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Hi all,


A while ago, I posted here asking if anyone knew about the effects of Seroxat (anti depressant) during pregnancy as I'd just found out I was pregnant and was very confused about what to do, due to the worry of the baby maybe already being harmed due to my medication.


I just wanted to say a big thank you to the people who helped, reassured and advised me,  I'm 24 weeks and 2 days pregnant now and so far all is well. Myself and the baby are being closely monitored, and I'm having to have more scans than would be usual, but things are going well.


I'm having a little boy, and I think he's going to be called Jack James.


Anyway, thanks again for all the reassurance, it was much appreciated and made me feel much stronger about my pregnancy. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Awwww - i wondered what had happened being as you didn't get back. I'm so glad everythings going well for you 

I've been a hormonal old bag, and had morning sickness (stupid name) had it all day every day up until 18 weeks, so I've been keeping myself to myself.  Feeling much more normal now though, thankfully

Originally Posted by AngnLis:

Hi sparkles, and thank you.  Yes it's my first and I'm 34 - eek!


Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too Chicken.    Awww, 34... That's a great age to become a mommy... even a first time one.  I had my two at 30 and 31.  They are mid teens now.

34 is still quite young, you will only be like 50-ish when they become quite independent and 50 is YOUNG, ask some of the ladies on here!  

Originally Posted by AngnLis:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Awwww - i wondered what had happened being as you didn't get back. I'm so glad everythings going well for you 

I've been a hormonal old bag, and had morning sickness (stupid name) had it all day every day up until 18 weeks, so I've been keeping myself to myself.  Feeling much more normal now though, thankfully

That's a sign of a healthy pregnancy Angnlis,so I was told having my sons....Absolutely brilliant news ,I wish you all the very best for the rest of your pregnancy and a safe quick delivery...Love the name Jack Angnlis,it was my dads name ,and little boys are adorable.


I had loads of girls names picked out that I loved, and no boys names - then found out I was having a boy!  Jack just popped into my head, and his middle name, James, is also my Dads middle name and my Mums maiden name.


Had a bit of a fall last night, not onto the bump thankfully.  I'd just mopped the floor, walked over it and slipped, landed on my hip.  Anyway, phoned the midwife, who said to pop in just to be on the safe side, and baby is fine.  His little heart was doing around 150 beats per minute.  It's so exciting hearing it and seeing him on the scans - he appears to have big feet.....unlike his Dad


Originally Posted by AngnLis:

I had loads of girls names picked out that I loved, and no boys names - then found out I was having a boy!  Jack just popped into my head, and his middle name, James, is also my Dads middle name and my Mums maiden name.


Had a bit of a fall last night, not onto the bump thankfully.  I'd just mopped the floor, walked over it and slipped, landed on my hip.  Anyway, phoned the midwife, who said to pop in just to be on the safe side, and baby is fine.  His little heart was doing around 150 beats per minute.  It's so exciting hearing it and seeing him on the scans - he appears to have big feet.....unlike his Dad


Glad everything is going well for you, and no problems after your fall.

Originally Posted by AngnLis:

Hi all,


A while ago, I posted here asking if anyone knew about the effects of Seroxat (anti depressant) during pregnancy as I'd just found out I was pregnant and was very confused about what to do, due to the worry of the baby maybe already being harmed due to my medication.


I just wanted to say a big thank you to the people who helped, reassured and advised me,  I'm 24 weeks and 2 days pregnant now and so far all is well. Myself and the baby are being closely monitored, and I'm having to have more scans than would be usual, but things are going well.


I'm having a little boy, and I think he's going to be called Jack James.


Anyway, thanks again for all the reassurance, it was much appreciated and made me feel much stronger about my pregnancy. 

i didnt see your post .....but thats fab news

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:




I laughed when I read this - because it is exactly how I feel


AngnLis - fabulous news Look after yourself and little JJ ... and pop back in from time to time and let us know how you are - ok?


And the 28th May is now in the forum calendar


Thanks so much everyone - just coming on here makes me smile!


Jack James already has so much stuff it's unbelievable, everybody is buying him little outfits, blankets and toys.  He's a spoilt little man and he's not even been born yet!


I'm getting organised now as well, buying things to spread the cost out.  Never realised babies were so expensive

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:




I laughed when I read this - because it is exactly how I feel


AngnLis - fabulous news Look after yourself and little JJ ... and pop back in from time to time and let us know how you are - ok?


And the 28th May is now in the forum calendar

So did I


Aww, it's lovely news to read about at any time, but especially nice when in the middle of grey, dull February.  Keep well, AngnLis.... and roll on May


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