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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I haven't really decided yet - probably Michael or Romeo. I opted for Michael in the poll.

I did like Natalie but I'm going off her, she's quite bitchy and a bit of a stirrer.

I'm going to say Michael so far.


However, i don't feel i've seen anywhere near enough of Romeo, Gareth or Kristina (quieter twin) to have formed an opinion yet.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I haven't really decided yet - probably Michael or Romeo. I opted for Michael in the poll.

I did like Natalie but I'm going off her, she's quite bitchy and a bit of a stirrer.

I'm going to say Michael so far.


However, i don't feel i've seen anywhere near enough of Romeo, Gareth or Kristina (quieter twin) to have formed an opinion yet.

I'd like to see more of Romeo and Gareth, too.


no clear cut winner for me as yet .... apart from, I suppose, Natalie.


I also like Romeo .... but I have a sneaking feeling Michael is going to be the clear cut winner .... It's looking more likely by the day.


I'm still not sure if I like him or not ... I'm on a completly different wavelength to him ... takes me all my time to understand what he's saying

Originally Posted by Angel:

no clear cut winner for me as yet .... apart from, I suppose, Natalie.


I also like Romeo .... but I have a sneaking feeling Michael is going to be the clear cut winner .... It's looking more likely by the day.


I'm still not sure if I like him or not ... I'm on a completly different wavelength to him ... takes me all my time to understand what he's saying

Same here.  I think he slurs and rambles.  That was my beef with Paddy.  I didn't understand most of what he said.


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