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Natalie is one nasty nasty woman  love him or hate him she did a hatchet job on Andrew Stone,why are the house taking Denise's twisted version of events at what happened between her and Michael ..on her say so     if there is any justice Natalie will be evicted friday,she is the silent assassinator in the house ..she does her rounds to segregate her victims from the she did Andrew Stone..

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Natalie is one nasty nasty woman  love him or hate him she did a hatchet job on Andrew Stone,why are the house taking Denise's twisted version of events at what happened between her and Michael ..on her say so     if there is any justice Natalie will be evicted friday,she is the silent assassinator in the house ..she does her rounds to segregate her victims from the she did Andrew Stone..

So true Marg..I really liked Natalie at the start, even wanted her to win, but just as you said, she is a mean spirited little witch, who is so full of her own importance, and totally effed up Andrew's time in the house. Andrew did say of all the HM's he was most dissapointed in her, too right, she is bitter and twisted, just like Nicola.

Senora Reyes

*takes deep breath*.....I would like to pose a question... mostly because I am a glutton for punishment 


Natalie is now being increasingly demonised by the forum because she is perceived as a nasty stirrer.... but how far is that perception influenced by who she is seen to be targeting? I will happily admit my own biases and acknowledge that I am sometimes prepared to accept a HM's behaviour if it aimed at someone I don't me that is human nature. In fact I am sure that most of us would have been more than happy to see a *Natalie* scheme against say Jay in last year's BB, or if she was having a go at Nicola or Denise. Just a thought...... *runs*


Baz I take your point but I think what I object to most is that whenever Michael has confided in Natalie regarding Denise, she listened to him intently nodded in the right places acted as if she understood his point of view and instead of being the great diplomat that Natalie proclaims that she is, she goes straight back to Denise, makes his comments seem 10x worse, and this in turn gets Denise's back up....Blatant shit stirring!


She did exactly the same with Andrew she was so two faced with Andrew,Yes he was annoying and delusional, but he trusted her, He thought she cared about his feelings she in turn went back to Nicola and Denise and took the piss out of him...Remember this is a girl who cannot stand conflict and arguments, so why does she put so much energy in creating a bad atmosphere?


Romeo is the true dipolmat of the house, because both Michael and Denise have confided in him, regarding thier feelings towards one another, but not once has Romeo shit stirred, I have so much respect for him, he is a true Gent!


In a lot of ways I think Natalie is worse than Nicola, because with Nicola she is a straight up fake Bitch, in other words you see Nicola coming.. But Natalie is sly and conniving...Hence why I think the twins voted for Natalie over Nicola last night, they've sussed her out.

Senora Reyes

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