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No, it's not what's the best  Sorry, maybe a long post coming up


The girl I work with is 50 in the middle of the month. I'm doing her collection at work and I have in mind a better mobile than she has (it's old). She only needs a basic one, texts, calls and music. The one she's got only holds one tune and she has to get her daughter to change it every so often.

She's on a contract with o2 and I went into the shop in town a few weeks ago to ask if we could buy her a phone (dependent on the cost) They showed me two phones for what I think we might get in collections. One I liked, the other I didn't. Can I go elsewhere to buy a sim free mobile that would fit the bill rather than buying from 02? 

Can any of you knowing bods out there help me? 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Sprouty, I assume that you could buy just about anything that she could put her sim card in, but I'm no expert so I'll shuddup!


While we're on the topic, I'm thinking of getting an iphone 4s next week, anyone got one? is it worth it, or shall i just get the iphone4?

Thanks Super  


I don't deal in Apple, but I'm sure I've seen an article about I-phones in the pooter magazine I buy, on the Metro going home tonight. I'll have a look for you tomorrow  

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Sprouty, I assume that you could buy just about anything that she could put her sim card in, but I'm no expert so I'll shuddup!


While we're on the topic, I'm thinking of getting an iphone 4s next week, anyone got one? is it worth it, or shall i just get the iphone4?

I've been looking at the iphone 3gs (my bro just got one) and it looks great, im not one to pay over the odds lol Cant see how much of an upgrade it can be..... but i bet im wrong

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Sprouty, I assume that you could buy just about anything that she could put her sim card in, but I'm no expert so I'll shuddup!


While we're on the topic, I'm thinking of getting an iphone 4s next week, anyone got one? is it worth it, or shall i just get the iphone4?

Soops...  the main benefit of the 4s over the 4 is not so much the better camera..   its the Siri voice recognition... 


its bloody amazing... 


you can say to it..  "play me a song"..    it will go & find something it thinks you might be in the mood for...   you say "no, find me something slower"..   it makes apologies & goes & finds you a power ballad or sommat!


Tis really good.


Get the 4S

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
3 16gb and recently got my son a 4. The major differences seem to be with photos! I know that O2 are still doing deals on 3. Try the website. Someone will talk through the pros and cons in a chat set up!

I know they will! But no 02 for me, only network I can get even a smidgeon of a signal here is vodaphone

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Soops...  the main benefit of the 4s over the 4 is not so much the better camera..   its the Siri voice recognition... 


its bloody amazing... 


you can say to it..  "play me a song"..    it will go & find something it thinks you might be in the mood for...   you say "no, find me something slower"..   it makes apologies & goes & finds you a power ballad or sommat!


Tis really good.


Get the 4S

I know  And you can 'talk in' your replies to texts etc. etc. I am rather taken with that idea and there's v little difference price wise between the 4 and 4s. Prob's won't use half of the stuff on there, but I do need a new phone, (contract out on old one last month.) I have a work blackberry and I really don't rate that at all, so I  definitely won't be getting one of those, even 'though it would cost me nothing!


I'm one of those people that thinks texting is a bit technical, so an iphone has never even entered my radar.   Reading Baz's posts though - I WANT ONE NOW  ... are they easy to get work?   (I've got one of those android thingies... I always take the upgrades when they come up but i've only just worked out how to get online...)

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Ooooooo we're all going to have an iphone love in

Nah, I'll stick with my Sony Ericson T280i. I very rarely use it and no-one calls me on it, unless it's hubby calling me back for something.


The most it gets used is for texting my sisters (one in London and one in Dorset) when I am travelling to visit one or other of them.


Last time I visited I forgot to check on how much money was in my phone and ended up texting my sister to phone hubby to let him know when the train would arrive at Wishaw..'cos I didn't have enough left to phone, but did have enough to text and he doesn't know where to find the text messages!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:


Last time I visited I forgot to check on how much money was in my phone and ended up texting my sister to phone hubby to let him know when the train would arrive at Wishaw..'cos I didn't have enough left to phone, but did have enough to text and he doesn't know where to find the text messages!

dont forget you can text your home phone and it produces an animated message of your text when answered 


my lad does it all the time - some of the translations are very funny but  understandable 


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