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Denise is your winner

46 mins ago

She went in a loose woman and will be leaving as a bit of a Celebrity Big Brother legend.


Known for her outspoken and outlandish ways and not one to shy away from the public eye, Denise was one of the housemates that entered with the public having certain expectations of what type of housemate she would make - and she certainly didn't disappoint…


Denise's volatile relationship with Michael played a big role in her (and his) time in the House – they were on and off throughout their whole time in the House with consistent bust ups and make ups. It came to a head when Michael had a few harsh words to say about Denise during surprise live nominations. The two since made up, broke up, and made up again. In fact their current status is largely undefined, but a rumour that did infiltrate inside the House, was that Denise held a small flame for Michael – feelings that were not reciprocated.  He often told her to leave him alone, and found her too much to handle at times.


This however, was far from all Denise had to offer as she took on the role of 'mum' to Kirk and Frankie, the younger lads in the House. The boys would often go to Denise for reassurance and cuddles, as well as the opposite way round. Coincidentally, Kirk and Frankie did feature in one of Denise's key moments of the show – naked hot tub saga on Frankie's birthday. Everyone in the House had been drinking and celebrating, and the evening ended up with Denise stripping down to her pants and jumping in the Jacuzzi with Kirk and Frankie (who of course thought it was brilliant). The other women in the House came to her rescue, persuading Denise to put a top on and go to bed. This was perhaps the Denise that most were awaiting to emerge, and it certainly created a buzz in the House, and in the outside world.


A friendship that the Corrie star was quick to form was with Eastenders' star Natalie Cassidy, and the two bonded over their love of chatting, cooking and down to earth outlook. The moment that initially brought them together was a secret task set by Big Brother whereby the voices of Jedward directed the two of them to collect certain items from the House without the others knowing about it. It made for hilarious viewing, and set Denise in good speed with the public and her other housemates. You can't say she wasn't a team player.


What arguably claimed the title of Denise's key moment in the House was her spat with Nicola and the twins. That fateful night was not only central to her time in the House, but for the whole series in general.  It's safe to say she had a passion for flashin'! Relationships were however amended in the following days and she leaves on good terms with the others.


It was an emotional  journey for Denise in the Big Brother House with her experiencing many highs, many lows, and most important of all – the night of her life sharing a single bed with Romeo. Not a moment she'll be forgetting any time soon we suspect.


All in all, Denise Welch made for an epic Celebrity Big Brother housemate, and undoubtedly created some of the highlights of this series. She is your winner!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 23: Best bits of the series

40 mins ago

The most famous house in the country closes it's doors for another series. Relive the best, most star-studded and sensational moments from this year's Celebrity Big Brother 2012 with our highlights montage.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Series round-up

28 mins ago

It's all over, then! Now that Denise has been crowned as the winner and the Big Brother House is completely empty, it's a good time for us to look back over some of the best bits of the series. There's been drama, comedy and some heart-warming moments, along with an unfulfilled romance between Kirk and Georgia (and absolutely zero romance for self-proclaimed ladies' man Frankie)! It's been a blast…

Let's rewind to day one then, where Natalie undertook her social suicide task. We also saw Andrew confessing his sexuality to the other housemates, and the beginnings of his bromance with Michael, which was one of the stand-out stories from our first week (along with Kirk's crush on Irish beauty Georgia). There were tasks galore, too, with both Jodie Marsh AND Jedward entering the House over the week! When nominations finally arrived, we saw Andrew and Georgia being placed up for eviction, in the end it was the starman whose fairytale ended early.

Georgia was overjoyed, but her happy ending was turned into a nightmare by Big Brother on day 7 when she was asked to choose the next two housemates to face the public vote. She picked Nicola and Natasha. On day 8 we saw a rift forming between Michael and Denise, which ultimately never healed. The twins gave Frankie's clothes a soaking on that day, and a very sexy party was held in their honour. Frankie and Kirk got at least a couple of kisses from the girls here - SCORE!

After Natasha's eviction we saw some more shenanigans from our celebrities in the hot tub, and the sad end of any chance of romance between Kirk and Georgia. With spirits seeming low, Big Brother sent in some of its wackiest tasks yet in the form of 'sweet dreams' and 'minute to get in it'. After another night of rock and roll debauchery for Frankie's birthday, the House seemed in a better mood. That was until Georgia was shown the door on day 14: unfortunately for our housemates, Big Brother had yet another trick up its sleeve that night…

Immediately after this eviction, Big Brother announced that the housemates would have to nominate face-to-face. After a lot of moaning the nominations took place, which resulted in only Gareth escaping the public vote. With drama seemingly reaching a new high, the last thing the housemates thought they needed was another stressful situation, sadly, Big Brother disagreed. The shredder task was ended in only two seconds by Nicola, who had been desperate to speak to her family for a while. The other housemates seemed OK with this luckily, and those who got letters from home greatly appreciated being given the chance to read them.

The next eviction was shocking for both our housemates and the public: the surprise double eviction saw Natalie and Kirk evicted, who were very well-loved on the outside. Life went on in the House though, with some of our more gullible celebrities finding a new found fame on the Japanese sensation β€˜Super Chat’ and Frankie proving his un-bee-lievable brain-power to the nation. It was just after this that the House experienced its biggest drama…

When Denise pulled Karissa's trousers down, the playboy model didn't seem too happy. The twins didn't take kindly to having their bodies exposed on camera, and an argument ensued which eventually consumed most of the House. All seemed to be forgotten the next day, but an argument of such magnitude hasn't been forgotten by the public. Michael and Denise's clash of personalities was still apparent within the House, too, which has arguably come a close second in the drama stakes.

The next double eviction saw Nicola and Romeo evicted.

The twins came out in fifth place. The competitve two took it in their stride and graciously exited the house. Next up coming fourth place was Hollywood legend Michael Madsen who was in no doubt relieved to be out of the house. Loveable rugby player Gareth glided straight into third place. The chap was so happy with his once in a lifetime experiece in the house. 

As Denise and Frankie grasped nevoulsy and tightly to eachother the public (and us!) waited with baited breath as brian declared Denise the winner of Big Brother 2012. Whoa, what a journey its been.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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