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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

If this thread is all about say what you want to say ........................I want to say - I love it on here. it's a home from home - I like having people to talk to. It goes a bit mental during BB but's my second home. And yes ........................................I've had one or two too many but - nothing is worth falling out over.



Not point falling out over a manky bra. 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Me hankie's wet 

Is that a euphemism?

PMSL! Nooooo! Tis true.


Question is whether to go pay a visit  get a new hankie , or get another can 

NO CONTEST! Get another can!

I did two outta those 

That's hankie-ist.  Poor old Kleenex   Still, a cuff's a cuff

How d'you know I left the Kleenex out? 

I have faith in you.  Even when everyone else obviously hasn't

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 There was a time when a thread like this would be at 186 pages by now, feathers would be flying and we'd be seeing posts from FMs we haven't seen for a while  


 A reasonably measured discussion where folks can say what they think........ gosh I think we might have grown up!  


I hate having to drink water with meals 'cause I'm taking tablets 

 Hope I'm not clapping too soon, as I'm about to read on. 


BTW, if you stick the tablets up your arse and the drink down your throat, they may never meet! 

Seriously Mrs you really do make me laugh... ALOT!

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Sorry Bliz and anyone else in one of the threads in which i said i was  sick of the denise apologists, i forget now what she did or said that made   me react that way.


But maybe people did go over the top in their reaction to her, but that's the only time i can recall i reacted that way. 


But   remember also that other  fm's  were pretty nasty about other hm's and if we had taken that personally as some of the denise supporters seem to have taken remarks on here, then we would have all been banged up or sent to the priory.


So all in all it's swings and roundabouts when BB is on, i also suppoerted Josie so I know how it feels, and Noirin and Bea......


Once again sorry if i've irritated / upset any one , that wasn't the intention.



I'm sorry for mentioning it, but it was just one of the occasions that I could remember feeling that her supporters were being targeted, instead of her.


You know I luvs ya. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

If this thread is all about say what you want to say ........................I want to say - I love it on here. it's a home from home - I like having people to talk to. It goes a bit mental during BB but's my second home. And yes ........................................I've had one or two too many but - nothing is worth falling out over.



Not point falling out over a manky bra. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Sorry Bliz and anyone else in one of the threads in which i said i was  sick of the denise apologists, i forget now what she did or said that made   me react that way.


But maybe people did go over the top in their reaction to her, but that's the only time i can recall i reacted that way. 


But   remember also that other  fm's  were pretty nasty about other hm's and if we had taken that personally as some of the denise supporters seem to have taken remarks on here, then we would have all been banged up or sent to the priory.


So all in all it's swings and roundabouts when BB is on, i also suppoerted Josie so I know how it feels, and Noirin and Bea......


Once again sorry if i've irritated / upset any one , that wasn't the intention.



I'm sorry for mentioning it, but it was just one of the occasions that I could remember feeling that her supporters were being targeted, instead of her.


You know I luvs ya. 

Targets had nowt to do with it Bliz, as is common with the  rest of the forum i posted just how i felt.


I don't even know who was in the thread, sorry you got caught in my crossfire.



Blizzie I think there is a difference feeling you are being targeted than  actually being personally targeted,I remember when you supported Josie you were personally targeted and I was one of the few people on here who stuck up for you, I honestly never saw personal attacks this time round,it is a shame FMS feel they have to apologise for having an opinion about a HM BB,this thread could have gone horribily wrong ..I think it does say a lot about the members on this thread who did not support Denise..anyway she won all had the last laugh

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

 I think there is a difference feeling you are being targeted than  actually being personally targeted,


 I honestly never saw personal attacks this time round,it is a shame FMS feel they have to apologise for having an opinion about a HM

^^^^^ with Marg here... wise lady


Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Targets had nowt to do with it Bliz, as is common with the  rest of the forum i posted just how i felt.


I don't even know who was in the thread, sorry you got caught in my crossfire.


Maybe 'targeted' was the wrong word, but it felt like the Boobettes, as a whole, were being told to shut up and stop getting on everyone's norks, when we were just posting what we felt. 


Again, sorry for using that example, but it was one that I could remember, mainly because I hadn't seen you that cross before!  

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Blizzie I think there is a difference feeling you are being targeted than  actually being personally targeted,I remember when you supported Josie you were personally targeted and I was one of the few people on here who stuck up for you, I honestly never saw personal attacks this time round,it is a shame FMS feel they have to apologise for having an opinion about a HM BB,this thread could have gone horribily wrong ..I think it does say a lot about the members on this thread who did not support Denise..anyway she won all had the last laugh

Marge, I agree that there is a huge difference and I do remember and appreciate your support, when it was personal. 


My original point was that it felt like it could have got like that again, if I had posted more, so I spent more time on DS, where I haven't got any friends to fall out with. I didn't feel personally targeted and I'm sorry if I gave that impression, but it did feel rather unfriendly for Denise supporters, at times.


Again, I have no problem with people having opinions on HMs and don't expect anyone to apologise for those opinions. And, yes, this thread could have gone horribly wrong and I think it says a lot about both sides that it didn't.  

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

 And, yes, this thread could have gone horribly wrong and I think it says a lot about both sides that it didn't.  

Jen my reasoning for saying the FMS who were not Denise fans did say a lot about them.. was because the very nature of this thread that was aimed at them,and yes it could have gone horribily wrong no thanks to you with some of the stuff you posted, and as far as I can see nobody attacked you for it ..quite the reverse,so please dont get on your high horse  because I said it says a lot about fans who did not support Denise ie their replys..sorry I am not having that..and yes both sides if you want to put it that way were fine with each other in this thread..and like you say in this thread some things have to be said.. fine by me.. your posts were way out of order IMO and very surprised that  after your posts this thread never ended in the troll tank.


I aint on any high horse Marg.


I just didnt like that comment, i admit my posts here havent been the nicest... i held my hands up to that last night (although i think we have all seen far worse!)..... but that was me... those are my posts... so why make a point of slating a whole section of the forum because of it? That was out of order tbh


Oh and theres one of my points proven... i didnt actually post that comment.... i just quoted and agreed no?

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I aint on any high horse Marg.


I just didnt like that comment, i admit my posts here havent been the nicest... i held my hands up to that last night (although i think we have all seen far worse!)..... but that was me... those are my posts... so why make a point of slating a whole section of the forum because of it? That was out of order tbh


Oh and theres one of my points proven... i didnt actually post that comment.... i just quoted and agreed no?

Jen I have not slated a whole section of the forum  you did that,it is a pity you did not take what I said in the context it was written,yes you quoted me which made it  an issue.. that was the difference from Blizzies post,I dont insult members on here or cause trouble.. I just hope if anyone reading my posts does not come up with the same conclusion that  you have.. trying to make out saying I am slating a section of the forum it is not true..

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Targets had nowt to do with it Bliz, as is common with the  rest of the forum i posted just how i felt.


I don't even know who was in the thread, sorry you got caught in my crossfire.


Maybe 'targeted' was the wrong word, but it felt like the Boobettes, as a whole, were being told to shut up and stop getting on everyone's norks, when we were just posting what we felt. 


Again, sorry for using that example, but it was one that I could remember, mainly because I hadn't seen you that cross before!  

I was trying to find that fred , but I have no idea now which one it was.


The reason I said I was sick of the Denise apologists, I think, Is  that anything she did was  generally excused  on the basis that she  was honest/drunk/on edge/ bothered about her age/just having a laugh.. etc.  and some of the non Denise  supporters were told they were on yet another high horse( there must be a whole herd in here  somewhere) and not to be so judgmental, and yet there were posts in the  the same  thread and   other threads calling  the twins prositutes, now that's not all judgmental is it?and laying into Michael calling him an acloholic drug abuser, neither the twins nor michael were allowed the same grace  that  seemed to become  expected for Denise.


 It's all water under the bridge now and I sincerely hope you and I  are ok.(and  none of my crossness was aimed at you)

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