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On BBC2 Monday nights


I really thought the girl in last nights programme had changed her life for good, after having 3 babies took away from her at birth this time she decided too leave her partner after taking 64 paracetamol tablets and being rushed to hospital


Social services found her a mother and baby unit until the birth and then placed her with a foster mother that would look after her and the baby, after a few days she went missing with the baby and the police found her at her ex partners house drunk, the baby was took off her the next day and put up for adoption 

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I have watched both programmes. So many peroblems to solve .... it's a flipping nightmare and those poor social workers have to tread so carefully with everything they say. Some of the peope they are dealing with have so many problems and are very volatile.

That poor social worker who was dealing with that case last night must have been badly affected by the final outcome. It said she'd later taken 2 weeks on sick leave after the girl went back to her boyfriend, and finally, the poor little boy was adopted, probably the best thing that could have happened to him considering the situation.


Very interesting to get an inside view as to what is going on .... I take my hat off to them .... I know they earn a decent wage but my god, they deserve every penny, it must be emotionally draining & that case last night was one of twelve she had to take care of.

Originally Posted by Angel:

I have watched both programmes. So many peroblems to solve .... it's a flipping nightmare and those poor social workers have to tread so carefully with everything they say. Some of the peope they are dealing with have so many problems and are very volatile.

That poor social worker who was dealing with that case last night must have been badly affected by the final outcome. It said she'd later taken 2 weeks on sick leave after the girl went back to her boyfriend, and finally, the poor little boy was adopted, probably the best thing that could have happened to him considering the situation.


Very interesting to get an inside view as to what is going on .... I take my hat off to them .... I know they earn a decent wage but my god, they deserve every penny, it must be emotionally draining & that case last night was one of twelve she had to take care of.

I think last nights was very interesting, how much you betting the girl is pregnant again by now  she had a really good chance of changing her life for good and keeping her baby this time but gave it all up


I thought it was shocking the state the house was in and the way the social worker had too have security officers with her at all times

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I watched last week's programme, but not last night's yet.


Bloody heartbreaking job. 

The poor lad last week, i'd be no good at this job i would want too take all the kids home with me , they didn't think he needed a toothbrush as they didn't brush their own teeth so didn't think he needed too either, what i also found shocking was they had no furniture or a bed for the little mite but they had a laptop that was obviously working on top of the work top  and why do all these families have dogs when they can't feed themselves 



I think last nights was very interesting, how much you betting the girl is pregnant again by now  she had a really good chance of changing her life for good and keeping her baby this time but gave it all up

I know ..... I know exactly what you mean but I think sometimes you have to think about the way they have been brought up too. I doubt that girl (can't remember her name) had a nice childhood / upbringing, and I think sometimes if you have not had a stable family life, childhood etc, it's difficult to have those kind of life skills. That couple just seemed like 2 lost souls who were clinging together because they had nothing else, and I suppose the babies were just a casualty of thier relationship. No one could stop them breeding or being together .... it was just a toxic, hopeless, relationship all round.


All very sad indeed

Originally Posted by Angel:


 That couple just seemed like 2 lost souls who were clinging together because they had nothing else, and I suppose the babies were just a casualty of thier relationship. No one could stop them breeding or being together .... it was just a toxic, hopeless, relationship all round.


All very sad indeed

I agree, Angel, a very sad situation.

I also felt really sorry for the poor social worker, no wonder so many of them are disillusioned and disheartened.


I haven't watched this week's yet, but last weeks filled me with dismay.  Neither one in that couple were capable of looking after a dog, let alone a child.  SHE seemed to want to try, but HE seemed quite aggressive to me...   I think she was scared of him.  She was pregnant again too.  Trouble is, it's way too easy to get pregnant, when many many people have no bloody CLUE about how hard it is looking after - and raising - a child.

Originally Posted by Angel:


I think last nights was very interesting, how much you betting the girl is pregnant again by now  she had a really good chance of changing her life for good and keeping her baby this time but gave it all up

I know ..... I know exactly what you mean but I think sometimes you have to think about the way they have been brought up too. I doubt that girl (can't remember her name) had a nice childhood / upbringing, and I think sometimes if you have not had a stable family life, childhood etc, it's difficult to have those kind of life skills. That couple just seemed like 2 lost souls who were clinging together because they had nothing else, and I suppose the babies were just a casualty of thier relationship. No one could stop them breeding or being together .... it was just a toxic, hopeless, relationship all round.


All very sad indeed

i know what you are saying but it makes me so mad that they are obviously getting money from the state and not spending on the house and children (not just last night) and i agree that they seemed too need each other, she did so well without him but i wouldn't have liked for the child too go home with the two of them

Originally Posted by Amythist:

Yes really haunting stories ,so sad.


Last week made me think why didnt they support the mum so she could learn how to look after her own children,she loved them and I think she would do alright with the right help.Surely better and cheaper than putting them into fostercare.

They did try with her, telling her how too look after the house and what the child needed and they still didn't co-operate , i do think the bloke was the cause of alot of the problems in that case, like i said before they had a laptop logged into a site but no bed or toothbrush for the child


I missed last week's episode but was gripped by last night's.  I don't know who I felt most sorry for.  The father was a product of his own abusive childhood , poor lad.  The girl too seemed to have mental health issues and I'm not sure either of them were capable of rearing that beautiful little boy.  Didn't you just love that little bundle!  The social worker too, I just wanted to hug her at the end when all her good work went up in smoke.  The only good that came out of it was that at least the baby will have a chance at a good life ~ something he wouldn't have had if he'd been with his birth parents.  So, so sad.

Originally Posted by Aquarius:

I missed last week's episode but was gripped by last night's.  I don't know who I felt most sorry for.  The father was a product of his own abusive childhood , poor lad.  The girl too seemed to have mental health issues and I'm not sure either of them were capable of rearing that beautiful little boy.  Didn't you just love that little bundle!  The social worker too, I just wanted to hug her at the end when all her good work went up in smoke.  The only good that came out of it was that at least the baby will have a chance at a good life ~ something he wouldn't have had if he'd been with his birth parents.  So, so sad.

His face when his dad was singing twinkle twinkle little star  

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Aquarius:

I missed last week's episode but was gripped by last night's.  I don't know who I felt most sorry for.  The father was a product of his own abusive childhood , poor lad.  The girl too seemed to have mental health issues and I'm not sure either of them were capable of rearing that beautiful little boy.  Didn't you just love that little bundle!  The social worker too, I just wanted to hug her at the end when all her good work went up in smoke.  The only good that came out of it was that at least the baby will have a chance at a good life ~ something he wouldn't have had if he'd been with his birth parents.  So, so sad.

His face when his dad was singing twinkle twinkle little star  

I know Aimee, a lump in the throat moment for me too.

Originally Posted by Amythist:

Yes really haunting stories ,so sad.


Last week made me think why didnt they support the mum so she could learn how to look after her own children,she loved them and I think she would do alright with the right help.Surely better and cheaper than putting them into fostercare.

It can be done and has been done successfully Amythist.Many of these parents have came from extremely disadvantaged families themselves,to some a *traditional* family environment is an alien concept. so are not in possession of many basic skills needed ,they weren't *Parented* themselves so it is a vicious cycle but one that can be broken.Guided in the right direction and with the right approach what can be transformed is amazing, social services stay involved and closely monitor, off course, with back up from groups such as Home Start,Sure Start and other community based groups ,all hands on all offering  support, advice  and practical help to parent/s children and as a family group.

Originally Posted by Angel:

I have watched both programmes. So many peroblems to solve .... it's a flipping nightmare and those poor social workers have to tread so carefully with everything they say. Some of the peope they are dealing with have so many problems and are very volatile.

That poor social worker who was dealing with that case last night must have been badly affected by the final outcome. It said she'd later taken 2 weeks on sick leave after the girl went back to her boyfriend, and finally, the poor little boy was adopted, probably the best thing that could have happened to him considering the situation.


Very interesting to get an inside view as to what is going on .... I take my hat off to them .... I know they earn a decent wage but my god, they deserve every penny, it must be emotionally draining & that case last night was one of twelve she had to take care of.

Most see SS an the *Enemy* Angel ,there to do them harm not to do the family *Good*,for some it's based on SS involvement in their past so like the Great Wall of China to break down virtually unachievable. Because many are mirroring their own upbringing that to them is *Normal* ,not society's normal or traditional family normal but their concept of normal.Trying to steer them in another direction to what they know is like trying to steer us in the direction they're currently in,that to us is abnormal we'd resist as do they.


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