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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Most of the time I put bubble bath in my baths, however, if I'm short of time. I have been known to have a 'wash-only' bath with nothing in.


Currently, most of my bubble baths are some sort of exotic flower, though I do have a couple of others - Ivy & Seaweed and Green Tea.


I like to lie and soak in my bubble bath for a while, then I have a wash with flannel and soap substitute. I haven't used standard soap for years.


Towels: Just one big fluffy bath sheet to wrap around me and snuggle into - we have bath-mats for standing on and I usually wash my hair separately.

My apologies: It's not seaweed, it's Brown Algae -

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Ells:

Does anyone know of any product that can be used for kids with Eczema and makes bubbles in the bath?  My 5 year old would LOVE a bubble bath but he can't have one because it would dry out his skin too much.  I always feel bad for him when I'm running a bath and he stands blowing the bubbles around and not being allowed to touch them


Hypoallergenic Baby Eczema Bubble Bath/Body Wash With Vitamins B & H 237ml by Pure baby.

ÂĢ6.99 from Amazon.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Ells:

Just had a look at it EFFT, thanks.  They're doing a 3 for 2 on the bubble bath  My wee one is going to be excited when he can finally have his very first bubble bath!!  Sounds so silly but it's one of those things that kids love and for him to never be allowed one is sad!

sometimes... I just love this place and the people in it.  That made me smile ^^

Originally Posted by Ells:

Just had a look at it EFFT, thanks.  They're doing a 3 for 2 on the bubble bath  My wee one is going to be excited when he can finally have his very first bubble bath!!  Sounds so silly but it's one of those things that kids love and for him to never be allowed one is sad!

No Ells, it's not silly at all. I was just imagining the excitement and awe on his face when he realizes that he REALLY CAN get in this big bubbly bath.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Ells:

Just had a look at it EFFT, thanks.  They're doing a 3 for 2 on the bubble bath  My wee one is going to be excited when he can finally have his very first bubble bath!!  Sounds so silly but it's one of those things that kids love and for him to never be allowed one is sad!

Aww Ells,that will be such a priceless moment for him and you.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I'll have to get one of those really embarrassing pics for when he's grown up, he'll look a right big lump in his 'first bubble bath' pic

I'm sure he'll think the world of you for making sure he finally got to do what most kids take for granted,

We recently introduced him to 'sparkly' oil in the bath makes it look all sparkly and he loved it.  He much preferred that to some of the things we've put in them over the years!  His least favourite being a seaweed powder thing that turned the bath brown and smelt vile.  He saw it and refused to get in because 'someone shit in the bath'  

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I'll have to get one of those really embarrassing pics for when he's grown up, he'll look a right big lump in his 'first bubble bath' pic

I'm sure he'll think the world of you for making sure he finally got to do what most kids take for granted,

We recently introduced him to 'sparkly' oil in the bath makes it look all sparkly and he loved it.  He much preferred that to some of the things we've put in them over the years!  His least favourite being a seaweed powder thing that turned the bath brown and smelt vile.  He saw it and refused to get in because 'someone shit in the bath'  

Ells the poor wee man,eczema must be terrible to deal with for him and you.An old neighbour of mine had 2 kids with it,they used to end up bandaged quite often,other times it looked so painful I could have cried looking at them.They're grown now,roughly the same age as my eldest 2 so they used to meet up every now and again and they holidayed together a few times,they must have outgrown it Ells as they don't appear to have any problems now.


I wince when I see his sore spots but to be honest he's so used to it he just shrugs it off and tells me he's grand!  He has to be forced into getting his creams on though but apart from that I have to say he has shocked me at how well he copes with it.  He's been in and out of hospital a few times with it when he was younger because the GP would never give me what was needed to treat him at home.  After a few months though they did see how severe it was and then started to give everything I asked for which has helped a lot as it's easier to keep it limited with the right stuff.


This weather though is the bane of my life!  I could cry looking at his cracked knuckles and right now his socks are stuck to his feet because he must have been scratching in the night and they have either been bleeding or weeping.  He's running around playing though and isn't one bit bothered.  He's a wee trooper.


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