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Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

Sorry but LOL at Denise saying 'the good die young' when referring to Pat!    She is almost SEVENTY!

Go on sparkles, admit it, you're addicted now aren't you?


Go on, you're among friends ... we won't tell :laugh;

*disclaimer* as I said in my ranty hate thread: it's on in my house coz my twatty hubby wants to watch it...  and I refuse to leave my living room.  I just bury my nose in the laptop and slag off Eastenders!    Even HE says it's not good, but still bastard watches it.....  


*additional disclaimer*


i found out Pat's age by googling it!  :

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:

Peter and Lucy have gone to stay with relatives in Cornwall. Basically, Ian sent Lucy away for being a prime biatch (her mother's child) and Peter got so disgusted with the way that Ian treated Jane that he went to join Lucy.


I'd just like to say that I do appreciate that not many here like EE, but is there any reason to attack it so vehemently in every single thread that's written about it? Can't those of us who do enjoy it just have some peace to express that? If you don't like EE, just don't come in the thread. I think Corrie is a big pile of poo, but I don't go scribbling that all over every thread that's posted about it.

JMHO, but I don't understand why you would take peoples opinions so seriously...   This is just my honest opinion.... I think EE is a terrible excuse for a programme, and it's a joke that it keeps getting best soap award.  I hate it, and am expressing my views.  I think people should be allowed to express their opinions on a tv programme they hate: this is an internet forum after all, and it's  going to have a vast array of views... 

No offence intended Peter...And I know you are also entitled to your views, but  don't take the comments of random people on an internet forum so seriously... Many people on here do seem to really dislike EE, as I see many many negative comments written about it... and I think we should be allowed to express ourselves.  As long as we are not attacking fellow forum members, we're not breaking any rules.    Moreover this wasn't an EE support thread, we were asked what we thought of it.

Like I said: no offence intended...  

I think PC makes a fair point TBH. Sparkles .............can you honestly say that you've not taken posts on here to hear in the past? 


As for EE -I too have been moving away from it for quite a few years but I think they're doing this storyline remarkably well. As for all the intertwined cross family references - I'm from South London and I find it 100% believable. Although london is a big place the whole connected, extended family thing really rings true to me.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by machel:



i am so confused,


ians eldest was simons ( he had an affair with cindy?)  but that isn't one of the twins? and he left years ago??


didn't kathy go to SA? story not connected to simon?

had to wonder why the brannings were there, then realised the connection between carol/david/bianca


i'm sticking to emmerdale - and i still think it is moira...or amy and a sneaky suspicion of zak

if i remember correctly, simon (pats son) had an affair with cindy (ians wife) and ian thought the lad was his but later found out it was simons, said son (can't remember his name* stabbed ians wife (jane) and left too live with his dad (simon)


Ian's mum (kathy) went too SA with phils baby (ben) ians half brother 

Originally Posted by sparkles:

JMHO, but I don't understand why you would take peoples opinions so seriously...   This is just my honest opinion.... I think EE is a terrible excuse for a programme, and it's a joke that it keeps getting best soap award.  I hate it, and am expressing my views.  I think people should be allowed to express their opinions on a tv programme they hate: this is an internet forum after all, and it's  going to have a vast array of views... 

No offence intended Peter...And I know you are also entitled to your views, but  don't take the comments of random people on an internet forum so seriously... Many people on here do seem to really dislike EE, as I see many many negative comments written about it... and I think we should be allowed to express ourselves.  As long as we are not attacking fellow forum members, we're not breaking any rules.    Moreover this wasn't an EE support thread, we were asked what we thought of it.

Like I said: no offence intended...  

I wasn't very upset. I'm just expressing my feeling that every thread on EE has these same opinions expressed time after time and I think they've been more than heard, to be fair. I'm also not having a go at you, sparkles, I promise. There are many others here who feel the same as you, as you've just pointed out. Also, I wasn't saying that I'd like a thread where EE is above criticism. It would just be nice to see some different criticisms for a change (and I really don't mean that nastily). Does that make sense?


I'm also writing these comments on a week of very little sleep, so please forgive me if I'm expressing myself badly. I wouldn't take serious offense at people here having a go at a soap opera. It's not like it's real life

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by machel:



i am so confused,


ians eldest was simons ( he had an affair with cindy?)  but that isn't one of the twins? and he left years ago??


didn't kathy go to SA? story not connected to simon?

had to wonder why the brannings were there, then realised the connection between carol/david/bianca


i'm sticking to emmerdale - and i still think it is moira...or amy and a sneaky suspicion of zak

if i remember correctly, simon (pats son) had an affair with cindy (ians wife) and ian thought the lad was his but later found out it was simons, said son (can't remember his name* stabbed ians wife (jane) and left too live with his dad (simon)


Ian's mum (kathy) went too SA with phils baby (ben) ians half brother 

Almost right, Aimee. Stephen Beale had been living with his natural father, Simon. He came back into EE, shot Jane (resulting in her having a hysterectomy), then tried to murder Pat, his grandmother. After he'd been caught by Ian, he left the Square on a Tube, but no-one knows where he is now.


Oh, and I was a bit wrong about Lucy and Peter. Lucy left after cheating on her exams and being told she'd have to retake the whole year. She went to live with her grandmother in Devon, followed by Peter a few months later when he was disgusted by Ian's behaviour as a father and husband. The last we heard of either of them, they'd been involved in a car crashearlier this year, resulting in Ian and Bobby dashing down to Devon to see them.



Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


 As for all the intertwined cross family references - I'm from South London and I find it 100% believable. Although london is a big place the whole connected, extended family thing really rings true to me.

Yep, I'm from South London too and have been doing my family tree.  The amount of rellies who ALL lived in the same street - in fact, occupied a whole street is not unusual. 


I think EE has always given the odd comment about as yet unseen relatives, but maybe they've not emphasised their existence enough.  That makes their sudden appearance seem a bit too convenient at times perhaps...?


As with most soaps, EE can be contrived at times.  I don't think many people would have given the time of day to the likes of Peggy or Pauline in real life; forgive and forget seems to be a convenience used far too often   And Phil Mitchell's about as threatening as a tomato with laryngitis (if there was such a thing).


Pam St. Clement is on record as having asked to leave EE.

She claimed that violence and mean spiritedness had become the core of the show and that she found it OTT and not overly true to life in such communities.

Originally Posted by PeterCat:
I wasn't very upset. I'm just expressing my feeling that every thread on EE has these same opinions expressed time after time and I think they've been more than heard, to be fair. I'm also not having a go at you, sparkles, I promise. There are many others here who feel the same as you, as you've just pointed out. Also, I wasn't saying that I'd like a thread where EE is above criticism. It would just be nice to see some different criticisms for a change (and I really don't mean that nastily). Does that make sense?



Well I am pleased Peter.  I wouldn't want to offend you: you're one if the nicest people on here.  I just like a good rant and get carried away sometimes.  


Re: Cosmo's post: yes I think that many many years ago, some two to three generations back or  more; peoples families were all close together, as people used to work close to their home and socialise together and hardly anyone had a car, or travelled abroad, and everybody knew everybody.  However, whilst I think there may be some places that are still like this, (and I know there are, and it's not just in London either... )  it is as rare as chicken's teeth for there to be so many people related to just about everyone in the same 1000 yard square area.....  Yes, people live near relatives in loads of areas, but the way that virtually EVERYone is related is just too much....There are just too many far-fetched and ludicrous storylines IMO.. ... 

*I* have got a dozen or more 'extended family' relatives in my town, (aunts/uncles/cousins) but we don't all live within 100s yards of one another, and we're not all married to each others friends/uncles/cousins, etc, and we don't marry our friends' and cousins and sisters exes, and we don't have babies with the same man as our sister...  !!!  (Ronnie and Roxy?????)   and we don't have 10 family members with only 4 different dads... Nobody I know has a life like they have on EE.  


And yes Cosmo, the way people keep appearing who have never been mentioned before is just a bit too convenient, and imo totally unbelievable, and everyone I know agrees.  Even people I know who have lived there all their lives think EE is a bad example of London life, as everything is so wildly exaggerated!  I actually spent 10 years in London in the 1980s to early 90s and nowhere I know was like this.  Yes, maybe little pockets of it would have a few people related, but on the whole, in today's age, the way everyone is related and the way people just appear when they have never been mentioned before is totally unrealistic.  Like I said, East London is not an Island in the middle of the atlantic in the 19th century: it's a borough in London in the 21st century!    


That's it me for now.  I'm just repeating myself now!  Thanks to Aimee too for the lowdown on Ian and Cindy


I won't slate EE for at least 3 months now LOL.  I understand that it is a bit annoying if you like it... it's like 'well if you don't like it... so what?  I do!'  And yes Peter, the same old comments do keep coming up...It's like when people tear into Big Brother and I like it; it annoys me a bit...




I get where you're coming from Sparkles  

Nowadays families do migrate out to the suburbs and live further from each other.  I suppose EE reverts back to old tradition when it suits, throws in a more supposedly modern spin to keep it 'current' and then forgets to evolve fully to keep authenticity.


The partner swopping is fairly believeable up until everyone STILL continues to live in the same square.  Quite why very few move away voluntarily to escape the aftermath of what would be unresolveable differences, let alone bad feeling, is pretty daft.


I've hardly watched EE properly for years;  just dip in when there's a big storyline really.  Had to have a look-see at Jamie Foreman out of curiosity but was a bit disappointed at Phil Mitchell still being there given his latest situation;  his missus wouldn't be given the time of day by 99.9% of the community in RL.  And that's where I struggle to find EE plausible by comparison to its earlier years.


3 months, Sparkles..???   Good luck with that! 


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