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Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

I have to this time o night next door isn't out playing with his motor bike on the drive and revving, and revving, and revving   

Next door but one too me has a guard dog  your just starting too drop off too sleep and it starts barking  then goes all quiet and then starts again about 3am  it drives me round the bend 

OMG Aimes - you have my every sympathy ... the people who used to live at the end of out garden had a dog that used to yap and yap and yap and it drove me mental. In the end I used to phone them up and ask them to take the dog inside. 


They've moved now - it's lovely and peaceful (sorry Rosie, you probably didn't need to know that!)

i know it's not the dogs fault but i could easily strangle it  it barks at every little thing, the rspca have took no end of dogs off them  they have a brick wall and gates around their property, god knows why they need a guard dog as well  they've also got a brick garage which they have now turned into a bungalow  so they are banging and drilling from 6am, everyone are getting pee'd off with them

There's a law against that isn't there? Go to the council 

TBH i don't know how they are getting away with what they are building, i've told my neighbour too look into it as she lives next door to them and *garage* is gettiing bigger by the day  it started off as a oblong brick garage at the end of the drive but then they built abit on the side of it so it's now L shaped, the new bit is behind the house so can't be seen from the street, now it's got a glass conservatory onit and a pitch roof  god knows how many people are living in it now, the other day neighbour saw her dog by the fence and when she went too see what he was doing, she found they had shoved a pipe under her fence and water was coming out of it, her husband just pulled it out and threw it back over, it was coming out of the bit of the building that is their toilet  they still haven't contacted the council, i would have by now 

Originally Posted by nuts:

Aims,I'm sure there's something wrong there. Have they got planning permission? It would be interesting to see. 

it would be interesting too find out  they are not next door too me so it doesn't bother me too much but it does make you wonder if anyone knows what is going off as it has been built behind the house and you can't get on their land for love nor money

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Aims,I'm sure there's something wrong there. Have they got planning permission? It would be interesting to see. 

it would be interesting too find out  they are not next door too me so it doesn't bother me too much but it does make you wonder if anyone knows what is going off as it has been built behind the house and you can't get on their land for love nor money

That speaks volumes to me 


You are allowed to build a shed/garage/outhouse/conservatory without planning permission provided that it is within a certain height - single story, and that it doesn't cover more than 50% of your land (this is the total of your land, front, back and sides).


It does sound like they have exceded this Aimes ... a call to the planning dept should sort it, but be careful - they record who opposes applications 

Originally Posted by nuts:

Is it blocking your views or anything like that? This seems very odd and I think some of you in the street should get together and go to the council 

it does the neighbours but not me and they are too lazy too do anything about it  it's just the noise of them building from 6am and their guard dog barking all the time 

Originally Posted by Rexi:

You are allowed to build a shed/garage/outhouse/conservatory without planning permission provided that it is within a certain height - single story, and that it doesn't cover more than 50% of your land (this is the total of your land, front, back and sides).


It does sound like they have exceded this Aimes ... a call to the planning dept should sort it, but be careful - they record who opposes applications 

i would love too know if they have got planing permission  it doesn't effect me personally so i won't get involved unless i have too, my dad is  everytime he is in my garden and see's this new house growing  apparently one of them had a baby the other day and even the midwife couldn't get in 


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