's outdated, elitist and completely unacceptable in a modern democracy.


Of course the MPs and Powers that Be will want to hang on to it because if they did get rid of it, there would have to be a far reaching debate on the constitution and the powers that are reserved to the Crown.

In olden times those would be under the control of the monarch, nominally they still are but in reality they are exercised by the PM and cabinet - without any consultation to parliament and the wider country being necessary.


As to the national anthem, as I said in the footy thread, I never sing it. I don't mind the tune but the words are unacceptable to me. And it is not the anthem of England; it is the anthem of the UK and as such should not be sung when an England sportsperson or team is competing. I think it should be Land of Hope and Glory but I'm not sure

A national anthem should be about the land it celebrates and the culture and people of that land.

Not one person no matter how privileged.



I'm most certainly not a monarchist, but I don't have a problem with the Royal family, especially since the Civil List was pared down and most of the minor royals aren't being financed by the public any more.  I do think that the Queen has been an excellent monarch and will be a hard act to follow.  I think Charles is capable of doing a good job, providing he hasn't lost his marbles by the time he becomes King, and I think Camilla will make a far, far better Queen consort than Diana could ever have been. 


Whilst God Save the QUeen is the UK national anthem, England doesn't have an official national anthem.  For some sporting events, Jerusalem is played for the English team (ie the Commonwealth Games), but usually the anthem used is God Save the Queen.  I think Land of hope and glory used to be played at international rugby matches and some other sporting events, but I don't think that's the case any more. 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I could get very pedantic and ask as this country doesn't have a written constution, who actually runs the joint?

May I refer you to my previous answer...... Murdoch, american firms, and a bunch of corrupt bankers, none of whom have any legitimate rights to do so.

I'm very amiss; you are right off course.



cologne 1

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