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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

The ones (and I have one of these, ive unsubscribed so i dont have to read it anymore), but the ones who just want constant sympathy, I dont think they could have got much attention as a child ... "'I'm ill" "I'm ill again", "I've hurt my leg" "ive had a splitting headache for a year"  "more meds from doc" "docs again tomorrow"


Then there is the one that is a terrible mother , we al know she is but she thinks if she says how much she Luvs (not loves) her 'babies' we will all be convinced otherwise. 

"I luv my babies" "i live for my babies" "my babies are drinking hot chocoate WIV (always wiv, never with) marshmallows, happy happy dayzzz"  *Errrrmmmm no, not happy dayz, just hot chocolate, you daft mare, Its fairly common practice, and while were at it, you dont look cool saying everything with a z and a v you just look like an illiterate arse*

(I've unsubsribed to her too, she does my head in)

Got a few of them! It's like feckin Casualty !

And the ones that just post sadfaces or give it " I need a hug" as their status on a regular basis .

yeah, she does that, shes always needing hugs. And shes always banging on about angels in heaven and hope they are looking down on her *insert sad face*  .... NO NO NO they have probably got her blocked !!!

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Got a few of them! It's like feckin Casualty !

And the ones that just post sadfaces or give it " I need a hug" as their status on a regular basis .

yeah, she does that, shes always needing hugs. And shes always banging on about angels in heaven and hope they are looking down on her *insert sad face*  .... NO NO NO they have probably got her blocked !!!

Heheheh! Yeah, lots of angel invokers on mine as well. And angry people! The ones that post really really ranty status messages every 5 minutes. Facebook's a scary place !


I'm never really around on the home page so I miss most of these (if, in fact, anyone I know is doing them - which I doubt).

Gyps - I am guilty of 'hunning' though, although I only do it sporadically.


My major gripe with FB is twofold; I can't remember who a lot of fms are (or were) and when I post something in someones status I can never remember where it was. People must think I'm ignoring them and being ignorant

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I update mine seriously about once a week  Every other update I do is wind ups of what I've read others posting. One day last year I updated every  half hour to tell people I was going to the kitchen, loo, what channel I was watching, what the cat did, what the kids said/did, how I was feeling, what I ate/drank etc. It's amazing how many likes I got and how many lol's  


OH another thing.....stop sending me bloody invites to mafia wars, cafe something, farmville etc. I don't wanna play with you. I don't wanna copy and paste your status to show who your true friends are, I don't wanna like your status to give you a virtual hug blah blah blah 


Remind me again why I keep logging in to FB???? 


There really does need to be a "So what?" button next to the like button



Mind you...   most of my status updates are about my dog, or daughter...   so I should imagine I would get quite a few hits on the So What button myself

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Sorry slightly off-topic:


Added a close friend from secondary school around 18 months ago - but we have not yet communicated at all - not even a mutual liked link or status. There is something just a little bit awkward about being friends on FB with people that you once knew - but no longer know.

I so agree - that's why I've only got three friends - one lives in Arizona, one in Spain and one, errrm - round the corner. The two that are abroad are old school friends. They add everyone from school and I ignore the friends requests, so that I don't get caught in that awkward situation ^^^. Imagine if they suggested meeting up - no, no, no


If I want to look at their profiles I can log on as my friend in Spain. This has resulted in all my FB ads being displayed in Spanish and I can't change them back

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Sorry slightly off-topic:


Added a close friend from secondary school around 18 months ago - but we have not yet communicated at all - not even a mutual liked link or status. There is something just a little bit awkward about being friends on FB with people that you once knew - but no longer know.

I so agree - that's why I've only got three friends - one lives in Arizona, one in Spain and one, errrm - round the corner. The two that are abroad are old school friends. They add everyone from school and I ignore the friends requests, so that I don't get caught in that awkward situation ^^^. Imagine if they suggested meeting up - no, no, no


If I want to look at their profiles I can log on as my friend in Spain. This has resulted in all my FB ads being displayed in Spanish and I can't change them back

Social Networking can be quite a strategic activity!


I have declined all Friend requests from work colleagues simply so that i cannot be accused of playing when i should be working.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by sparkles:


Me personally, I detest the luvvy duvvy gushing couples who piss me off like you wouldn't BELIEVE!  Why the hell do people have to rant on all over facebook about how much they LUURRRRVE each other, and answer each other back and all about how they love each other so much and go on about what they are gonna do to each other BLEH!


Ooohh I have one girl on my fb friends that makes me cringe when I see her statuses.  Her and her boyfriend are a perfect match, lovey dovey boke inducing comments galore.  Don't get me wrong....I don't mind people saying how much they love their partners the odd time but geeeeeeeeeeeez they really overdo it.


A typical status of hers would go pretty much like this:


'Got up this morning to find James cleaning the kitchen cupboards.  Can't believe I finally found a man who treats me like a princess and I am so lucky to be having your baby.  love you loads Jamesxxx'


then he'll comment saying something like:

'You are a princess and the best mother in the world and I can't wait to see our new baby which I hope is soooo much like you and there can be another amazingly beautiful kind caring person in this world for me to love.  Making you tea now so sit up and I'll bring it in and give you a footrub too xx'


this goes on and on and on and on til I can't read it anymore.


I can't get on to my FB, it keeps telling  me that my server has blocked it as it could be  wanting to attack me  or something along those lines 


I also have someone on my FB that is always ill or feeling down or she hates her husband and then her next status will say going to a hotel for the night with hubby  she also does that i'm so fed up and then when people ask why she say's oh i can't say, well don't bloody mention it then 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by sparkles:



Me personally, I detest the luvvy duvvy gushing couples who piss me off like you wouldn't BELIEVE!  Why the hell do people have to rant on all over facebook about how much they LUURRRRVE each other, and answer each other back and all about how they love each other so much and go on about what they are gonna do to each other BLEH!


Ooohh I have one girl on my fb friends that makes me cringe when I see her statuses.  Her and her boyfriend are a perfect match, lovey dovey boke inducing comments galore.  Don't get me wrong....I don't mind people saying how much they love their partners the odd time but geeeeeeeeeeeez they really overdo it.


A typical status of hers would go pretty much like this:


'Got up this morning to find James cleaning the kitchen cupboards.  Can't believe I finally found a man who treats me like a princess and I am so lucky to be having your baby.  love you loads Jamesxxx'


then he'll comment saying something like:

'You are a princess and the best mother in the world and I can't wait to see our new baby which I hope is soooo much like you and there can be another amazingly beautiful kind caring person in this world for me to love.  Making you tea now so sit up and I'll bring it in and give you a footrub too xx'


this goes on and on and on and on til I can't read it anymore.


Holy Crap!!!

*drags MrD to screen to read...    so he can learn how to be more like James*

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

jeez , no  ditty! You'd be consulting the divorce lawyers if dirtyprettyblokethang started all that business.. it would rot yer teeth, that!  

not if he was cleaning the kitchen cupboards, bringing me cups of tea in bed & preparing to give me a foot rub...   seriously...  I could zone out the slushy stuff


He's never called me a Princess


though there is probably a reason for that

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

jeez , no  ditty! You'd be consulting the divorce lawyers if dirtyprettyblokethang started all that business.. it would rot yer teeth, that!  

not if he was cleaning the kitchen cupboards, bringing me cups of tea in bed & preparing to give me a foot rub...   seriously...  I could zone out the slushy stuff


He's never called me a Princess


though there is probably a reason for that

ahhhno, that's slush overload, and not zone-outable! 

And the " princess" .. I read that  and I hear Frank Butcher

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

jeez , no  ditty! You'd be consulting the divorce lawyers if dirtyprettyblokethang started all that business.. it would rot yer teeth, that!  

not if he was cleaning the kitchen cupboards, bringing me cups of tea in bed & preparing to give me a foot rub...   seriously...  I could zone out the slushy stuff


He's never called me a Princess


though there is probably a reason for that

ahhhno, that's slush overload, and not zone-outable! 

And the " princess" .. I read that  and I hear Frank Butcher

*shudders* ( and not in a good way! )

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

jeez , no  ditty! You'd be consulting the divorce lawyers if dirtyprettyblokethang started all that business.. it would rot yer teeth, that!  

not if he was cleaning the kitchen cupboards, bringing me cups of tea in bed & preparing to give me a foot rub...   seriously...  I could zone out the slushy stuff


He's never called me a Princess


though there is probably a reason for that


Has he ever walked into a room, seen you and said 'look at the shape of you'?  No?  Mine just has

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

jeez , no  ditty! You'd be consulting the divorce lawyers if dirtyprettyblokethang started all that business.. it would rot yer teeth, that!  

not if he was cleaning the kitchen cupboards, bringing me cups of tea in bed & preparing to give me a foot rub...   seriously...  I could zone out the slushy stuff


He's never called me a Princess


though there is probably a reason for that


Has he ever walked into a room, seen you and said 'look at the shape of you'?  No?  Mine just has

I'd kill him!!!

Mind you..  he did once make a similar comment...  during a conversation about when we put on weight...  I said that unlike a lot of people I eat when I am happy...  I don't eat when I am upset...  so when I am sad I am thin.    He replied "you must be f**king ecstatic now then"

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive another one hidden from my timeline so i dont have to read it, but im so nosey I go from time to time when im feeling my stomach can stand it and have a look. 


Her husband had two affairs and left her just after Christmas, but shes so determined not to be seen to be bothered by this (i think shes afraid it would make her loose face) (i spelled loose like that speshal for cinds) so she is pretending to remain friends with him. Her status's are all him and her saying "glad your dating hun" "nice to catch up on the phone hun, enjoy your night with your new girlfriend, hun". Everyone is just thinking WTF, people actually comment "is this for real" and they laugh it off and say "were just being grown ups hun"

yes hun









I cant wait for her to down a bottle of wine and go ballistic at him... its coming I tell you

Gypise (and Cagney).    Your posts have made me ROFL on this thread, especially about the people who say 'oh I am so pissed off,' and you say 'awww why' and they say 'can't say on here' and you feel like saying 'f*ck off then!'  This woman you mentioned here ^^^ sounds like a bomb waiting to go off.  No WAY can she be so cool about her hubby having affairs and leaving her!.

But yes, the couples constantly gushing on FB and twitter piss me off!  Question is.... from me... is WHY do they do it?  Anyone know?  Coz me and my OH don't. 


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