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I don't tip the postman, or the dustbinmen. I would tip the window cleaner, but he never seems to come round Christmas week.


I'm a bit mean about tipping - I only tip in a restaurant if the service has been excellent (the young lad in Jamie's Italian yesterday got a whacking great tip - he was brilliant, really polite and knew about every dish - where is came from, how it was cooked etc). I never tip my hairdresser (she charges a fortune anyway). I always tip taxi drivers.


I tip my milkman (fiver) - my window cleaner (fiver) - I buy cakes and a pressie for my hairdressers little girl (I tip her every time anyway). Always tip the taxi drivers (never a huge amount though). Last year I gave my postie chocs and wine as she went out of her way in what was a very difficult time (re the snow etc).


Looking ^^^^^^ I feel a bit stingy but I wont change anything 

Soozy Woo


We tip 'em all
The postie because he delivers just OUR post to OUR house and he's an all round damn good bloke.
The rubbish collectors; they're a private company and will come out 24-7 if we're overspilling
The milkman - of course.  We scratch each others backs.
Hairdresser - a token box set of perfume/toiletries
Anyone who makes my life easier during the year gets a token of appreciation.
Why wouldn't you..?  Then again, a kind word or an offer of a cuppa is hardly going to kill you.  The rewards are ten fold in the coming year.


I tip the window cleaner. Posty no, we never have the same one, and at work we can get three to four postman deliver in the same day?   Today we had two postmen pass each other through our office door.


Bin men, no way, they're awful and lazy (well the ones that come to my street are), they drop rubbish all over out of the bins and leave it there.  I'll stop now about bin men.


(Apart from...remember when we had metal bins and they used to come and lift it from inside your gate and carry it to the wagon)......breathes

Originally Posted by Syd:

I haven't seen a milkman in years.....

We've purposely given him the business as he's obviously dearer than the supermarkets.

But if it means that it keeps him in a job, plus the older community from being held hostage to the costs of the 'corner shop' or the effort of going in to town, then it's worth it.


As for the bin men..... the best thing we ever did was opt out from the council collection.

Having watched the continued spats, uproar, chaos and general mess that this recycling joke has caused, it's been worth every penny.

Originally Posted by Syd:

I haven't seen a milkman in years.....

I love my milkman ...................the last one retired a few years ago - I never saw him- just left the money out in the bottle on a Friday night. I see him once a year at the local airport - we both go to Turkey on holiday on the same flight (yes it's a teeny world where I live).


My new milkman knocks the door about five o'clock on a Friday - we always have a bit of banter. I'm so glad I moved away from the madness of London - village life is cosy!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Syd:

I reckon my dustmen should tip me, the amount of trouble I have to go to ensure my rubbish is sorted and neat enough and in the right place to be taken away by them

^^^ this    


I'd never dream of tipping the lazy sods.     Last year in the snow - our council had their tradesmen out clearing snow from schools, old folks homes etc.   The bin men got all militant and refused to move out their warm bothy. 


I thought we were only talking about tipping posties, milkmen and paperboys.


As well as tipping my paperboy, I also tip takeaway delivery drivers, taxi drivers, waiting staff, my hairdresser, and I used to tip the guy who cleaned my wheelie bin, until Mr Yogi bought a powerwasher and decided he wanted to do it.


I don't have a milkman or a window cleaner.

Originally Posted by nuts:

On the odd occasion I get a pizza Kaffy, I round the amount up and just say keep the change, so I guess that's termed as tipping? 

Works for me..     if the change is only 10p or something i'll sometimes give them another 50p or so if the guy doesn't look too dodgy.    If he does I wait for the 10p back.


Our window cleaners stopped coming round in the summer so no, no tips for them.  We don't have a milkman but we did used to tip the one we had, usually a scarf or tin of sweets coz he refused money, he said he only did the job to keep busy and would never accept any cash.


I always tip takeaway drivers anyway no matter what time of year and some of the taxi men depending on how nice they are during the journey.


The binmen got ÂĢ15 and the spudman got a fiver.  The binmen get a larger tip because they empty the bins AND take any binbags left out, even if I was to leave out 6 binbags they'd just take them.  Also because my OH cleans the bins and a huge chunk of his money this week came from tips so he knows how much these guys appreciate the tips coz he knows them all well because they often cross paths on their runs.


So far this week he's had over ÂĢ200 in tips, a tin of roses, bottle of wine, selection box, box of chocs, tin of out of date biscuits and some other wee bits and pieces.  It's just nice that people do appreciate that he works hard and always does their bin no matter what the weather.


i tip my hairdresser,taxi drivers and tip in restaurants,missed the window cleaner this year so he'll have a post christmas tip.


bin men? way jose...ours are awful..i forgot to put my bin out this morning,heard the truck and ran out and the lorry was about 2 houses down from ours...i called out 'Sorry i forgot!could you take my bin please'.......answer...'Nah love you've missed collection this week'.........they were 2 houses down ffs! i said 'You are joking?'.......'well if you bring it down yourself it'll be ok' was the i had to take it to the lorry myself....miserable barstewards!

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i tip my hairdresser,taxi drivers and tip in restaurants,missed the window cleaner this year so he'll have a post christmas tip.


bin men? way jose...ours are awful..i forgot to put my bin out this morning,heard the truck and ran out and the lorry was about 2 houses down from ours...i called out 'Sorry i forgot!could you take my bin please'.......answer...'Nah love you've missed collection this week'.........they were 2 houses down ffs! i said 'You are joking?'.......'well if you bring it down yourself it'll be ok' was the i had to take it to the lorry myself....miserable barstewards!

it really annoys me that one of my neighbours stays in bed till the afternoon and misses the bin men every week and the next day they come out and empty it for her  yet if you put a bag out with your bin they won't take it 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

i tip my hairdresser,taxi drivers and tip in restaurants,missed the window cleaner this year so he'll have a post christmas tip.


bin men? way jose...ours are awful..i forgot to put my bin out this morning,heard the truck and ran out and the lorry was about 2 houses down from ours...i called out 'Sorry i forgot!could you take my bin please'.......answer...'Nah love you've missed collection this week'.........they were 2 houses down ffs! i said 'You are joking?'.......'well if you bring it down yourself it'll be ok' was the i had to take it to the lorry myself....miserable barstewards!

it really annoys me that one of my neighbours stays in bed till the afternoon and misses the bin men every week and the next day they come out and empty it for her  yet if you put a bag out with your bin they won't take it 

blimey they come out the next day?  .i missed ours by about 20 seconds and they wouldn't come back for it!.....i've also seen our bin men pull next doors bin( which was rather full this particular time) down to the lorry and a bag fell out of the bin onto her drive....they just left it there,when i asked if they were going to pick it up they said 'it's not in the bin love,not our job' i put ihad to put in mine and they emptied it.


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