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Well, well, well. What on earth has happened here? I reduce my activity on this forum and all hell breaks loose! What are you lot like eh? I think its about time I become the chief of this forum, I'd issue demerits and warnings to anyone who disagreed with me  


I like to think everything has been sorted out?


Anyways, enough about you, lets talk about me. 


So I finished my third week of my teaching course and it was by far one of the most stressful weeks I've ever known...academic wise.  I had to teach Italian teenagers for the week, which I was a little wary of as I had heard some horror 'interesting' stories of Italian teenagers.  So the students were split into 3 groups: top, middle and bottom, based on their level of English.  They weren't actually called top, middle and bottom, but it was evident that was how they were placed.  My first lesson, on Monday, was with the bottom group.........  ........... All I can say was that I spent most of the lesson standing in the corner, ripping up pieces of tissue in frustration. My word they were a challenge.


I taught the top group once, but the rest of the time I taught the middle group.  They were okay, not brilliant, but they did what was asked, and behaved appropriately.  My last lesson with them was yesterday, at when it finished they all wanted group photos with me....I have to say, I got a little choked up about this....but I didn't cry, what with being a man you see .


So after all that, I think I'm gonna miss those little bastards.  It actually made teaching them worthwhile, they all shook my hand and said I was a good teacher and they enjoyed my lessons 


I just have one more week to go, no more teaching in that week, I have some tests and an interview to do and just tying things up.  Who knows what will happen? its going to be a busy final week, so I probably won't be around till next weekend. Until then BEHAVE YOURSELVES!!!  Or I will send matron around!!!!


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Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

.......... All I can say was that I spent most of the lesson standing in the corner, ripping up pieces of tissue in frustration. My word they were a challenge.




 Everyone who has ever taught can relate to that Rawky! 



Sounds like you're doing really well. I can't believe you've done three weeks already  


What happens at the end of the course? Are we going to lose you to a foreign land? 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

.......... All I can say was that I spent most of the lesson standing in the corner, ripping up pieces of tissue in frustration. My word they were a challenge.




 Everyone who has ever taught can relate to that Rawky! 



Sounds like you're doing really well. I can't believe you've done three weeks already  


What happens at the end of the course? Are we going to lose you to a foreign land? 


Well I'll have to look for jobs, i want to head to south east asia for a few years, so hopefully i will be this year.


Anywho, i'm going to bed. Have an assignment to finish tomorrow.




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