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This programme and the people on it literally make my skin crawl.  What century are we living in FFS?!  The "men" sexually assault grope and manhandle the girls, and it's allowed because it's 'customary,' and she fell for it of course.  Well she would, wouldn't she, as you're looked upon as a failure as a woman if you're not married by 16!


The girls mission in life is to get wed at 16, and that is it, the boys are all hideous misogynistic cretins and they all look and act like weedy little inbreds with an IQ lower than their shoe size and they ALL do boxing and/or streetfighting... so they can look and act like double 'ard bastards!


This is like the dark ages: what a dreadful way to live.  I would rather jump off a bridge than live that life.  I am a very free spirit and bloody well HATE being ordered about.  


Lots of the girls are very pretty though.  


There you go Ells >>>>>>>     It's on the right of the smilies, quite high up.  fourth one across from the left and the second row down.  You need to scroll a bit (to the right) when you click on the smilies.


I liked the couple last night, they really did seem to love each other but i did feel the girl was not in the right place emotional to go through with the wedding so close to losing her mum and the lad needing a smack round the chops for throwing her dog in the water  and what was with the bloke holding the baby by the leg  

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I liked the couple last night, they really did seem to love each other but i did feel the girl was not in the right place emotional to go through with the wedding so close to losing her mum and the lad needing a smack round the chops for throwing her dad in the water  and what was with the bloke holding the baby by the leg  

He threw her Dad in the river?   


I felt for that girl last night, in fact a few times when she got tearful I filled up too.  Although I was puzzled as to why the interviewer would ask her about her Mother right in the middle of her getting her make up done for the wedding.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I liked the couple last night, they really did seem to love each other but i did feel the girl was not in the right place emotional to go through with the wedding so close to losing her mum and the lad needing a smack round the chops for throwing her dad in the water  and what was with the bloke holding the baby by the leg  

He threw her Dad in the river?   


I felt for that girl last night, in fact a few times when she got tearful I filled up too.  Although I was puzzled as to why the interviewer would ask her about her Mother right in the middle of her getting her make up done for the wedding.


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I liked the couple last night, they really did seem to love each other but i did feel the girl was not in the right place emotional to go through with the wedding so close to losing her mum and the lad needing a smack round the chops for throwing her dad in the water  and what was with the bloke holding the baby by the leg  

He threw her Dad in the river?   


I felt for that girl last night, in fact a few times when she got tearful I filled up too.  Although I was puzzled as to why the interviewer would ask her about her Mother right in the middle of her getting her make up done for the wedding.


I couldn't understand how I'd missed the bit where he threw her dad in the river.


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