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Tried to find the original thread but too many pages to go back to so I gave up  I love this programme, enjoyed the last series and am enjoying this one. Their beliefs have been challenged and of course we all have different beliefs that feel right or personal for us. Personally although I don't agree with everything they believe in from the Bible I wouldn't try to change or challenge them. Their beliefs harm no one, it's a Community belief that keeps them together as a family and extended family and they all seem so happy, contented and at peace within themselves and personally I enjoy seeing that.


Whatever views, lifestyle, or experiences the Brits share with them I can't imagine it changing anything in the Amish community belief, but I have a feeling that the Amish way of living is/will have an impact on the visiting Brits. How long that will last when they return home who knows.

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I'm really enjoying this programme, and also watched the one where the Amish teenagers came to live with families in Britain.

The producers have chosen a good bunch of teenagers and I believe they will take something from this experience. The barn raising was a wonderful example of a community working together for the benefit of one of their group and for no personal gain - other than a sense of well-being at helping others.

Whilst the Amish lifestyle is not for me (no electricity means no laptop which means no forum) I do think our society could learn a lot from their sense of community.


I was gobsmacked at how 'liberal' thinking for Amish people the home they went to was - women allowed to work in the work shop   that's progressive for Amish 


I couldn't be doing with the rules or religion but I love the sense of community with the Amish and I have a feeling the boys will take much more on board than the girls because the girls see themselves as slaves, chained to the kitchen sink where as the boys are getting in there with the barn raising and a good honest days work 


The girls had better get a chance at an Amish quilting session that's all I can say 


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