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Originally Posted by Supes:

Just when I was beginning to think I was disappointed again, POW, another great twist, looks like we're back in business

Oh good!    I get a bit tv'd out at the weekend with all the reality, so Downton suits me on a Sunday night and I can watch Homeland in the week when I'm a bit more alert (i was hoping you'd post something like that ^^ I'd seen comments from people who'd seen it online that it picked up this week)



Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I also watch it later on. We prefer to watch the LOL By any means, of a sunder. Tonight's episode was particularly amusing in the wrong sort of way.

not sure I like that - it's a bit too cool for school imo but it passes an hour.


what does make me laugh is the way they try to make out it's filmed in Lundun when it's obviously done in Brum   we play pick the bits of Brum city centre that's in. 

Originally Posted by Supes:

Just when I was beginning to think I was disappointed again, POW, another great twist, looks like we're back in business


Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

I think that you'll enjoy this week's episode, Kaffy.  I had a little tear in my eye at the end

 <==  now THIS is how I'm SUPPOSED to look at the end of an episode.  Much more like it  

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
We watched four episodes over Friday and Saturday, so we could watch the last one live. The jury is out! All seemed a bit rushed and knocked together using string and chewing gum.

I know what you mean, GJ!   It really picked up towards the end of the series after a slow start - and I was on the edge of my seat with this one.. but even though I loved the episode, I'm left feeling a bit dissatisfied and 'what now?' 


Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
According to one of my in-laws Lewis wasn't available at all times since he had another acting job on.
We lost interest in him especially after the Venezuelan segment. Carrie in our opinion is a strong believable character.........

    I suppose a lot will depend on if they have another storyline of the Abu Nazir strength and of course what happens in her private life now!  


In case anyone is interested - I found a series of three 'prequel' books on Amazon - Carrie's Run     Set five years before Brody.   They've got some quite good reviews and at less than a fiver for all three (on Kindle) I downloaded them.   Only a couple of chapters into part one, but it's reading like the series and I'm quite enjoying it (it's not written by anyone connected to the programme)



I ended up not really liking Brody's scenes at all so I'll be happy to continue series 3 (or is it 4?) without him.  However, reading something online has me now wondering if:  (highlight to read)


....Brody is really dead?  Could it be another one of the big twists Homeland like?  I know we saw him being hanged but could he have been revived quickly after it and is being used by the Iranians? 


Anyway. I'd much rather see a season full of Carrie and her new job.  Maybe she will finally realise there is a mole in the CIA and this season will see her try to find that person.


And more Quinn please


Here goes, then.  (If anyone can see the hidden bit without highlighting it please let me know and I'll delete the post).

Highly unlikely that the following happened but it could just be possible that:


He could have survived because the method of hanging they used meant that death would be by slow strangulation rather than the instant death that would have resulted from breaking his neck if they'd used the 'drop' method.  So I suppose he could have survived if he'd been cut down in time. I think he's a goner, though, personally

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati

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