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I love 'may the best house win' on itv in the afternoon. I love looking round other peoples houses!


Do you think your house reflects your personality? If so, what does it say

Or do you invest so much time in your house to fool others that is you... when really you have got it out of page 43 of the ikea cataloge and you added the throw at the jaunty angle to pretend thats 'just the way it fell together'


Do you have absolute NO NO's that you would rather eat raw brains than have in your house or are you good at making the best of everything.


houseproud / or not



.... the questions are endless.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mine says i spend too much time online lol as its a bit chaotic.


When i cancel the internet subs my house is pretty organised, it's not dirty atm just a little rough around the edges. So i wouldnt say im houseproud.


I do try to invest in a colour scheme in each room though and buy little bits here and there for shelves/windowsils that compliment the colour scheme.


Its odd because I wouldnt say im 'houseproud' as the word suggests a mrs bucket type person but I do like it to look nice. Only because I want to feel relaxed in it and I cant relax if its a mess.

However if i had a house full of guest for xmas or something, id ignore any mess because xmas is meant to be a bit of a mess...


if you know what i mean.


I get you, i'm the opposite i think i keep ontop of things (cos with 3 kids if i didnt it would take a day to clean 1 room) but i can sit quite happily in a little mess as long ive not got visitors coming/here. Like right now i have a basket of clean washng sat on my dining table that needs sorting out and putting away (i dont iron!!) and a few things that could be put back in their place but im not too bothered cos its only me and kids that see it


Mine says 'fairy light obsessive lives here' at the moment!!! if you go snooping you will soon deduce that I hate ironing (there is a mountain of it stashed in a corner upstairs).....that I love cosy and comfy things....and that I am proud of my home but not houseproud!!! The nicest thing that people have ever said is that our home feels like home....thankfully, they didn't try and move in!!!!


My home says that this is a family of music and film obsessives.  Between 4 of us, we have a massive collection of DVDs CDs, and video games, And also a few 100 books - some fiction, some not.  We also have film posters in frames, and film cells and models and figurines in display cabinets from films and cult tv... Also big cardboard display things that we got from Asda and Sainsburys of some of our fave films.  The general decor is very warm (terracottas, burgundys, peaches, mahoganeys, magnolias, and dark coloured woods throughout.)  


Also we have nice smelling candles, incense, and lots of plants and ornaments from all the countries we've visited., and lots of cat ornaments and pictures, and about 25 or so family pics on display throughout the house; about half of me and hubby with our 2 daughters and the other half of extended family and the weddings we have been to (including ours and my brother's; where our daughters were bridesmaids..'  Our home is very warm and cosy and I love it.


Mine smells of orange and clove candles....that, combined with the fact that the fire is on and the crimbo lights are twinkling is making me feel very cosy and long as I stay here in the lounge....a trip to the kitchen reminds me that other people actually live here and need feeding....I think I'll stay on the sofa!!!


Mine says: cosy; homely; welcoming; lived in; some nice things but not 'showy'; clean but not pristine; fairly tidy but not obsessively so; some personal bits and bobs but no 'clutter.' There are usually nice smells going on: cooking, scented candles etc. Things kinda 'go together' but it's an eclectic mix of stuff, (I hate matchy with a passion!)...All in all a nightmare for anyone who prefers 'modern' 'minamalist' 'clean lines' etc etc.


Mine screams of... 


money too tight to mention for quite a while now, hubby not big on DIY, kids lazy inconsiderate gits, mother given up trying 



We'll get there...  if not before then when the little plumbers have fled the nest...   In the meantime, just gotta try not to let it get me down, lifes too short to be miserable day in day out 

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

My flat is tiny. Its in a Georgian Grade II listed building which looks slightly grand on the outside, but is a tad scruffy [and leaky ] inside. Its seen better days a bit like myself 

  Actually, it sounds nice Rosie.. I love Georgian and Edwardian and Victorian homes.  Ours in a mid 1940s house.  Nice and roomy with a big loft and all, but I do like 100+  year old homes.

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

My flat is tiny. Its in a Georgian Grade II listed building which looks slightly grand on the outside, but is a tad scruffy [and leaky ] inside. Its seen better days a bit like myself 

  Actually, it sounds nice Rosie.. I love Georgian and Edwardian and Victorian homes.  Ours in a mid 1940s house.  Nice and roomy with a big loft and all, but I do like 100+  year old homes.

Thanks Sparkles. It comes with old fashioned sash windows. None of your double glazed luxury...brrrrrrr in the winter!

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

My flat is tiny. Its in a Georgian Grade II listed building which looks slightly grand on the outside, but is a tad scruffy [and leaky ] inside. Its seen better days a bit like myself 

  Actually, it sounds nice Rosie.. I love Georgian and Edwardian and Victorian homes.  Ours in a mid 1940s house.  Nice and roomy with a big loft and all, but I do like 100+  year old homes.

Thanks Sparkles. It comes with old fashioned sash windows. None of your double glazed luxury...brrrrrrr in the winter!

Out with the thermal knickers then !!! 

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

My flat is tiny. Its in a Georgian Grade II listed building which looks slightly grand on the outside, but is a tad scruffy [and leaky ] inside. Its seen better days a bit like myself 

  Actually, it sounds nice Rosie.. I love Georgian and Edwardian and Victorian homes.  Ours in a mid 1940s house.  Nice and roomy with a big loft and all, but I do like 100+  year old homes.

Thanks Sparkles. It comes with old fashioned sash windows. None of your double glazed luxury...brrrrrrr in the winter!

Out with the thermal knickers then !!! 



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