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Have to admit: I know that people have differing views, but I couldn't fancy Russell if he was the only man on earth.  I can't see the appeal at all.  I think he has such a weird face, and a weird mouth.  He does nothing for me.  I think the fact that he has been 100s of women is very offputting too.  A man who has shagged such a high number of women that it run into triple figures (or in pox ridden Jay from BB's case quadruple figures!) is NOT appealing at all. 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Apparently Russell filed for divorce because HE wanted to settle down and have kids.

Katy seems to have other ideas and has reneged on this agreement

Really Cos - where did you see that?   That was my no basis whatsover for thinking it gut instinct, but he's so totally changed from what he used to be and has said he wanted a family life, while she was still so obviously partying it seemed to be a reasonable assumption to me.


It must have been in a living and breathing REAL newspaper (as opposed to online) 'cos I've been scrolling my history and can't find it anywhere

So, I deduce that it was either The Times, The Independent, The Mail, The Guardian...or it could have been The Sun and/or The Mirror depending on what day it was.

Gotta love living with a newspaper freak at times like this


But I swear I never dreamt it


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