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I had just passed my test and thought i'd show off my driving prowess

We live on a steep hill - so our drive is quite steep

I thought i wud park our car pointing UP the drive instead of down (as usual)

And wen people asked who did that i wud say ME !!!

Except i tried and lost control - rolling the car backwards, smashing it into the garage door, BANG!!!

I quickly returned the car to its original position and sed nothing

In the morning mum and bro got up and saw the damage,

"OMG look at the garage door" sed Mum

"Do you think someone tried to break in?" asked bro

"Erm ... you should call the Police" I trembled - knowing fine well they wouldn't


I've still never confessed to that one - i feel ashamed


Ahhhh white lies. All the time, can you imagine if you told people the truth, nobody tells people the truth, we would have no friends. 


(Q) Did i look/do/ ok?   (A) OF COURSE you did


I once heard a dead good quote, cant remember it word for word but it was something like " People lie to themselves all the time, what makes you think they wont lie to you".




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