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By going into the BB house. Personally I would have thought that after wrecking two families and putting her children into an horrendous position it may have been wise to lay low for a few years. Instead she;s cashed in claimimg to want to 'put her side, prove something, whatever' What is there to prove? Other than she's a bit of a ho!



What a selfish, self centred tart. I can't find the words to say how much I despise her. She should be spending time with her kids and keeping a low profile IMO. What a disgusting individual raking it all up again!


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I agree Soozy, her and that disgusting piece of shit that manages to kick a ball around have destroyed 2 families.  


She had the audacity to mention her husbands name on the first night to Gareth, in the hope he would know her and him from all the crap in the papers, without mentioning the other piece of shit that manages to kick a ball around, but he didn't, so she had to mention the other piece of shit that manages to kick a ball arounds name, and she keeps reminding us that is why she is there.


 hahaha did that make sense.


In short, she should have stayed at home and looked after her children and if her husband was THAT important to her, maybe tried to repair their relationship. *shrugs what do I know*


I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental but she really disgusts me TBH. Sat there in a house of 'celebrities' OK some of them have only a tenuous hold on fame but .................she had a long term affair with her husbands brother and her sisters husband can't get much lower than that.


Brtazen doesn't come into it IMO! What a nasty cow!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental but she really disgusts me TBH. Sat there in a house of 'celebrities' OK some of them have only a tenuous hold on fame but .................she had a long term affair with her husbands brother and her sisters husband can't get much lower than that.


Brtazen doesn't come into it IMO! What a nasty cow!

I agree Soozy...... mind you I think that Nicola is equally nasty......

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental but she really disgusts me TBH. Sat there in a house of 'celebrities' OK some of them have only a tenuous hold on fame but .................she had a long term affair with her husbands brother and her sisters husband can't get much lower than that.


Brtazen doesn't come into it IMO! What a nasty cow!

nah youre right soozy

shagging your old mans bro isnt realy a claim to fame


even i know that


proper showing up for both families

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental but she really disgusts me TBH. Sat there in a house of 'celebrities' OK some of them have only a tenuous hold on fame but .................she had a long term affair with her husbands brother and her sisters husband can't get much lower than that.


Brtazen doesn't come into it IMO! What a nasty cow!

I agree Soozy...... mind you I think that Nicola is equally nasty......

Baz there's nasty, and then there is shagging your husbands brother? 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental

Hell, she's hoping everyone WILL judge her. Trouble is, they are - but not necessarily in the way she'd hoped.


Seriously, I'd keep quiet in the aftermath, get my head down and get on with repairing MY part of the damage in this seedy, sordid skin crawling load of trash.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
For EIGHT YEARS too! That's not just a moment of weakness or a mid-life crisis fling, that 8 whole years of cheating, lying & conniving. It's very low indeed, and she doesn't appear remorseful IMO. How old are her children anyway?!

That's exactly what I think to Sweet, 8 frigging years, and she is laughing about it.  


Why should we care about her children, she obviously doesn't.


I've been wondering why most of the HM's are regarded as so called celebs. Atm I can only think of 3 in there that have had what's regarded as a lengthy "celeb career" Michael for his film career...not that I've seen any of his films or had heard of him lol. Denise for being in Corrie and on Loose Women and Natalie for being in EE since childhood. Hardly real celebrity status I suppose but they've been in the biz for quite some years.


As for the rest they're not real celebs are they, then again by today's standards?

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've been wondering why most of the HM's are regarded as so called celebs. Atm I can only think of 3 in there that have had what's regarded as a lengthy "celeb career" Michael for his film career...not that I've seen any of his films or had heard of him lol. Denise for being in Corrie and on Loose Women and Natalie for being in EE since childhood. Hardly real celebrity status I suppose but they've been in the biz for quite some years.


As for the rest they're not real celebs are they, then again by today's standards?

I think that there are some in the house that deserve the "Celebrity" status.......







Andrew...........Dancer (showbiz)













Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've been wondering why most of the HM's are regarded as so called celebs. Atm I can only think of 3 in there that have had what's regarded as a lengthy "celeb career" Michael for his film career...not that I've seen any of his films or had heard of him lol. Denise for being in Corrie and on Loose Women and Natalie for being in EE since childhood. Hardly real celebrity status I suppose but they've been in the biz for quite some years.


As for the rest they're not real celebs are they, then again by today's standards?

I think that there are some in the house that deserve the "Celebrity" status.......







Andrew...........Dancer (showbiz)













Nicola......Got tits out married a footballer

Kirk..........Had a rich dad got on TOWIE

Frankie....Managed to get on X-factor, shagged around, took coke

Georgia...Got tits out

Twins......Got tits and fanny out

Natasha..Shagged famous brother in law, will probably get tits out in future


I wonder what her sister is thinking about having her husbands affair raked over the coals yet again too. .bad enough her kids and ex hubby are getting it rubbed in their faces.. it is truly awful. .if she is supposed to be this nice ok girl apart from the slag aspect of her personality surely anyone with any sense of shame would lay low and serve a long penance for what she did and not carry on broadcasting the affair, thereby hurting all the people over and over again... .same for the Giggs bloke . .needs a knot tied in his willy and to walk around in sackcloth and ashes .  

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental but she really disgusts me TBH. Sat there in a house of 'celebrities' OK some of them have only a tenuous hold on fame but .................she had a long term affair with her husbands brother and her sisters husband can't get much lower than that.


Brtazen doesn't come into it IMO! What a nasty cow!

are they both the same or two different people cos on DS there is no mention that Ryan was her sisters hubby in the thread over there.. so if she has sniffed around both her BIL's that makes her an even more skanky ho...

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not sure who I think I am to be so judgmental but she really disgusts me TBH. Sat there in a house of 'celebrities' OK some of them have only a tenuous hold on fame but .................she had a long term affair with her husbands brother and her sisters husband can't get much lower than that.


Brtazen doesn't come into it IMO! What a nasty cow!

are they both the same or two different people cos on DS there is no mention that Ryan was her sisters hubby in the thread over there.. so if she has sniffed around both her BIL's that makes her an even more skanky ho...

I read that on this forum somewhere but having now done a bit of research It appears not to be true. My mistake!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

IMO no she definitely hasn't....Whilst I do feel that Ryan Giggs has a hell of a lot to answer for, and it is extremely unfair Natasha and Imogen bore the brunt of the flack ,I can't  get my head around why she would want to court more controversy by going in there.

Exactly! I guess the money was too good to turn down - bugger the kids - bugger everyone else's feelings - it is and always has been about the money which somehow makes her even more beneath contempt.

Soozy Woo

I'm quite laid back about the whole "are the celebs... should they be in there" thing.. 


It doesn't really bother me if their zelebrity is questionable cos for me I just like watching the different layers of people etc.


I make an exception with Natasha though...  she shouldn't be in there.   


I don't know how she can be there.. .knowing what she has done.     Obviously doesn't have a shred of decency about her..      


I'm not a fan of booing people when they exit but I hope they she gets booed... 



& then perhaps a quick tar & feathering or sommat 


 Like Ditty i don't really mind about whether they're "proper" celebs I just love watching people interact..... BB or Celeb BB don't mind   However I think putting her in there epitomises the very worst  of what our society has become.


To answer the OP's question - No I don't think she's done herself any favours .....her lack of remorse and frivolous demeanor demonstrates a fundamental lack of morals and that can never be attractive.

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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