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According to Aaron's twitter last week - him and Faye have already moved in together!    Talk about rushing things!  I guess they will come out with old chestnut 'because you're together 24/7 in that house, after 10 weeks, it's like you've been together for a year.  Thing is though; it's not 'real life' in there, and that is why most relationships end shortly after.  


I guess also, that Aaron was keen to move in with Faye, so he didn't have to go to her horrendous family's house to see Faye.  The monster in law and the bitch from hell sister-in-law Jem!    (And that to$$ser of a boyfriend of Jem's too!)

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Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:

I guess also, that Aaron was keen to move in with Faye, so he didn't have to go to her horrendous family's house to see Faye.  The monster in law and the bitch from hell sister-in-law Jem!    (And that to$$ser of a boyfriend of Jem's too!)

They've been planning it for a while, so there was some discussion of this when Faye moved-in last week. Apparently they were both living with their respective mothers when they came out of the BB house so there was already some pressure on them finding place(s) of their own. (Prior to entering BB, Faye had been living briefly with Jemma, but that was clearly not going to continue afterwards...) Aaron would also be keen to have a place of his own where he could have his son round.


Personally, I wouldn't advise anyone to move-in that soon in their relationship, but what do I know? Buddy Holly proposed to his future wife on their first date. Jay and Louise haven't moved quite that fast, but they still make Faaron look extremely cautious by comparison...

Eugene's Lair



Aaron had his own house that he gave up when he went into BB

Faye had been living with Jem but went back to Chrissy after BB


according to Faye the house share was agreed while they were still in BB


[ we wernt privvy to this info not having live feed]


Aaron and Chrissy  are on friendly terms so all is well


I am assuming Faye and Aarons Son have now met as he posted yesterday he wont be getting his tree till the lad is better and can go with him to pick it 


Yes it is a bit soon but they seem very happy and grounded and adult about the way they are going about life outside the BB house


Louise is sharing Jays penthouse flat in Newcastle according to Jay until they have a Family and then they will get a house near to Manchester so they are living together as well and as we know have announced the engagement 


The younger generation dont seem to *do* lengthy getting to know you courting anymore and thinking about it I didnt for very long the second time around 



Harry and Anton seem very bitter  from the bits I read 


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Aaron had his own house that he gave up when he went into BB

Faye had been living with Jem but went back to Chrissy after BB


according to Faye the house share was agreed while they were still in BB


[ we wernt privvy to this info not having live feed]

Yes, that's really interesting - although I suspect "personal discussions" such as that would have been cut from LF anyway.


However it just illustrates once more that the "constantly rowing" impression of Faaron's relationship that we were fed was overly-simplistic at best, and there were huge numbers of "relationship" chats that simply "didn't happen" due to the absence of LF. (While by contrast, the lack of LF possibly helped Jay-Lou, by not highlighting the long periods - sometimes days - when they would barely talk to one-another...)

Eugene's Lair

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