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Can you remember at what age you started knowing who your relatives were?


As in: They weren't just Grans and Grandads, or Aunts and Uncles, but were your dad's or mum's parents or brothers and sisters etc.

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Oh God, I'm so naieve!

I knew that my Grandparents were my mum's and dad's parents, from a pretty young age and that my immediate aunts and uncles were my dad's brothers and sister (and associated spouses - my mum was an only child).

It's only more recently that I've found out who some of my more distant relatives are - for some reason I just accepted that they WERE relatives and never thought to ask HOW they were related.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I can't remember when I realised that, but I do remember having to explain to my niece that her dad was my brother She was going, no he can't be , he's a daddy , not a brother  


Finn's in for that shock when we're older...he calls all my close friends Auntie/Uncle whoever....he's in for a shock when he's older and realises he's only got a fraction of the amount of relatives he thought he had


Think I always knew too.


Mum brought us up herself from me eleven and had one uncle who was exceptionally good to us as kids.


Don't see him now but my thanks is logged and always will be.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

One off my nephews had obviously been around too many males in his very early days,,,,he addressed all relatives as UNCLE, regardless as to whether they were male or female!

  I'm sure the aunties were charmed

Finn went through a phase of calling his little brother his little sister  


Can't remember to be honest.


But it's quite fun with my 3yo grandson. He can't understand that his Daddy was my baby like he and Oscar are his Mummy's babies.


He's seen photos but just can't grasp it yet so I imagine the extended family bit will be beyond him too


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