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After last night's celeb where Willy and Chrissy were unhappy about the cave task and then Ant and Dec came in tell them that Emily had been kicked out, all the other's face's were like thunder and Emily said they were unhappy, anyway, i've just seen her doing an interview saying it had all kicked off between Anthony and Willy over the task


What with the time difference, surely what we saw was the day before's action and if that bit is live were Ant and Dec came in wouldn't the cave the morning after argument not be shown till today  it make's sense in my head anyway 

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I'm not sure Aimee.  It was a bit confusing wasn't it?  

I did think though, that the reaction from Willie and Crissy was ridiculous.  I mean, Dougie and Antony weren't responsible for it, and it wasn't their fault that the two didn't guess it was them as the pranksters.  Jeeeez, what a couple of whingers.

I wouldn't have cried if I had been Antony, I would have said 'it's not our fault, it was controlled by the programme makers: get over yourselves!'  Or are Willie and Crissy from this brigade of people who think that young people should resepct older folk no matter what they do or how they behave, just because they're 20 years older than them?    Willie and Crissy need to grow up.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

The eviction is shown 'live' in the morning and the action is from the day before, so they must spend all night editing it.


Not sure how long the whingers stayed in the dungeon.

I was just thinking that seeing as we are a day behind them that the show we watched last night (tues) must have been what happened on Monday, so the next morning would have been Tuesday but they was saying it was Wedensday morning there 

Originally Posted by sparkles:

I'm not sure Aimee.  It was a bit confusing wasn't it?  

I did think though, that the reaction from Willie and Crissy was ridiculous.  I mean, Dougie and Antony weren't responsible for it, and it wasn't their fault that the two didn't guess it was them as the pranksters.  Jeeeez, what a couple of whingers.

I wouldn't have cried if I had been Antony, I would have said 'it's not our fault, it was controlled by the programme makers: get over yourselves!'  Or are Willie and Crissy from this brigade of people who think that young people should resepct older folk no matter what they do or how they behave, just because they're 20 years older than them?    Willie and Crissy need to grow up.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I was just thinking that seeing as we are a day behind them that the show we watched last night (tues) must have been what happened on Monday, so the next morning would have been Tuesday but they was saying it was Wedensday morning there 

As we are a day behind them, we get to see their Tuesday on our Tuesday show.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I was just thinking that seeing as we are a day behind them that the show we watched last night (tues) must have been what happened on Monday, so the next morning would have been Tuesday but they was saying it was Wedensday morning there 

As we are a day behind them, we get to see their Tuesday on our Tuesday show.

Got it  i can sleep easier tonight 


I think Emily said that they (Willy and Chrissie) came back in to camp at 4 o'clockish in the morning.I am very surprised at their nasty attitude towards Anthony and Dougie as surely they must realise that it was all set up and in the producers control not A&D.When we saw Ant and Dec go in the camp, it was about 9.45 A.M  their time,which made it 9.45 P.M our time. When we saw Emily on  this morning it was about 11. P.M. Australian time today, but 11. A.M for us. Australia is 12 hours in front of us, that's why on New years eve we al ways see Sidney celebrating  the new year first..........Phew.

Originally Posted by Sezit:

I think Emily said that they (Willy and Chrissie) came back in to camp at 4 o'clockish in the morning.I am very surprised at their nasty attitude towards Anthony and Dougie as surely they must realise that it was all set up and in the producers control not A&D.When we saw Ant and Dec go in the camp, it was about 9.45 A.M  their time,which made it 9.45 P.M our time. When we saw Emily on  this morning it was about 11. P.M. Australian time today, but 11. A.M for us. Australia is 12 hours in front of us, that's why on New years eve we al ways see Sidney celebrating  the new year first..........Phew.

Thank you, i'm having a blonde day today but i get it now 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Sezit:

I think Emily said that they (Willy and Chrissie) came back in to camp at 4 o'clockish in the morning.I am very surprised at their nasty attitude towards Anthony and Dougie as surely they must realise that it was all set up and in the producers control not A&D.When we saw Ant and Dec go in the camp, it was about 9.45 A.M  their time,which made it 9.45 P.M our time. When we saw Emily on  this morning it was about 11. P.M. Australian time today, but 11. A.M for us. Australia is 12 hours in front of us, that's why on New years eve we al ways see Sidney celebrating  the new year first..........Phew.

Thank you, i'm having a blonde day today but i get it now 

Awww.....Your welcome.

Originally Posted by sparkles:

I'm not sure Aimee.  It was a bit confusing wasn't it?  

I did think though, that the reaction from Willie and Crissy was ridiculous.  I mean, Dougie and Antony weren't responsible for it, and it wasn't their fault that the two didn't guess it was them as the pranksters.  Jeeeez, what a couple of whingers.

I wouldn't have cried if I had been Antony, I would have said 'it's not our fault, it was controlled by the programme makers: get over yourselves!'  Or are Willie and Crissy from this brigade of people who think that young people should resepct older folk no matter what they do or how they behave, just because they're 20 years older than them?    Willie and Crissy need to grow up.

In a word yes because that's how people were raised, to respect their elders.  Not a bad attitude to have IMO and perhaps we would have less stories like that lady in her 80's who was robbed trying to hang onto her handbag with her dead husband's ashes in it.  She wanted her ashes mixed with his after her death, her family are now appealing for the urn to be returned.


I don't believe having a few more miles on the clock gives you carte blanche to treat others participating in the same (highly paid) television programme as you, like crap for doing what the producers directed them to.  Not very professional.. and very revealing of an underlying unpleasant personality, particularly in Willie's case.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

     Whilst I applaud the 'respect your elders' thing in general (provided they deserve it)... I think in an environment like a Celebrity game show... all bets are off.



Willy and Chrissy's generation was raised with those standards, I know its only a game show but the attitudes you were raised with become part of you.  Yes I know Willy is a bit of an old moaner but he still deserves to be treated with more respect by the younger ones in my view.  As was George Takei and others of the older generation in earlier shows.


EDIT and at least Willy, old moaner that he is, is still head and shoulders above nasty Anthony, well not in inches but you know what I mean.


I don't understand how you feel they 'disrespected' him though, Squiggs?   They were carrying out the task...     Willie signed a contract like everyone else - they couldn't turn around and say 'Oh, we're not including Willie in this task because he's older than me'        How very patronising that would be.   


I had a lot of respect for George... I loved him, but he didn't expect special treatment by virtue of age.    TBH, it's not just an age thing - I get annoyed by any of them who feel they should have special treatment for any reason... all the 'excused for medical reasons' I believe is mainly nonsense.   If they're not fit enough for the show, they shouldn't be on.    Stephanie had lung cancer less than three years ago ... I don't recall her getting special attention either.  


I have no respect for Antony btw... he's an attention seeking drama queen.     



Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't understand how you feel they 'disrespected' him though, Squiggs?   They were carrying out the task...     Willie signed a contract like everyone else - they couldn't turn around and say 'Oh, we're not including Willie in this task because he's older than me'        How very patronising that would be.   


I had a lot of respect for George... I loved him, but he didn't expect special treatment by virtue of age.    TBH, it's not just an age thing - I get annoyed by any of them who feel they should have special treatment for any reason... all the 'excused for medical reasons' I believe is mainly nonsense.   If they're not fit enough for the show, they shouldn't be on.    Stephanie had lung cancer less than three years ago ... I don't recall her getting special attention either.  


I have no respect for Antony btw... he's an attention seeking drama queen.     



I agree  why should they be treated any different to the younger one's  they've played tricks like this before, someone had to put the fire out and blame someone else, can't remember who it was but it's part of the game that they are playing, Willy was carrying on as if they had robbed him at gun point and kept the loot

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't believe having a few more miles on the clock gives you carte blanche to treat others participating in the same (highly paid) television programme as you, like crap for doing what the producers directed them to.  Not very professional.. and very revealing of an underlying unpleasant personality, particularly in Willie's case.

Have to agree Kaffy.  I don't think that being a generation older than someone (or even two!)  automatically qualifies you to be 'respected.'  Respect is earned, and I will respect someone of FIFTEEN if they earn it.   I have never got this either tbh.  I would let someone who is clearly over 60/65 have my seat on the train or bus, and will happily open doors for them, but I would also do the same for a pregnant woman, and a young woman with kids, or a disabled person: anyone who I feel may need a seat more than me basically, or who may need the door opening.  In fact, I would hold the door open for almost anyone!


I treat everyone equally to be honest: all ages, all genders, and all sexual orientations, and don't see why anyone deserves more 'respect' than someone else.  I wouldn't be purposely rude to older people: but then I wouldn't be purposely rude to younger people or people my age either.  This rule that 'you should respect your elders' automatically simply because they are older, is out-dated  imo.  I am not going to have respect for someone who is 60-odd, just because they are a generation older than me, if they are a rude ignorant git.  


As I said, you have to earn respect; don't assume to get it because you're older than me.  Indeed, on the whole, I find more younger people (under 21) to be courteous and polite than I do people over 60 these days.  Willie was a prime example of an older person who is bloody rude and obnoxious and seems to think that because he is older, he 'deserves' respect.


That case of the old lady being mugged was awful and was tragic, but people of all ages get mugged and attacked, so I don't think it was because 'the young have no respect' that she was attacked.. This guy was an opportunist and would probably have grabbed the bag of a 20 year old if the chance had been there.

Originally Posted by LowonIQ:
I thought Willie's attitude was ridiculous and his behaviour was rude and ignorant. I could empathise with his hatred of lies, but he got it way out of context, strictly speaking they didn't lie, they merely carried out task instructions on a game show.

 it was basically a game of hide and seek, nothing got stolen just hid and then when Willie got his present from home he then never even thanked them 


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