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Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:'s:

Scotty and Baz; fighting for no 1 so can share the honours;

*1 joint Botty and Lion King

*3 joint Lee and Hoochie

*4th Cosi doo dada 'cos I bet you're dead glam and gorge juice in rl :-0

Oh, I am! 

And I look nothing like NoNicks Nicola either (I can look straight ahead with both eyes)




I somehow feel that I'm not cut out for the required input in this thread.......

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Aww she's as sweet as candy she is....Someone here mentioned how much she resembles Catherine Tate's Nana character,indeed she is and she's equally polite gentle and sweet.

She'll always dig deep to find a good word to say about anyone Lee, nothing is about her, that's why I love her so much

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Aww she's as sweet as candy she is....Someone here mentioned how much she resembles Catherine Tate's Nana character,indeed she is and she's equally polite gentle and sweet.

She'll always dig deep to find a good word to say about anyone Lee, nothing is about her, that's why I love her so much

I understand ,totally...Don't forget too that she's a mother,she NEVER mentions that fact bless her but yes she is a mother .

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

 Houston we have a problem!!....My strait jacket doesn't fit me any more,that selfish git I'm married too won't let me borrow much for sharing is caring.

You've managed to sign Whitney to the club too?  Wow!


Whitney No 1*......needs some soap opera guidance here... isn't there a Whitney in EE ( I half listen at work)...Is she a goodie or a baddie or an inbete



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