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Very interesting programme, almost made me jealous of their tranquille commited society. My only gripe was why were the kids from the UK nearly all from the South East, when they were supposed to be a representation of the UK, typical Channel 4 programme developers again can't see past the M25. Aso why do they always pick mailnly lazy thick slackers to be put forward for the show, I'm sure there are some clever hard working teenagers somewhere in the UK. Still enjoyed it though, looking forward to next weeks show.

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I enjoyed the last series so was looking forward to this one where Brit teenagers get to experience the Amish lifestyle. I was concerned that the ones chosen would be an embarassment, and yes they're lazy but in general were respectful to the family they stayed with.


I have a feeling the boy who's spent time in care and lives in a hostel will enjoy feeling part of a community, I could see the change in him after his first week. Personally I'd love to spend time with the Amish, I enjoy their simplicity and almost purity of life and have total espect for their hard working ways. Looking forward to the next episode

Yellow Rose

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