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Heya Jen


I couldn't watch the wedding programme with them in it simply because of the way they speak. .it grates so much as I said I can't get beyond that to see if they are actually ok. .the rare occasion they talked normally on CBB they seemed. .well Normal and antural. .I just don't get the faux American stuff at all 


I am really not amused by their kiddy prank persona's at all either. .my preferred  humour is more of the verbal wit you get on QI which is the only show that makes me laugh out loud, with 8 out fo 10 cats occasionally having that affect, rather than norty boy childish pranks. .


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Heya Jen


I couldn't watch the wedding programme with them in it simply because of the way they speak. .it grates so much as I said I can't get beyond that to see if they are actually ok. .the rare occasion they talked normally on CBB they seemed. .well Normal and antural. .I just don't get the faux American stuff at all 


I am really not amused by their kiddy prank persona's at all either. .my preferred  humour is more of the verbal wit you get on QI which is the only show that makes me laugh out loud, with 8 out fo 10 cats occasionally having that affect, rather than norty boy childish pranks. .



Quite, quite. *Nods approvingly whilst sipping some earl grey out of my finest china*

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Course not...I like intelligent humour too 


Although my top film for funniest movie ever is Hot Rod....thats not so intelligent 

Oh not another one! My Bro and MrJen both love that film..... i think its stupid


Speaking of stupid this is the second time i've typed that^ out but first time i closed it down rather than pressing submit

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

that's good ... I am useless at reading if someone is joking or not nowadays. .


oh and mine's Airplane especially if you've necked a few while watching it..  and Bill and Ben DVD's are quite funny after a few too

Bill and Ted were on TV a couple of weeks ago, my kids loved it


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