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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Would verdigris suffice?  *Thinks of distressed looking water fountain for the garden* 



*I can actually see this heap of sh*te work of art next to my shed* 



I'm off giggling 

I'm off Googling 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Would verdigris suffice?  *Thinks of distressed looking water fountain for the garden* 



*I can actually see this heap of sh*te work of art next to my shed* 



I'm off giggling 

I'm off Googling 



and I'm fecking changing addresses 


Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by nuts:

I'll prolly have/hope to have money for Christmas this year  




Not for a verdigris fountain I flipping hope 

 I'm known for my oddities 


well I hope your odd enough to plumb the bugger in or it will be on ebay  *free to any a good home*

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Mine is grey plastic! TBH .............i grew up in a house with an outside toilet and no bathroom - we had a tin bath in front of the fire on a Saturday tea time ...............Happy Days!

Gosh sooz ... I thought I was the only person left living who only had an outside loo. When I tell my friends they look at me as if I'd just walked out of a history book!!


We must have been uber posh though, compared to you - because we did have a bathroom. It was a huge room, just off the kitchen and all it had in it was a bath. No loo (obv) and no sink. We had to clean our teeth in the kitchen sink.


We moved when I was 12 years old, to a house with a bathroom, seperate shower room, two loos and (omg, the luxury) central heating. Bliss

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Mine is grey plastic! TBH .............i grew up in a house with an outside toilet and no bathroom - we had a tin bath in front of the fire on a Saturday tea time ...............Happy Days!

As a young child visiting my Great Aunts in Helensburgh, I though it was 'an adventure' having to go to the outside toilet - nowhere else that I knew had one.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I love a nice bath with a bit of Jo Malone or somesuch froth and bubble thrown in - not that I get the time to luxuriate that often.  Why does the phone always ring when I've just got settled...?  So more often than not it's a once in a blue moon indulgence for me.  I much prefer a shower anyway.


When we refurbed the bathrooms we bought V and A Capri baths (extra deep for a good wallow) and the suppliers said a bathroom magazine had asked if they could do a photo shoot of the products in situ.  I even ended up being interviewed . It looked nothing like my bathroom by the time the stylist had finished!  All frills and bunches of flowers, whereas I'd designed it to be sleek and minimalist


So much of the interview was centred on taking a bath that I didn't have the heart to say I was more of a power shower gal


I have a white plastic corner bath - I mainly shower but I do lubs a good soak in a tub from time to time.  I previously had a pink jacuzzi type bath but hardly ever used the jacuzzi 


When I lived with my grandma in Ireland she had an outside privy and the bath was a tin one in front of the fire.  We used to have to wait until my grandfather had gone to the pub before we bathed   they eventually turned one of the bedrooms into a bathroom after granddad died 


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