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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I personally wouldn't get a tatoo but I have nothing against those who do, and I think it's inappropriate for people to criticise this lady for hers. The choir they've formed is for a great cause and people should remember that

I am incredulous that they do - what nasty people

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

She shouldnt worry about it, it was probably a rabid throng of little mix supporters.


To be fair ( and no I am not one of the rabid throng) she was actually quite vocal about how good it was that an X factor record was not number one - gloating ( IMO). Little Mix have not said anything back ( as far as I am aware).

I personally thought that those comments somehow lessened the impact that song made. Not nice to gloat.


Her body - her business.


I am uneasy though about the big YAY to all things military that has been going on over the last few years in this country.

Very uneasy

I'm not (and yes i am biased - my son is a soldier)  why not give a big yay to those who give their lives for small reward, sometimes living in awful quarters (and that includes family homes)  and a quiet brush off should anything go wrong - either death or serious injury and at the same time being stuffed by this coalition


for some reason only the quote posted what i said was


i'm not, why shouldn't we give a big yay to all that is military (and yes i am biased - my son is a soldier)  they give their lives for little reward, sometimes live in appalling conditions (and that includes family homes on bases ) given the big heave ho when they are of no use, all while being stuffed by this coalition gov.

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Her body - her business.


I am uneasy though about the big YAY to all things military that has been going on over the last few years in this country.

Very uneasy

I agree veggie. I've always found the whole our boys are heroes and Our leaders are war criminals (Blair/Brown) a tad hypocritical.  The two are statements are mutually exclusive in my mind.  Also, if any British government wants people to go on its various crusades and do its dirty work, it should be morally bound to look after those who come back so that charity is neither necessary nor required.  IMO, there are better and more deserving charities than those which tend to glorify war and conflict.

Originally Posted by christmas fairy machel:


for some reason only the quote posted what i said was


i'm not, why shouldn't we give a big yay to all that is military (and yes i am biased - my son is a soldier)  they give their lives for little reward, sometimes live in appalling conditions (and that includes family homes on bases ) given the big heave ho when they are of no use, all while being stuffed by this coalition gov.

Well I get that your opinion is obviously and rightly influenced by the fact that your son is a soldier.

But I am uneasy about what has been going on with the media over the last few years. I just feel that the climate of 'Yay Military' is a very dangerous one to promote and can only lead to more abuses in countries that we are occupying illegally.

The media seem to have forgotten that our service personnel are sacrificing their lives and health fighting in a country that we should never have been in for causes that have more to do with oil and multinationals than the causes of democracy.

My son was keen on joining the army cadets when he was about 15 or 16 - it was the most serious fight we ever had as I told him exactly how the government (of whatever shade) would use and abuse him to pursue their own agenda which would have nothing to do with safeguarding the people or country he loves. He didn't join up thankfully and now is so grateful that he didn't.

No offence intended towards you Machel or your son. Btw I think our council housing department is now giving priority to discharged service personnel when allocating social housing


I am surprised to hear the comments on here by Carnelian and Veggie etc... but somewhat pleased.  I have felt this way for quite a while, and thought it was only me... I also don't 'get' this 'raving about what amazing heroes our soldiers are.'  I don't have anything against them per se, but I don't get all the fuss over them, or why they are more 'heroic' than anyone else.   

The men that go into the forces know what they're signing up for, and I don't get the 'heroes' tag they have either.  Sure they go to shitty parts of the world that I wouldn't want to go to, but what were they expecting when they did their training to become a soldier?  To be able to stay at home 52 weeks a year and occasionally support the Queen at the trooping of the colours and help out during the odd power cut or the occasional riot in London?    I'm not slating them, but i don't get why they are treated as heroes.  It would be different if they were civvies and were being called up against their will, (like it used to be many years ago,) but these are men that chose to be soldiers.

JMHO of course...


Also agree with Eileen that the woman gloating over taking over the X factor at number one just invited negativity..   


i am disgusted by some of the comments


i could say more but in the best interests of my blood pressure, yes they do know what could happen when they sign up which only makes them more heroic,  do we remove the medals and names from the centotaphs of those who were not conscripted during the two world wars because they are less deserving/heroic?


You know what?

Whether we believe in what they are doing or not is immaterial.

These men and women joined up to defend our country.

It is so easy to judge and make smart comments from behind a keyboard.

Not so easy when it is your loved one who is dying in a foreign field.

Try seeing some of these people for what THEY believe in

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

I partly agree with Carnelian but I don't  really see how this charity glorifies war or conflict. 

I don't have anything to do with the Sun but I assumed that this was about someone criticising tattoos.

I think enivitably such things are unintentional recruitment posters for joining the forces.  I've always felt the C of E's symbiotic relationship with the state and its military inappropriate.  To present our lot as heroes in need of our gratitude and our charity is (I feel at least) under the circumstance, a demand too much.


However, I do feel that this charity shouldn't be needed and soldiers putting their lives on the line should not need charity.  Any government should make provision so that charity isn't needed.  I believe the government that is asking soldiers to do this on the state's behalf is beholden to those who do it,  I recognise that it is the ultimate sacrifice to make for the state but never the less a misguided one.


However, I don't think the mission objectives themselves merit the proclamation of soldiers being described as heroes or what they're doing as of any great moral value or use to our nation.  We did enter into a war that at some point (probably when Blair and Bush are long dead) will be internationally damned as illegal and immoral. 


I'm no Blair basher and I do think Blair partially did what he did for idealistic reasons to make the world a better place but still feel being America's poodle was the main reason for the decision.

Originally Posted by sparkles:

I am surprised to hear the comments on here by Carnelian and Veggie etc... but somewhat pleased.  I have felt this way for quite a while, and thought it was only me... I also don't 'get' this 'raving about what amazing heroes our soldiers are.'  I don't have anything against them per se, but I don't get all the fuss over them, or why they are more 'heroic' than anyone else.   

The men that go into the forces know what they're signing up for, and I don't get the 'heroes' tag they have either.  Sure they go to shitty parts of the world that I wouldn't want to go to, but what were they expecting when they did their training to become a soldier?  To be able to stay at home 52 weeks a year and occasionally support the Queen at the trooping of the colours and help out during the odd power cut or the occasional riot in London?    I'm not slating them, but i don't get why they are treated as heroes.  It would be different if they were civvies and were being called up against their will, (like it used to be many years ago,) but these are men that chose to be soldiers.

JMHO of course...


Also agree with Eileen that the woman gloating over taking over the X factor at number one just invited negativity..   

I couldn't agree with you more, Sparkles.  I am also deeply disturbed at the way in which the media in the UK gloryfies the illegal invasion and occupation of other countries by British troops.


In respect of the opening post, I haven't heard this song and have no wish to.  But whilst I agreed that the comments which have been reportedly made are unpleasant, I think this is like any other situation where someone chooses to put themselves in the public arena - rightly or wrongly, people will always pass judgment on the appearance, personal life etc of people in the public eye.

Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I couldn't agree with you more, Sparkles.  I am also deeply disturbed at the way in which the media in the UK gloryfies the illegal invasion and occupation of other countries by British troops.


In respect of the opening post, I haven't heard this song and have no wish to.  But whilst I agreed that the comments which have been reportedly made are unpleasant, I think this is like any other situation where someone chooses to put themselves in the public arena - rightly or wrongly, people will always pass judgment on the appearance, personal life etc of people in the public eye.

Thanks growly.  Seems that opinions are divided when it comes to soldiers/war/army etc... and some are clearly offended... (presumably because they have men in their family in the forces)  So are we supposed to agree with them and change our views because someone is offended that we have a different view?  Life just isn't like that...,


People being 'disgusted' doesn't make the opinions of mine - or anyone else on here who does not fervently support the troops - any less valid.  And I must say the remarks about how it's 'easy to judge and make smart remarks from behind a keyboard' puzzled me.  Everyone on this forum, and any other, posts from behind their keyboard.  Those kind of remarks aren't necessary, just because someone doesn't agree with you. 


And as I said, many years ago, many of the people in this country at war had no choice other than to go... these days, they do have a choice. 


For the record by the way, I wasn't the one who started on about whether or not the soldiers are 'heroes' or about there supposedly being more worthy charities or whatever: In my opening post: I just mentioned the woman and her tattooes and how she was being attacked for them.  Just thought I would mention that.


I'm also a bit concerned about the hero worship despite my son being in the Army. He addressed it himself when I spoke to him at Christmas. He would leave tomorrow if he had some of the security he has now. He worked his way up to his earning potential now, rather than only earning more by going away for 6 to 8 months. He's been in the job now for 12 years and realised quite early on how much they were being manipulated, but he was still in the grip of the adventure and then he was married and the boys arrived. I think he's made the right decision now even though we also had the argument of the centuary when he told me he was going to join up.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by machel:

I was and am disgusted by some remarks, but i have not asked anyone to change their opinions or said they are less valid,  (some peoples opinions are worse than disgusting but they are still entitled to them)


for the record i was responding to 2 posts made by fm's in the first instance

But that is just YOUR view.  In MY view, some of the actions of the UK's armed forces and the politicians who sent them into an illegal war in countries such as Iraq are disgusting.  however, I do recognise that it is my opinion, and I don't believe that I have the right to tell anyone else that their opinions are disgusting - who is to say who is wrong and who is right? 

Originally Posted by machel:

of course i can tell people that their opinions disgust me!  ( in as much i tell them when they delight me) as it is MY opinion,  what i will not do is tell people to change their opinion, as it is THEIR opinion, it isn't a question of who is right or wrong

There's a very big difference between telling someone that YOU find their opinions disgusting and in saying that their views actually ARE disgusting.  I find many of the jingoistic comments made about the British armed forces disgusting, but I do realise that my opinion is not necessarily the same as everyone else's.  The fact that one person finds something disgusting does NOT mean that it IS!  

Originally Posted by machel:

since i would not wish to turn this into some sort of slanging match i will make the following comment and leave,


i have stated my own opinion and given my opinion on other peoples opinions,  i am able to do both,  i have not stated whose is right or wrong, merely that i can state my opinions on both

By stating in your posts that 'some people's opinions are worse than disgusting', I think that  makes it pretty clear that you are saying you consider some people's opinions are wrong! 


The tattoos look horrible.  MY opinion. 

I doubt she gives a toss what I think; nor should she.  If she does, then she really should have thought about where she had them 'etched' because they are prominent and hard to not notice.



I hope that all fathers, sons and husbands return home safely to their families.

And given that it is the festive season and I'm at liberty to see EVERY member of my family whenever I choose to, I suggest we cut a bit of slack to those - regardless of our political leanings - who have no such luxury and who must be missing their loved ones at such a time.


It would be kinder to discuss the OP,  don't you think..?



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